
Weather station scripts - USGS earthquakes

They're free, but use at your own risk

The scripts referenced here are used in the operation of this weather station, and may be freely copied and used to support your station. Please note that you use these scripts at your own risk. No warranty is expressed or implied. I accept no liability for any damages that may ensue from their use.
You will need to configure them for your own particular weather station website.
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A Version History is available -- check back from time to time to see if there are updates to scripts you have downloaded earlier. Announcements of version updates and new scripts are made on and Weather-Watch forums and saratogaWXPHP Twitter account as they become available.

Note: Twitter widget has been disabled 3-Jul-2023 since it no longer displays the recent update Tweets.

This page was updated Tuesday, 07-Jul-2020 3:33 PM

PHP Scripts (run on webserver)

Recent nearby earthquakes (from USGS, NRC, BGS) PHP

Here in California, we're a bit sensitive to the earth moving (it happens a lot), so I wrote a PHP scripts to get, cache and reformat the last 7 days of earthquake information so it can be included on the website with links to additional info.

The output of these scripts is XHTML 1.0-Strict compliant. All of them use the same style for inclusion into your webpage as shown in the example below.

Note: Version 2.00 of the script replaced Google maps with Leaflet/OpenStreetMaps scripts, so you no longer need a Google API key (or any API key to use the 5 included maps with the script.
Version 3.00 adds two additional (free) maps: NatGeo and Delorme(Garmin) options. Also tectonic plates and/or faults can be displayed on the map. See the settings below for the geographical areas covered by the fault maps.

If you wish to use the OPTIONAL tiles (terrain3, Satellite maps), you will need a API key (called an "Access Token") which can be acquired (for free with 50K accesses usage/month) at:

in the quakes.php script you can put

$setMapboxAPIkey = '-replace-this-with-your-API-key-here-';

Note: if using the Saratoga template set, put a new entry in Settings.php

$SITE['mapboxAPIkey'] = '-replace-this-with-your-API-key-here-';

A Mapbox API key is OPTIONAL .. you do not need it to use maps from 5 included free map tile providers.

The USA/World earthquake script uses the new USGS GeoJSON feed for data and provides information on USA quakes of 1.0+ magnitude and Worldwide quakes of 4.0+ magnitude. This script is included in the AJAX/PHP Base-USA and Base-World template sets. Sample output with USA settings:

Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 2.0 or greater within 200 mi
Update time = Wed, 19-Feb-2025 4:03am PST

