A RSS Feed is available to help keep you informed on updates to the scripts.
NOAA Reports PHP script (WeatherLink or VWS version)
- Version 1.02 - 12-Mar-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.03 - 13-Aug-2006 - Added include function and self downloader.
- Version 1.04 - 01-Dec-2007 - added WL auto update for prior month/year rollover
- Version 1.05 - 01-Jan-2008 - added timezone to fix year rollover issue
- Version 1.06 - 03-Oct-2008 - added WL prior month/year variables
- Version 1.07 - 11-Aug-2017 - fixed timezone set for PHP5+ usage
USGS California/Nevada Earthquake PHP script - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 29-Mar-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 01-Apr-2006 - added download/view functions
- Version 1.02 - 14-Jun-2007 - added debugging code and cache=refresh function, fix for PHP5 operation
- Version 1.03 - 17-Nov-2007 - modified view function, added $doIncludeQuake for non-URL include usage
- Version 1.04 - 13-Mar-2008 - added integration features for Carterlake/PHP/AJAX template set,
name changed to quake-CANV.php - Version 1.05 - 07-Apr-2008 - fixed for slight problem with single digit dates for update date
- Version 2.00 - 04-May-2010 - major changes to support new CANV website display from USGS
- Version 2.00 - 08-Sep-2012 - script deprecated for quake-json.php script as USGS is deprecating the page it uses on the USGS website
NRC Canada Earthquake PHP script
- Version 1.00 - 12-Mar-2008 -- Initial Release
- Version 1.01 - 26-Apr-2008 -- fixed possible UTC-to-timezone conversion issue on some webservers
- Version 1.02 - 20-Jan-2009 -- added support for lang=fr language selection
- Version 1.03 - 28-Mar-2009 -- fix for minor EC website change
- Version 1.04 - 03-Jul-2009 -- PHP5 support for timezone set
- Version 1.05 - 23-Oct-2009 -- added missing lat/long settings from Settings.php if available
- Version 1.06 - 26-Jan-2011 -- added support for $cacheFileDir global setting
- Version 1.07 - 20-Nov-2011 -- fixes for major EC website changes
- Version 1.08 - 06-Mar-2012 -- fixes for EC website changes
- Version 1.09 - 21-May-2013 -- fixes for EC website changes
- Version 1.10 - 06-Jul-2013 -- fixes for EC website changes (thanks to George at hamiltonweatheronline.net)
- Version 1.11 - 30-Dec-2013 -- fixes for EC website changes
- Version 1.12 - 10-Mar-2016 -- fixes for EC website changes (thanks to Ray at tzweather.org)
- Version 2.00 - 06-May-2019 -- use XML for data from http://www.earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca
- Version 2.01 - 17-Mar-2020 -- switched to HTTPS for all XML and links to earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca
BGS United Kingdom Earthquake PHP script
- Version 1.01 - 27-Feb-2008 -- Initial release
- Version 1.02 - 12-Mar-2008 -- added settings awareness for Carterlake/WD/PHP template Settings.php
- Version 1.03 - 26-Apr-2008 -- fixed UTC-to-local timezone difference issue for some webservers
- Version 1.04 - 03-Jul-2009 -- PHP5 timezone setting support added
- Version 1.05 - 26-Jan-2011 -- added support for $cacheFileDir global
- Version 1.06 - 30-May-2011 -- fix Notice: error for $doneHeader
- Version 1.07 - 23-Aug-2011 -- fixes for BGS website changes
USGS USA Earthquake PHP script - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 30-Mar-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 31-Mar-2006 - added timezone handling, removed debugging code
- Version 1.02 - 09-Jul-2006 - fixed updated date display in heading
- Version 1.03 - 18-Nov-2006 - updated for slight change in USGS website (fix location missing prob.)
