They're free, but use at your own risk
The scripts referenced here are used in the operation of this weather station, and may be freely copied and used to support your station. Please note that you use these scripts at your own risk. No warranty is expressed or implied. I accept no liability for any damages that may ensue from their use.
You will need to configure them for your own particular weather station website.
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Many of these scripts are now available on GitHub at
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Announcements of version updates and new scripts are made on and
Weather-Watch forums
and saratogaWXPHP Twitter account as they become available.
Note: Twitter widget has been disabled 3-Jul-2023 since it no longer displays the recent update Tweets.
This page was updated
Thursday, 21-Mar-2013 3:10 PM
PHP/AJAX Website Template Sets - How they work
Each main webpage (named wx... )in the template set is comprised of a set of included files used by each page, and an area for the unique content for that page. This makes it very easy to change content on all pages in the site by changing one of the common files. The overall structure of the HTML for each page is the original Carterlake template design (which was also used in my AJAXed version) -- all the original style markups have been retained, and this PHP version is compatible with your existing Carterlake CSS files (weather-screen.css, weather-print.css). This template set just modularizes the HTML into common sections for ease of website maintenance and allowing the webmaster to ensure a common look/feel across all pages in the website.
webpage structure for the wx... pages
The user-viewable pages in the template set all start with wx followed by a descriptive name. This is to allow both new template users and those upgrading from the original Carterlake/AJAX HTML pages to have a site that can 'coexist' with any existing wxN.html/wxN.php pages while the transition to the new template is in process.
Key files used in the template and present in any viewable page in the site are (in order of use on the viewable page):
- Settings.php
- This PHP file contains no HTML, only PHP settings for variables that are used to control site appearance and actions of other scripts.
Details for configuring Base-USA |
Base-Canada |
- Settings-weather.php
- This PHP file contains no HTML, only PHP settings specific to your weather software. It is loaded automatically by the Settings.php file.
Details for configuring Cumulus |
Meteobridge | Meteohub |
Weather-Display |
WeatherLink | WeatherSnoop | WeatherCat | wview | WxSolution
- Weather Tags file
- If specified by the Settings-weather.php $SITE['WXtags'] entry, the selected weather conditions tags uploaded by your weather software is included here, and the associated static [WXsftw]-defs.php file is loaded to convert the tags needed for the ajax-dashboard and ajax-gizmo from your weather software's $WX[] tags to $weathertags format, and provide any key missing tags such as for astronomy information and/or weather/sky conditions from a nearby METAR site.
- common.php
- This PHP file contains functions that are be used on any wx...php page in the website.
- top.php
- This contains initial HTML for the page <doctype>, <html>, <head>, the <meta> tags, the <link> tags for the CSS and favicon, the JavaScript includes for ajax[WXsftw]wx.js and optionally the ajaxgizmo.js for gizmo rotation display, and sets the <title> for the page. The closing </head> and starting <body> statements are on the individual viewable website page so that you can add unique <head></head> items on a per-page basis if you wish. Very useful for scripts that require a CSS inclusion just for that page.
- header.php
- This PHP file includes all the HTML necessary to start the <body> section of the page, and the heading of the website. This includes the <div id="header"> and <div class="subheader"> areas, and will optionally include the
ajax-gizmo.php for rotating conditions display (controlled by the $showGizmo = true; in the wx...php page)..
- ajax-gizmo.php
- This PHP uses the weather conditions variables in testtags.php to format a current conditions set of displays which are then revealed one-at-a-time by the ajaxgizmo.js JavaScript. The conditions are also updated dynamically via AJAX using ajax[WXsftw]wx.js JavaScript. Make sure the ajax[WXsftw]wx.js script is configured to find your realtime update file and for the desired units (English or Metric).
- menubar.php
- This PHP file includes the content for <div class="leftSideBar"> for the navigation links and any other content you'd like to include in the left sidebar area. Since the menu is generated dynamically, a change in page links here is reflected throughout the website -- this make it very easy to add a page/change a page name/remove a page from your website. You can change the HTML below the menu to include extra content below the navigation menu (but still in the LeftSideBar area). See the menubar.php configuration page.
- footer.php
- This PHP file includes the <div id="footer"> content for display at the bottom of each page on the site. It also includes the closing </body> and </html> statements. You can place content here that can be displayed in the footer area and/or at the bottom of the content area on each page in the site.