Epicenter Near Magnitude Distance to Epicenter Time Link
7 km W of Kenwood, CA 2.7 00013584 mi 1739929545Tue, 18-Feb-2025 5:45pm PST map
6 km N of Bay Point, CA 2.5 00009056 mi 1739884719Tue, 18-Feb-2025 5:18am PST map
5 km S of Portola Valley, CA 2.5 00002012 mi 1739869490Tue, 18-Feb-2025 1:04am PST map
9 km of Hamilton City, CA 2.6 000283176 mi 1739867210Tue, 18-Feb-2025 12:26am PST map
6 km ESE of New Idria, CA 2.1 00015898 mi 1739866966Tue, 18-Feb-2025 12:22am PST map
6 km NNE of Hamilton City, CA 2.2 000281175 mi 1739811046Mon, 17-Feb-2025 8:50am PST map
24 km NNW of Parkfield, CA 2.0 000185115 mi 1739810559Mon, 17-Feb-2025 8:42am PST map
6 km WNW of Kettleman City, CA 2.1 000226140 mi 1739785953Mon, 17-Feb-2025 1:52am PST map
20 km NW of Alder Springs, CA 2.4 000286178 mi 1739703501Sun, 16-Feb-2025 2:58am PST map
2 km E of Hayward, CA 2.4 00004126 mi 1739667474Sat, 15-Feb-2025 4:57pm PST map
9 km NNW of Cholame, CA 2.4 000223139 mi 1739639797Sat, 15-Feb-2025 9:16am PST map
4 km SW of Anderson Springs, CA 2.2 000174108 mi 1739620252Sat, 15-Feb-2025 3:50am PST map
4 km SW of Anderson Springs, CA 2.0 000174108 mi 1739601670Fri, 14-Feb-2025 10:41pm PST map
10 km NW of The Geysers, CA 2.2 000187116 mi 1739557405Fri, 14-Feb-2025 10:23am PST map
10 km NW of The Geysers, CA 2.2 000187116 mi 1739557401Fri, 14-Feb-2025 10:23am PST map
9 km NW of The Geysers, CA 2.9 000187116 mi 1739557242Fri, 14-Feb-2025 10:20am PST map
8 km E of Yountville, CA 2.2 00012880 mi 1739506222Thu, 13-Feb-2025 8:10pm PST map
7 km NE of Alamo, CA 2.2 00006943 mi 1739503368Thu, 13-Feb-2025 7:22pm PST map
5 km W of Pleasant Hill, CA 2.5 00007446 mi 1739493906Thu, 13-Feb-2025 4:45pm PST map
10 km NNW of Avenal, CA 4.2 000211131 mi 1739492224Thu, 13-Feb-2025 4:17pm PST map
3 km NW of Bayview-Montalvin, CA 2.4 00008754 mi 1739488030Thu, 13-Feb-2025 3:07pm PST map
2 km E of Hayward, CA 2.1 00004126 mi 1739485446Thu, 13-Feb-2025 2:24pm PST map
2 km E of Hayward, CA 3.6 00004226 mi 1739483956Thu, 13-Feb-2025 1:59pm PST map
1 km ESE of The Geysers, CA 2.2 000179111 mi 1739480427Thu, 13-Feb-2025 1:00pm PST map
2 km E of Hayward, CA 3.2 00004126 mi 1739476454Thu, 13-Feb-2025 11:54am PST map
2 km E of Hayward, CA 3.3 00004226 mi 1739476333Thu, 13-Feb-2025 11:52am PST map
2 km E of Hayward, CA 2.6 00004226 mi 1739451798Thu, 13-Feb-2025 5:03am PST map
8 km NNW of The Geysers, CA 2.4 000186116 mi 1739447079Thu, 13-Feb-2025 3:44am PST map
5 km NNW of The Geysers, CA 2.1 000184114 mi 1739416799Wed, 12-Feb-2025 7:19pm PST map
12 km NW of The Geysers, CA 2.1 000188117 mi 1739379783Wed, 12-Feb-2025 9:03am PST map

30 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS

Script by

This was invoked by using the following code:

# settings -------------------------- 
  $doIncludeQuake = true;
# uncomment ONE of the $setDistanceDisplay lines to use as template for distance displays  
#  $setDistanceDisplay = 'mi (km)';
  $setDistanceDisplay = 'mi';
#  $setDistanceDisplay = 'km (mi)';
#  $setDistanceDisplay = 'km';

  $setDistanceRadius  = 1000;  // same units as first unit in $setDistanceDisplay
# NOTE: quakes of magnitude 1.0+ are available for USA locations only.
#    non-USA location earthquakes of magnitude 4.0+ are the only ones available from the USGS
  $setMinMagnitude = '2.0';  // minimum Richter Magnitude to display
  $setHighMagnitude = '4.0';  // highlight this Magnitude and greater
# script will use your $SITE[] values for latitude, longitude, cityname, timezone and time display format
# but you can override them if you with with the commented statements below:
  $setLatitude  = 37.2746251;    //North=positive, South=negative decimal degrees
  $setLongitude = -122.0229656;   //East=positive, West=negative decimal degrees
# The above settings are for location
#  $setLocationName = 'Saratoga, CA'; // city/town name for lat/long above 
  $setTimeZone = "America/Los_Angeles";  //NOTE: this *MUST* be set correctly to
# translate UTC times to your LOCAL time for the displays.
# Use to find the timezone suitable for
#  your location.

#  pick a format for the time to display ..uncomment one (or make your own)
 $setTimeFormat = 'D, Y-m-d H:i:s T';  // Fri, 2006-03-31 14:03:22 TZone
#  $setTimeFormat = 'D, d-M-Y H:i:s T';  // Fri, 31-Mar-2006 14:03:22 TZone

  $setDoLinkTarget = false;   // =true; to have links open in new page, =false; for XHTML 1.0-Strict