- Version 1.04 - 18-Jan-2007 - updated for slight change in USGS website( update time issue)
- Version 1.05 - 17-Nov-2007 - modified view function, added $doIncludeQuake for non-URL include usage
- Version 1.06 - 08-Mar-2008 - modified for PHP5 and setup with Carterlake/WD/AJAX/PHP template set
- Version 1.07 - 12-Mar-2008 - renamed from quake-USA-test.php to quake-USA.php + cosmetic changes
- Version 1.08 - 26-Apr-2008 - fix for UTC-to-timezone delta seconds for some servers
- Version 1.09 - 03-Jul-2009 - PHP5 support for timezone setting
- Version 1.10 - 04-Nov-2009 - fix for USGS website change
- Version 1.10 - 08-Sep-2012 - script deprecated for quake-json.php script as USGS is deprecating the page it uses on the USGS website
USGS World Earthquake PHP script - Deprecated
- Version 1.01 - 31-Mar-2006 - Initial release (with timezone handling)
- Version 1.02 - 01-Jul-2006 - fixed missing 'Near By' problem
- Version 1.03 - 09-Jul-2006 - fixed updated date display in heading
- Version 1.04 - 13-Sep-2007 - fixes for changed USGS website
- Version 1.05 - 17-Nov-2007 - modified view function, added $doIncludeQuake for non-URL include usage
- Version 1.06 - 12-Mar-2008 - renamed to quake-WORLD.php, integration with Carterlake/WD/PHP template
- Version 1.07 - 26-Apr-2008 - fix UTC-to-local timezone calc for some servers
- Version 1.08 - 16-Oct-2008 - minor fixes for argument parsing
- Version 1.09 - 17-Oct-2008 - added debugging features + PHP 5.2 fix
- Version 1.10 - 12-Jan-2009 - fixes for changes to USGS website
- Version 1.11 - 03-Jul-2009 - added PHP5 timezone setting support
- Version 1.12 - 04-Nov-2009 - fixes for USGS website changes
- Version 1.12 - 08-Sep-2012 - script deprecated for quake-json.php script as USGS is deprecating the page it uses on the USGS website
USGS GeoJSON Earthquake PHP script
- Version 1.00 - 08-Sep-2012 - initial release
- Version 1.01 - 09-Sep-2012 - fixed XHTML 1.0-Strict validation and removed ' GMT' from local time display
- Version 1.02 - 12-Sep-2012 - added improved diagnostics, translation support for Google Map controls, option for target="_blank" for links
- Version 1.03 - 04-Jan-2012 - added fix for USGS unix timestamp with trailing zero added
- Version 1.04 - 23-May-2013 - added 'home' pin, settings for lat/long via calling page
- Version 1.05 - 24-May-2013 - fixed generated styling bugs for CSS3 validation
- Version 1.06 - 09-Dec-2014 - added unchunk of JSON data due to USGS website change
- Version 1.07 - 02-Jun-2015 - changes for new USGS GeoJSON source URL
- Version 1.08 - 06-Jul-2015 - added debug code, force JSON BIGINT decode as string to fix timestamp problem
- Version 1.09 - 03-Jul-2016 - added support for required Google Map API key
- Version 1.10 - 07-Aug-2016 - fixed quake-json.js V1.01 for window.onload interference problem in sorttable script
- Version 1.11 - 14-Feb-2017 - added support for HTTPS access to USGS feed
- Version 1.12 - 21-Feb-2017 - corrected main USGS URL in $mapMainURL
- Version 1.13 - 30-May-2017 - change to ignore JSON tz value and use our TZ setting for UTC->Local time for quakes
- Version 2.00 - 10-May-2018 - replaced Google map with Leaflet/OpenStreetMaps+other tile providers
- Version 2.01 - 27-May-2018 - adjusted z-index values in CSS to better work with Saratoga template flyout-menu set
- Version 3.00 - 13-Nov-2019 - added tectonic plate and fault display options, added NatGeo and Delorme(Garmin) basemap options
- Version 3.01 - 26-May-2020 - fix cache for HTTP/2 response from USGS website
- Version 3.02 - 27-Jun-2020 - add name translation to fix Hawaiian/other names (e.g. replace 'P?hala' with 'Pāhala' )
- Version 3.03 - 30-Jun-2020 - fix translation validation errors, add $SITE['USGStranslate'] Settings.php configuration capability
- Version 3.04 - 07-Jul-2020 - fix quake-json.js V1.01 for window.onload interference in sorttable functions
NWS Forecast PHP script (for www.wrh.noaa.gov) - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 15-Apr-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 10-Aug-2006 - Added display of 14th forecast day/text to output
- Version 1.02 - 10-Nov-2006 - Now emits XHTML 1.0-Strict code, added $doPrintNWS directive
- Version 1.02 - 24-Nov-2006 - updated wrh-icons.zip adding nrasn, rasn, fzrara.jpg with PoP
- Version 1.03 - 09-Dec-2006 - added ability to parse Area Forecasts in addition to Point Forecasts
- Script retired - 14-Mar-2007 - www.wrh.noaa.gov changed to use design of ERH/SRH/CRH sites so this script is no longer needed. The advforecast2.php script is the replacement.
