
Atmospheric River Forecasts for 37.5°N,122.0°W (Saratoga Area)

GEFS Forecast

CW3E GFS AR forecast
CW3E GFS location CW3E GFS AR magnitude
CW3E GFS AR ensamble


ECMWF Forecast

CW3E ECMWF AR forecast
CW3E ECMWF location CW3E ECMWF AR magnitude
CW3E ECMWF AR ensamble

Images courtesy of Center For Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Additional 3-Day CW3E images at CW3E Water Vapor Loops
All model data provided courtesy of NOAA/NCEP or ECMWF. All products are considered experimental.