	$setMapProvider = 'Esri_WorldTopoMap'; // ESRI topo map - no key needed
# $setMapProvider = 'OSM';     // OpenStreetMap - no key needed
# $setMapProvider = 'Terrain'; // Terrain map by - no key needed
# $setMapProvider = 'OpenTopo'; // - no key needed
# $setMapProvider = 'Wikimedia'; // Wikimedia map - no key needed
# $setMapProvider = 'NatGeo';  // National Geographic world map -no key needed  
# $setMapProvider = 'Delorme';  // Garmin world map -no key needed  
# $mapProvider = 'MapboxSat';  // Map by - API KEY needed in $setMapboxAPIkey 
# $mapProvider = 'MapboxTer';  // Map by - API KEY needed in $setMapboxAPIkey 
 $setMapboxAPIkey = '--mapbox-API-key--';  // use this for the API key to MapBox
# for fault displays
 $setFaultDisplay = 'USGS'; // ='' for none, see below for more choices
# Note: not all fault displays have entries for all countries. You'll need to choose the one that
#   displays the information for your geography.
# 'PH' covers the Phillipines only
# 'USGS' covers the lower-48 CONUS states only but with fault types/names/ages
# 'USGS2' covers all 50 US states, but with only small/medium/large fault types (no descriptions)
# 'USGS3' covers the mostly western CONUS lower-48 states only  with fault names and types only
# 'GEM' covers much of the world (omitting Canada, Scandanavia and UK/Ireland)
# 'WORLD' covers most of the world with 4 fault types (  rift, step, tectonic contact, thrust-fault)
# 'BGS' convers the UK (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) 

 $setPlateDisplay = true;  // =true; show tectonic plates ; =false; suppress tectonic plate display


Also required is the styling and JavaScript <script> statements in the <head>...</head> part of the page (see the sample quakes.php page in the distribution package for details).

The USGS GeoJSON earthquake script (V3.04 - 07-Jul-2020):
download .zip package [ see version history ]

This script loads the GeoJSON feed for all earthquakes in the last 7 days from the USGS. For the USA, magnitude 1.0+ quakes are available. For non-USA locations, the USGS only provides information on magnitude 4.0+ based on the data they receive from partner seismographic organizations. If you are installing the script for standalone use, do download the .ZIP package as it contains the graphics files needed for the Google Map. If you are using the AJAX/PHP template set (V3+), the script is already integrated into the Base-Canada, Base-USA, and Base-World templates.

For Base-World template users, the script is compatible with the language translation features of the template set. You may need to add to your language-LL.txt translation file the following entries (translated) in order to show the ouput in language LL.
Note: the |of| entry below is used in the reports for quake location as in:
  20 mi NNW of Saratoga, California

langlookup|Update time|Update time|
langlookup|No earthquakes of magnitude|No earthquakes of magnitude|
langlookup|or greater within|or greater within|
langlookup|reported in last 7 days|reported in last 7 days|
langlookup|Cluster - click to expand details|Cluster - click to expand details|
langlookup|Enable JavaScript to view the Google Map.|Enable JavaScript to view the Google Map.|
langlookup|Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude|Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude|
langlookup|or greater within|or greater within|
langlookup|Epicenter Near|Epicenter Near|
langlookup|Distance to Epicenter|Distance to Epicenter|
langlookup|Note: Click on column heading marked with|Note: Click on column heading marked with|
langlookup|to sort column contents.|to sort column contents.|
langlookup|earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the <a href="">USGS</a>|earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the <a href="">USGS</a>|
langlookup|Distance to epicenter|Distance to epicenter|
langlookup|Map and data courtesy of|Map and data courtesy of|
langlookup|United States Geological Survey|United States Geological Survey|

The Canada earthquake script : demo and download [ see version history ]
Documentation on how to customize the script is in comments contained in the source. For anywhere in Canada, you just have to change $myLat and $myLong to your station's decimal latitude and longitude to see it work in your area. Defaults are for magnitude 2.0 (or greater) within a 500 km radius. This script uses data from Natural Resources Canada website and returns earthquake activity over the last 30 days. Version 1.03+ now provides both English and French display.

The UK earthquake script : demo and download [ see version history ]
Documentation on how to customize the script is in comments contained in the source. For anywhere in the United Kingdom, you just have to change $myLat and $myLong to your station's decimal latitude and longitude to see it work in your area. Defaults are for earthquakes within a 500 km radius. This script uses data from British Geological Survey website and returns earthquake activity over the last 30 days.
BGS data is used with permission as long as the attribution built into the script displays with the script output.

Deprecated Scripts

With the release of quake-json.php script on 8-Sep-2012, the following scripts are no longer maintained as the USGS is deprecating the pages on their website that these scripts require:

  • quake-CANV.php
  • quake-USA.php
  • quake-WORLD.php and quake-WORLD-ML.php

The quake-json.php script uses the USGS new GeoJSON feed for 1+ (USA) and 4+ (World) magnitude events and replaces the functionality of the above scripts.