NOAA RSS Advisory PHP script - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 17-Apr-2006 - Initial release
- Script retired - 17-Dec-2007 - deprecated .. use rss-advisory-test-c.php script instead
NOAA RSS Advisory PHP script (with cache) - Deprecated
- Version 1.01 - 16-Aug-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.02 - 08-Dec-2007 - added time formatting for lastBuildDate
- Version 1.03 - 17-Dec-2007 - added safety features from Mike Challis - http://www.carmosaic.com/weather/
fixed XHTML 1.0-Strict output, improved debug code, added file-mode include functions - Version 1.04 - 22-Jan-2008 - added graceful failure code from MChallis - http://www.carmosaic.com/weather/
- Version 1.05 - 27-Jan-2008 - more improved code from Mike Challis and new options added
- Version 1.06 - 02-Feb-2008 - added flyer usage feature from from Mike Challis.
- Version 1.07 - 04-Feb-2008 - added support for Carterlake/AJAX/PHP template set
- Version 1.08 - 17-Mar-2008 - added improved cache file error handling
- Version 1.09 - 25-Mar-2008 - Corrected the HTML comments on some error message text
- Version 1.10 - 03-Jul-2009 - added PHP5 timezone setting support + PHP_SELF checking
NOAA RSS Top Warning PHP script (with cache) - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 07-Nov-2007 - Initial release (with thanks to Jim of jcweather.us )
- Version 1.01 - 04-Jan-2008 - added support for Carterlake/AJAX/PHP template set
- Version 1.02 - 17-Mar-2008 - modified cache error handling for more infomation
- Version 1.03 - 25-Mar-2008 - corrected HTML comment error codes
- Version 1.04 - 06-Apr-2008 - corrected HTML comment error code (MChallis)
NOAA ATOM/CAP Advisory PHP script - Deprecated
- Version 2.00 - 31-May-2009 - beta version specific to new beta NWS feeds
modded by Mike Challis - http://www.642weather.com/weather/scripts.php
(not backwards compatible with old feeds, requires PHP5)
see: http://www.weather-watch.com/smf/index.php/topic,40119.0.html - Version 2.00 - 31-Aug-2009 No longer BETA
- Version 2.01 - 21-Sep-2009 Renamed at atom-advisory.php to avoid confusion and allow coexistance with
rss-advisory.php which used the RSS feeds instead of the ATOM/CAP feeds. - Version 2.02 - 22-Sep-2009 Use HTTP/1.1 requests to www.weather.gov
- Version 2.03 - 29-Oct-2009 Added County zone code capability (M Challis)
- Version 2.04 - 28-Jan-2010 Fixed unterminated entity reference error (M Challis)
- Version 2.05 - 05-Jul-2010 Added new $doZoneTitles setting (M Challis)
- Version 2.06 - 26-Jan-2011 Added support for $cacheFileDir global cache directory
- Version 2.07 - 05-Mar-2011 Updated support for $cacheFileDir with template override
- Version 2.08 - 15-Mar-2011 Update for new NWS ATOM/CAP feed URL
- Version 2.09 - 05-Nov-2011 fix for correct icon use for * Storm Watch/Warning alerts
- Version 2.10 - 12-Aug-2015 fixes for deprecated /e preg_replace operations
- Version 2.11 - 14-Jun-2016 fixes to use HTTPS for alerts.weather.gov
- Version 2.12 - 15-Jul-2016 added cURL option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false fix for some webservers. Thanks to Craig Dolphin Twitter: @craigdolphin for the fix.
- Version 2.13 - 19-Jan-2022 fixes for PHP8.1
- Version 2.13 - 30-Jan-2024 script deprecated in favor of nws-alerts script package
NOAA ATOM/CAP Top Warning PHP script) - Deprecated
- Version 2.00 - 07-Jun-2009 - beta version specific to new beta NWS feeds
modded by Mike Challis - http://www.642weather.com/weather/scripts.php
(not backwards compatible with old feeds, requires PHP5)
see: http://www.weather-watch.com/smf/index.php/topic,40256.0.html - Version 2.00 - 31-Aug-2009 No longer BETA
- Version 2.01 - 01-Sep-2009 Fixed blank output when Air Quality Alert, improved top alert selection
- Version 2.02 - 21-Sep-2009 Renamed at atom-top-warning.php to avoid confusion and allow coexistance with
rss-top-warning.php which used the RSS feeds instead of the ATOM/CAP feeds. - Version 2.03 - 22-Sep-2009 Use HTTP/1.1 requests to www.weather.gov
- Version 2.04 - 29-Oct-2009 Added County zone code capability (M Challis)
- Version 2.05 - 31-Oct-2009 Corrected HTML generated for error condition.
