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This page was updated
Friday, 28-Jan-2022 1:48 PM
PHP for current/high/low Thermometer PNG image
This PHP script will read Weather-Display clientraw.txt, VWS Weather Flash wflash.txt/wflash2.txt or Cumulus realtime.txt and create a PNG image of a thermometer with rounded high/low temperature lines, and a scale with ticks and values. The script will do the display in Celsius or Fahrenheit with the conversion built-in.
Fahrenheit Demo |
Centigrade Demo |
with $invertColor=true on black background |
//------------ settings ------------------
$wxSoftware = 'WD'; // 'WD' for Weather-Display, 'VWS' for Virtual Weather Station,
// 'CU' for Cumulus
$UOM = 'F'; // set to 'C' for Celsius/Centigrade, 'F'=Fahrenheit
$autoScale = true; // set to false to disable autoscale.
// you only have to set one of these correctly based on the $useWD selection
// $wxSoftware = 'WD' : set the $clientrawfile
// $wxSoftware = 'VWS': set the $wflashDir
// $wxSoftware = 'CU': set the $realtimefile
$clientrawfile = './clientraw.txt'; // relative file address for WD clientraw.txt
$wflashDir = './wflash/Data/'; // directory for the the VWS wflash.txt and wflash2.txt files
// // relative to directory location of this script (include
// // trailing '/' in the specification
$realtimefile = './realtime.txt'; // relative file location for Cumulus realtime.txt file
// settings for ranges -- adjust for your climate :-)
// Fahrenheit settings
$TmaxF = 105; // maximum °F temperature on thermometer
$TminF = 25; // minimum °F temperature on thermometer
$TincrF = 5; // increment number of degrees °F for major/minor ticks on thermometer
$TMajTickF = 10; // major tick with value when °F scale number divisible by this
// Centigrade settings
$TmaxC = 40; // maximum °C temperature on thermometer
$TminC = -10; // minimum °C temperature on thermometer
$TincrC = 2; // increment number of degrees °C for major/minor ticks on thermometer
$TMajTickC = 10; // major tick with value when °C scale number divisible by this
$invertColor = false; // set to true if thermometer display is over black background
$BlankGraphic = './thermometer-blank.png'; // relative file address for thermometer blank image PNG
$BlankGraphicBlack = './thermometer-blank-black.png'; // for black background use
//------------ end settings --------------
- $wxSoftware
- This variable controls the source of data used for the thermometer graphic.
Set to 'WD' for Weather-Display clientraw.txt
Set to 'VWS' for Virtual Weather Station Weather Flash (wflash.txt/wflash2.txt)
Set to 'CU' for Cumulus realtime.txt
- $UOM
- This variable controls the unit-of-measure used for the thermometer
Set to 'F' for Fahrenheit display
Set to 'C' for Centigrade/Celsius display
May be overridden by thermometer.php?uom=f or thermometer.php?uom=c on script URL
- $autoScale
- This variable controls autoscaling. If 'true', then upper scale and lower scale is adjusted (if needed) to have current, minimum, maximum temperature appear on the graphic. The amount of increment is one major scale division. Default is 'true'. Set to 'false' to disable. (new with Version 1.01)
- $clientrawfile
- Set to the relative directory and file location of the Weather-Display clientraw.txt file. Only needed if using $wxSoftware = 'WD';
- $wflashDir
- Set to the relative directory location for the VWS wflash.txt, wflash2.txt files, and include the trailing '/'. Only needed if $wxSoftware = 'VWS';
- $realtimefile
- Set to the relative directory and file location of the Cumulus realtime.txt file. Only needed if using $wxSoftware = 'CU';
- $TmaxF,$TmaxC
- Sets the maximum temperature scale (in °F or °C respectively)
- $TminF,$TminC
- Sets the minimum temperature scale (in °F or °C respectively)
- $TincrF,$TincrC
- Sets the increment used for tick marks on the scale (in °F or °C respectively) Default is 5°F and 2°C
- $TMajTickF,$TMajTickC
- Sets the major division on the temperature scale with a longer length tick and value displayed. Default is 10 degrees.
- $invertColor
- =false for normal graphic (default), =true for graphic for black background use.
- $BlankGraphic
- Sets the relative file location for the thermometer template graphic. Default is ./thermometer-blank.png
- $BlankGraphicBlack
- Sets the relative file location for the thermometer template black background graphic. Default is ./thermometer-blank-black.png
To use the graphic on your site, install the thermometer.php and thermometer-blank.png files, customize the thermometer.php settings as you wish, then on the page you wish to display the thermometer graphic, just put
<img src="thermometer.php"
height="170" width="54"
alt="Current temperature, daily max/min"
title="Current temperature, daily max/min"
Download: (Version 1.18 - 27-Jan-2022)