3 and isset($JSON[$RADIO]) and !empty($JSON[$RADIO]['mapurl']) ) { if($same == '') { $URL = sprintf($NWRURL,$RADIO); } else { $URL = sprintf($NWRURL,$same); } $Status .= " running NWR_fetchUrlWithoutHanging\n"; list($headers,$content,$RC) = NWR_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($URL,false); $Status .= " returned from NWR_fetchUrlWithoutHanging RC=$RC\n"; if(preg_match('|\nLast-Modified: (.*)\r\n|Uis',$headers,$M)) { $lastModified = "Last-Modified: ".$M[1]; } else { $lastModified = ''; } if(isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) { header('Content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); $URL = sprintf($NWRURL,$RADIO); print "RADIO='$RADIO'\n"; print "NWRURL='$NWRURL'\n"; print "URL='$URL'\n"; print "radioZIP='$radioZIP'\n"; print $Status."\n"; print "JSON error: $error\n"; print "curl RC='$RC'\n"; print "Headers:\n".$headers."\n"; if($error!=='No JSON error') { print "----------raw JSON string----------------\n"; print $rawJSON; print "\n---------------------------------------\n"; } return; } //file_put_contents($radioZIP.'headers.txt',$headers); if(strlen($content) > 10) { header("Content-type: application/zip"); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($content)); if(strlen($lastModified) > 0) { header($lastModified); } print $content; return; } } else { # failed the tests header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); print "
\n"; print "bad request\n"; $URL = sprintf($NWRURL,$RADIO); print isset($RADIO)?"RADIO='$RADIO'\n":''; print isset($NWRURL)?"NWRURL='$NWRURL'\n":''; print "URL='$URL'\n"; print isset($radioZIP)?"radioZIP='$radioZIP'\n":''; print isset($Status)?$Status."\n":''; print isset($error)?"JSON error: $error\n":''; print isset($RC)?"curl RC='$RC'\n":''; print isset($headers)?"rawJSON Headers:\n".$headers."\n":''; if(isset($error) and $error!=='No JSON error') { print "----------raw JSON string----------------\n"; print $rawJSON; print "\n---------------------------------------\n"; } } # -------------------functions ------------------------------- function NWR_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($url,$useFopen) { // get contents from one URL and return as string global $Status, $needCookie; $overall_start = time(); if (! $useFopen) { // Set maximum number of seconds (can have floating-point) to wait for feed before displaying page without feed $numberOfSeconds=6; // Thanks to Curly from ricksturf.com for the cURL fetch functions $data = ''; $domain = parse_url($url,PHP_URL_HOST); $theURL = str_replace('nocache','?'.$overall_start,$url); // add cache-buster to URL if needed $Status .= " curl fetching '$theURL'\n"; $ch = curl_init(); // initialize a cURL session curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $theURL); // connect to provided URL curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // don't verify peer certificate curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (NWR-coverage.php - saratoga-weather.org)'); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, // request LD-JSON format array ( "Accept: application/zip" )); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); // connection timeout curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); // data timeout curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // return the data transfer curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, false); // set nobody curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); // include header information // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); // follow Location: redirect // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1); // but only one time if (isset($needCookie[$domain])) { curl_setopt($ch, $needCookie[$domain]); // set the cookie for this request curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true); // and ignore prior cookies $Status .= " cookie used '" . $needCookie[$domain] . "' for GET to $domain \n"; } $data = curl_exec($ch); // execute session if(curl_error($ch) <> '') { // IF there is an error $Status .= " curl Error: ". curl_error($ch) ." \n"; // display error notice } $cinfo = curl_getinfo($ch); // get info on curl exec. /* curl info sample Array ( [url] => http://saratoga-weather.net/clientraw.txt [content_type] => text/plain [http_code] => 200 [header_size] => 266 [request_size] => 141 [filetime] => -1 [ssl_verify_result] => 0 [redirect_count] => 0 [total_time] => 0.125 [namelookup_time] => 0.016 [connect_time] => 0.063 [pretransfer_time] => 0.063 [size_upload] => 0 [size_download] => 758 [speed_download] => 6064 [speed_upload] => 0 [download_content_length] => 758 [upload_content_length] => -1 [starttransfer_time] => 0.125 [redirect_time] => 0 [redirect_url] => [primary_ip] => [certinfo] => Array ( ) [primary_port] => 80 [local_ip] => [local_port] => 54156 ) */ $Status .= " HTTP stats: " . " RC=".$cinfo['http_code']; if(isset($cinfo['primary_ip'])) { $Status .= " dest=".$cinfo['primary_ip'] ; } if(isset($cinfo['primary_port'])) { $Status .= " port=".$cinfo['primary_port'] ; } if(isset($cinfo['local_ip'])) { $Status .= " (from sce=" . $cinfo['local_ip'] . ")"; } $Status .= "\n Times:" . " dns=".sprintf("%01.3f",round($cinfo['namelookup_time'],3)). " conn=".sprintf("%01.3f",round($cinfo['connect_time'],3)). " pxfer=".sprintf("%01.3f",round($cinfo['pretransfer_time'],3)); if($cinfo['total_time'] - $cinfo['pretransfer_time'] > 0.0000) { $Status .= " get=". sprintf("%01.3f",round($cinfo['total_time'] - $cinfo['pretransfer_time'],3)); } $Status .= " total=".sprintf("%01.3f",round($cinfo['total_time'],3)) . " secs \n"; //$Status .= "\n"; curl_close($ch); // close the cURL session //$Status .= "\n"; $i = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n"); $headers = substr($data,0,$i); $content = substr($data,$i+4); if($cinfo['http_code'] <> '200') { $Status .= " headers returned:\n".$headers."\n \n"; } return array($headers,$content,$cinfo['http_code']); // return headers+contents } else { // print "\n"; $STRopts = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'protocol_version' => 1.1, 'header'=>"Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n" . "Cache-control: max-age=0\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (NWR-coverage.php - saratoga-weather.org)\r\n" . "Accept: text/html,text/plain\r\n" ), 'https'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'protocol_version' => 1.1, 'header'=>"Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n" . "Cache-control: max-age=0\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (NWR-coverage.php - saratoga-weather.org)\r\n" . "Accept: text/html,text/plain\r\n" ) ); $STRcontext = stream_context_create($STRopts); $T_start = NWR_fetch_microtime(); $xml = file_get_contents($url,false,$STRcontext); $T_close = NWR_fetch_microtime(); #$headerarray = get_headers($url,0); #$theaders = join("\r\n",$headerarray); #$xml = $theaders . "\r\n\r\n" . $xml; $ms_total = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_close - $T_start,3)); $Status = " file_get_contents() stats: total=$ms_total secs \n"; $Status .= " get_headers returns\n".$theaders."\n \n"; // print " file() stats: total=$ms_total secs.\n"; $overall_end = time(); $overall_elapsed = $overall_end - $overall_start; $Status .= " fetch function elapsed= $overall_elapsed secs. \n"; // print "fetch function elapsed= $overall_elapsed secs.\n"; return($xml); } } // end NWR_fetchUrlWithoutHanging // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function NWR_fetch_microtime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // end of NWR-coverage.php