- Version 2.06 - 26-Jan-2011 Added support for $cacheFileDir global cache directory
- Version 2.07 - 15-Mar-2011 Update for new NWS ATOM/CAP feed URL
- Version 2.08 - 05-Nov-2011 fix for correct icon use for * Storm Watch/Warning alerts
- Version 2.09 - 14-Jun-2016 fixes to use HTTPS for alerts.weather.gov
- Version 2.10 - 15-Jul-2016 added cURL option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false fix for some webservers. Thanks to Craig Dolphin Twitter: @craigdolphin for the fix.
- Version 2.11 - 19-Jan-2022 fixes for PHP8.1
- Version 2.11 - 30-Jan-2024 script deprecated in favor of nws-alerts script package
NHC RSS Advisory PHP script (feed only) - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 03-May-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 14-Jun-2006 - minor formatting change (bold Issue date)
- Version 1.02 - 15-Jun-2006 - use <pre></pre> formatting for text with new-lines only
NHC RSS Advisory PHP script (feed and text from links) - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 14-Jun-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 15-Jun-2006 - use <pre></pre> formatting for text with new-lines only
SPC RSS mesoscale discussion PHP script (feed and text/images from links)
- Version 1.00 - 18-Aug-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 19-Aug-2006 - added pull for text/images from links in feed
- Version 2.00 - 23-Jun-2018 - update to use curl for https fetching of data
NDBC Buoy Data Mesomap PHP script
- Version 1.00 - 28-Jun-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 29-Jun-2006 - added config buoy error checking, and cache=no parm; new ./contributed directory in distribution zip for contributed mesomap images/configurations.
- Version 1.02 - 30-Jun-2006 - added inc=MAP, inc=TABLE to allow splitting of placement on webpage. Also improved error checking on parameters, and added $DefaultUnits to set English/Metric easily. Updated instructions in buoy-data-readme.txt. More contributed files included.
- Version 1.02a - 09-Jul-2006 - added Lake Huron contributed files from TawasBay, and Carolinas config from TopsailWeather
- Version 1.02b - 14-Jul-2006 - added Chesapeak Bay config from Belcak.com
- Version 1.02.c - 18-Jul-2006 - added New Jersey and North East contributed configs.
- Version 1.03 - 26-Aug-2006 - added run/pause/step control to map. Added buoy-data-config.txt file for configuration without changing the buoy-data.php file. Added new wind arrows from 'krelvinaz' at www.TNETWeather.com in both 14x14 and 9x9 sizes. Added California contributed files from SLOweather
- Version 1.04 - 17-Nov-2006 - fixed all the "Notice" type PHP errors so will now run with error_reporting(E_ALL)
- Version 1.05 - 28-Nov-2006 - now fully XHTML 1.0-Strict compliant output, changed to form buttons for Run/Pause/Step controls (from text-based buttons).
- Version 1.06 - 22-Feb-2007 - added one line fix for IIS users (replace \r with \n to end lines)
- Version 1.07 - 21-Aug-2007 - corrected flag processing for kts-to-mph conversion
- Version 1.08 - 20-Sep-2007 - update to reflect change in NDBC website
- Version 1.09 - 22-Sep-2007 - more update to add debugging code and more NDBC website changes
- Version 1.10 - 15-Oct-2007 - new kts=Y|N parm, $showKnots spec to force wind to display in Knots
New Hawaii map added to samples - Version 1.11 - 28-Dec-2007 - added another fix for processing on IIS servers
New Puget Sound map added to samples - Version 1.12 - 21-Feb-2008 - added features for simpler include to webpage
- Version 1.13 - 22-Mar-2008 - corrected generated CSS + more ISS support
- Version 1.14 - 20-Mar-2009 - added support for IE8 rotating conditions
- Version 1.15 - 29-Apr-2009 - minor fixes for PHP 5.2+
- Version 1.16 - 21-Nov-2010 - added diagnostics to page get from NDBC
- Version 1.17 - 31-Aug-2012 - added template support+decode chunked responses from NDBC
- Version 1.18 - 24-Feb-2015 - fixed gmmktime() call for deprecated argument in PHP 5.6+
- Version 1.19 - 27-Jun-2018 - update to PHP7+, use curl to fetch https from www.ndbc.noaa.gov
- Version 1.20 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.1
- Version 1.21 - 21-Apr-2023 - fixes for NDBC search page format changes
Environment Canada Forecast PHP script
- Version 1.00 - 10-Aug-2006 - Initial Release
- Version 1.02 - 14-Dec-2006 - script modified to support changes to EC website structure
- Version 1.03 - 14-Mar-2007 - script modified to support changes to EC website structure
- Version 1.04 - 16-May-2007 - script modified to support changes to EC website structure
- Version 1.05 - 15-Jun-2007 - handle printable/regular EC URL + table, debugging improvements
- Version 1.06 - 27-Jun-2007 - added parsing/printing for alerts/watches/warnings
- Version 1.07 - 06-Aug-2007 - corrected php delim at top of file (missing php)
- Version 1.08 - 14-Dec-2007 - added optional current conditions report table $currentConditions
- Version 2.00 - 24-Jan-2008 - major rewrite to handle many changes to EC forecast website + new icons
- Version 2.01 - 26-Jan-2008 - added 'Air Quality Health Index' to optional conditions display
- Version 2.02 - 26-Feb-2008 - added support for Carterlake/WD/PHP template settings.
