They're free, but use at your own risk
The scripts referenced here are used in the operation of this weather station, and may be freely copied and used to support your station. Please note that you use these scripts at your own risk. No warranty is expressed or implied. I accept no liability for any damages that may ensue from their use.
You will need to configure them for your own particular weather station website.
A RSS Feed is available to help keep you informed on updates to the scripts.
Many of these scripts are now available on GitHub at
A Version History is available -- check back from time to time to see if there are updates to scripts you have downloaded earlier.
Announcements of version updates and new scripts are made on and
Weather-Watch forums
and saratogaWXPHP Twitter account as they become available.
Note: Twitter widget has been disabled 3-Jul-2023 since it no longer displays the recent update Tweets.
This page was updated
Wednesday, 14-Aug-2024 7:40 AM scripts with a few mods...
Tom at has done a great job generating and freely sharing his PHP scripts for other sites to use. I started my own journey with PHP programming by using his scripts (and Larry's at Anole Computer) as learning examples, and I can't thank them enough for their sharing! With Tom's permission (and some encouragement), I've set up this page to have links to the carterlake scripts that I've modified for various puposes. Most of the mods have to do with formatting for XHTML 1.0-Strict output (even when the source page was not).
advforecast.php (NOAA Forecast for all NWS areas)
Note: as of 12-Mar-2007, the Western Region website ( now offers the point-printable forecasts in the same format as the other regional websites, so this script now works for WRH, ERH, SRH and CRH websites.
Tom's advforecast.php script takes the point-printable forecast from NOAA for Western, Eastern, Southern and Central region NOAA websites, and converts to a set of icons/conditions/temperatures and text forecast for inclusion on your webpage. My mods add XHTML 1.0-Strict output and the ability to handle a redirection for county forecasts (offered by in case a point-printable forecast is not available. See these threads for the erh2crh version (, and,22504.0.html ) The latest version of this script also offers automatic failover to the Zone forecast if the point-printable forecast is not available. Set "$NOAAZone = 'ssZnnn';" in the code for your NOAA warning zone.
The script supports the ?force=1 parameter to reload the cache file, and also a ?force=2 to load the cache file from the backup County Zone forecast.
To use, you'll need an icon set uploaded in the /forecast/images directory on your website, and to set the $fileName variable inside the script to the URL for the point-printable forecast.
With V2.06 and up, the new parsing of the failover Zone forecast requires additional icons (available below) to be placed on your website.
In July, 2015, the NOAA-NWS updated the icon set and provided a new dual-image icon to display 6-hour conditions for the 12-hour forecast icon. This icon is dynamically generated by a DualImage.php script (available below in the UPDATES file). With the DualImage.php script and associated icon templates installed, the V4.00+ version of advforecast2.php will support dynamic generation of dual images when needed. The script will fall-back to showing just the first 6-hour image if the DualImage.php is not available, OR if the meteotriviglio animated GIF images are used.
In June, 2017, the NWS website had planned a major renovation and would deprecate the use of /MapClick.php?lat={latitude}&lon={longitude} for finding the weather at your location. V5.00 of advforecast2.php now uses the new JSON feeds to generate the icons/forecast text as the V4.x and prior scripts would have no longer worked via page-scraping.
That conversion by NWS is on indefinite hold so either version V4.0x or V5.0x will work on your site at this time.
Also new with the V5.x script is the number of icons available rose from 9 to 14 and the option to display the old-format 9 icons or the new format with two rows of (up-to) 8 icons is controlled by one switch variable ($showTwoIconRows in the script, or $SITE['showTwoIconRows'] in Settings.php).
On February 27, 2018, the NWS switched to HTTPS only, so advforecast2.php V4.02 and earlier will not work as those versions supported only HTTP access. The advforecast2.php V4.03 was released to handle HTTPS access and should be the last release of the venerable page-scraper script. Please note that the Version 5.x script uses the beta JSON feed and already used HTTPS only.
The V5.09 script is included in the Base-USA Saratoga template. For those not wanting to use the beta code, you can download the V4.05 script below and use with your template. Both V4.05 and V5.x versions will continue to have support while the is still in beta test.
Note: to use either 4.0x or 5.0x version of the script, it is important to continue using the point-printable version of the URL for your location based on the current website. Your links should resemble:
with the &unit=0&lg=english&FcstType=text&TextType=2 at the end after the lat= and lon= arguments.