- Version 2.03 - 01-Mar-2008 - fixed to handle changes to EC website for conditions
- Version 2.04 - 19-Mar-2008 - fixed to handle changes to EC website for forecast
- Version 2.05 - 19-Mar-2008 - corrected extraction of Update date from EC website
- Version 2.06 - 05-Jun-2008 - fixed to handle changes to EC website for historical conditions
- Version 2.07 - 21-Dec-2008 - added printing/formatting for historical conditions
- Version 2.08 - 12-Mar-2009 - fixed to handle change to EC website for abnormal temperature trend indicator
- Version 2.09 - 09-Nov-2009 - fixed missing-space in warning titles problem
- Version 2.10 - 10-Nov-2009 - fixed to handle changes to EC website for normals conditions display
- Version 2.11 - 26-May-2010 - fixed to handle changes to EC website for humidex/wind-chill
- Version 2.12 - 19-Feb-2011 - added color formatting to watch/warning/ended alerts from EC in $alertstring output
- Version 2.13 - 30-May-2011 - fixed handling of $SITE['fcsticonsdirEC'] when used with template
- Version 2.14 - 16-Apr-2013 - fixes for changes in EC website structure and UTF-8 conversion
- Version 2.15 - 17-Apr-2013 - fixes for $title display with new EC website structure
- Version 2.16 - 13-May-2013 - added settings to display days of week w/o day month for icons and detail area;
icon type selection for .gif/.png; added debugging code for EC website fetch; added multi-forecast capability - Version 2.17 - 15-May-2013 - fixes for changes in EC website structure (again)
- Version 3.00 - 17-Oct-2014 - major rewrite of the script to support major EC website structure changes.
- Version 3.01 - 23-Dec-2014 - fixes for 'Normals'/'Sun times' extracts, text forecast, and .png PoP icons
- Version 3.02 - 29-Apr-2015 - fixes for major change in EC website. Temperatures now extracted from detailed text forecasts.
- Version 3.03 - 01-Dec-2015 - fixes for current conditions due to EC website changes.
- Version 3.04 - 14-Dec-2015 - fixes for change in EC website (chunked+gzipped response)
- Version 3.05 - 16-Dec-2015 - fixes for temperature forecast wording changes+extraction
- Version 4.00 - 22-Oct-2016 - rewrite for major EC website design changes
- Version 4.01 - 27-Oct-2016 - fix for conditions icon extract, yesterday data, use curl fetch for URL
- Version 4.02 - 22-Feb-2017 - force HTTPS to EC website, improved error handling
- Version 4.03 - 31-Aug-2017 - fixes for icons due to EC website changes
- Version 5.00 - 27-Sep-2017 - major rewrite of the script to use EC XML data instead of page scraping the EC website. Added Almanac and 24-hour rolling forecast displays.