Tip: use NWS-info-map to quickly locate your desired forecast points and get copycode to put in the $NWSforecasts array.
Sample code
Sample included with:
$doIncludeNWS = true;
will show
National Weather Service Forecast for:
Saratoga, CA
Issued by: National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area/Monterey, CA |
Updated: Wed, 19-Feb-2025 2:07am PST |
 Partly Sunny
 Patchy Fog then Sunny
 Mostly Sunny
 Mostly Sunny
 Mostly Sunny
Hi 63 °F |
Hi 65 °F |
Hi 69 °F |
Hi 72 °F |
Hi 74 °F |
Hi 73 °F |
Hi 71 °F |
 Mostly Cloudy
Wednesday Night
 Partly Cloudy then Patchy Fog
Thursday Night
Friday Night
 Partly Cloudy
Saturday Night
 Partly Cloudy
Sunday Night
 Mostly Clear
Monday Night
 Partly Cloudy
Lo 45 °F |
Lo 43 °F |
Lo 41 °F |
Lo 44 °F |
Lo 48 °F |
Lo 49 °F |
Lo 48 °F |
Mostly cloudy. Low around 45, with temperatures rising to around 47 overnight. West southwest wind around 2 mph. |
Partly sunny. High near 63, with temperatures falling to around 57 in the afternoon. North wind 1 to 8 mph. |
Wednesday Night
Patchy fog after 5am. Partly cloudy, with a low around 43. Northwest wind around 6 mph. |
Patchy fog before 8am. Sunny, with a high near 65. Northwest wind 5 to 9 mph. |
Thursday Night
Clear, with a low around 41. Northwest wind 2 to 8 mph. |
Sunny, with a high near 69. |
Friday Night
Partly cloudy, with a low around 44. |
Mostly sunny, with a high near 72. |
Saturday Night
Partly cloudy, with a low around 48. |
Mostly sunny, with a high near 74. |
Sunday Night
Mostly clear, with a low around 49. |
Sunny, with a high near 73. |
Monday Night
Partly cloudy, with a low around 48. |
Mostly sunny, with a high near 71. |
Forecast from NOAA-NWS
for Saratoga, CA.
You can also include it 'silently' and print just a few (or all) the contents where you'd like it on the page
$doPrintNWS = false;
require("advforecast2.php"); ?>
then on your page, the following code would display just the current and next time period forecast:
<tr align="center" valign="top">
<?php print "<td>$forecasticons[0]</td><td>$forecasticons[1]</td>\n"; ?>
<tr align="center" valign="top">
<?php print "<td>$forecasttemp[0]</td><td>$forecasttemp[1]</td>\n"; ?>
 Mostly Cloudy
| Wednesday
 Partly Sunny
Lo 45 °F | Hi 63 °F |
Or if you'd like to include the immediate forecast with text for the next two cycles:
<tr valign="top">
<?php print "<td align=\"center\">$forecasticons[0]<br />$forecasttemp[0]</td>\n"; ?>
<?php print "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\">$forecasttext[0]</td>\n"; ?>
<tr valign="top">
<?php print "<td align=\"center\">$forecasticons[1]<br />$forecasttemp[1]</td>\n"; ?>
<?php print "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\">$forecasttext[1]</td>\n"; ?>
 Mostly Cloudy
Lo 45 °F |
Mostly cloudy. Low around 45, with temperatures rising to around 47 overnight. West southwest wind around 2 mph. |
 Partly Sunny
Hi 63 °F |
Partly sunny. High near 63, with temperatures falling to around 57 in the afternoon. North wind 1 to 8 mph. |
Download: advforecast2.php (V5.19 - 27-Dec-2022) JSON version uses the site, also included in the USA template.
Download: advforecast2.php (V4.06 -30-Apr-2024) older version for those not wanting to experiment with the beta site
Download: Icon Set (V2 for NWS 55x55 icons)
(upload to your website in the /forecast/images directory)
Download: Icon Set UPDATES July-2015 and DualImage.php script
Download: Icon Set UPDATES April-2017 and DualImage.php script(upload to your website and preserve the directory names - included with Base-USA template)
Download: DualImage.php (V1.04 - 06-Apr-2022) - included with Base-USA template and icon sets above.