- Version 5.01 - 07-Nov-2017 - added windchill display to conditions box
- Version 5.02 - 20-Nov-2017 - added wind-gust display to conditions box and hourly display, fix no conds icon issue
- Version 5.03 - 16-Oct-2019 - change XML access URL to https on EC site
- Version 5.04 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.1
- Version 5.05 - 09-Feb-2023 - fixes for .png icons and PHP 8.2
- Version 5.06 - 18-May-2023 - added 'advisory' alert display formatting to be same as 'statement' type display
- Version 5.07 - 02-Jul-2024 - fixes for changes in EC XML returns w/o almanac section
- Version 6.00 - 26-Oct-2024 - rewrite to use new EC JSON return instead of XML citypage
- Version 6.01 - 26-Oct-2024 - fix for hourly display icons when using .png icons
- Version 6.02 - 28-Oct-2024 - fixed alert display when there are highway alerts
Environment Canada Radar PHP script - DEPRECATED
- Version 1.00 - 29-Dec-2006 - Initial Release
- Version 1.01 - 31-Dec-2006 - added realpath() for better handling of cache files, and commented out the radar rings display for better visibility of the local maps.
- Version 1.02 - 06-Aug-2007 - corrected PHP delimiter at top of script (missing php)
- Version 1.03 - 20-Aug-2007 - added switches for overlay images, mods to getting correct directory
- Version 1.04 - 21-Feb-2008 - added support for Carterlake/WD/PHP template settings.
- Version 1.05 - 04-Aug-2008 - added support for EC website changes
- Version 1.06 - 26-Sep-2008 - fixes for EC Website changes for XHTML 1.0-Strict output, improved cache handling
- Version 1.07 - 30-Apr-2009 - fixed minor bug for PHP 5+ (missing php after <? marker)
- Version 1.08 - 30-Sep-2010 - added new debugging features and an updated image parsing logic (from Pablo Sanchez)
- Version 1.09 - 17-Apr-2013 - changes for new EC website design, UTF-8 convert+new path method
- Version 1.10 - 19-Sep-2013 - changes for revised EC website radar colors -default for 14-color radar
- Version 1.11 - 18-Oct-2014 - changes for revised EC website design
- Version 1.12 - 03-Mar-2015 - changes for EC website design - obtain/display latest radar image
- Version 2.00 - 05-Nov-2015 - major changes: repl EC image.php overlays w/built-in GD functions, added support for 8 or 14 color images
- Version 2.01 - 30-Nov-2015 - changes for EC website design - timezone extract+use meteo.gc.ca for lang=fr
- Version 2.02 - 22-Feb-2017 - use cURL fetch, HTTPS to EC website, improved error handling
- Version 2.03 - 28-Jul-2018 - update for EC website change (fix get latest image issue)
- Version 2.04 - 17-Apr-2019 - added list of operating radar sites and new CASxx sites for display
- Version 2.05 - 27-Aug-2019 - updated allowed sites listing
- Version 2.06 - 27-Jan-2021 - updated allowed sites listing, fixed parsing for source page charset
- Version 2.06 - 30-Mar-2021 - script is deprecated due to change of EC website to map-based radar and lack of old images needed by the script.
Environment Canada Lightning Map PHP script
- Version 1.00 - 15-Oct-2016 - Initial Release
- Version 1.01 - 13-Oct-2017 - use cURL fetch and HTTPS to EC website
- Version 1.02 - 15-Oct-2017 - correct missing function call now()->time()
- Version 1.03 - 18-Jan-2022 - fix for extract of source HTML Charset to use
- Version 1.04 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.2
- Version 1.05 - 09-Feb-2023 - fixes for PHP 8.2 and Notice errata
Get Wunderground and NWS forecast Perl script - Deprecated
- Version 1.04 - 06-Oct-2005 - Initial Release (generated JavaScript only)
- Version 1.09 - 02-Mar-2006 - Initial Release (generated JavaScript, and XHTML)
Wind Direction Icons
- Version 1.01 - 16-May-2006 - Initial Release
Resize/Cache Nexstorm.jpg PHP script - Deprecated
- Version 1.01 - 03-Aug-2006 - Initial release
Resize/Cache WASP2.png PHP script - Deprecated
- Version 1.01 - 03-Aug-2006 - Initial release
Fetch/Resize/Cache NOAA Image of the Day PHP script - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 04-Aug-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.00 - 06-Aug-2010 - deprecated script as NOAA changed location and presentation of IOD graphic. Replaced by get-nnvl-iod.php script.
Fetch/Resize/Cache NOAA Image of the Day PHP script - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 06-Aug-2010 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 07-Aug-2010 - corrected link to hi-res image in generated output
- Version 1.02 - 09-Aug-2010 - added UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 conversion and updated logic for parsing the NNVL page
- Version 1.03 - 26-Aug-2010 - try to handle issues when IOD posts an MP4 movie instead of a .jpg
- Version 1.04 - 01-Sep-2010 - allow either PNG or JPG for default image type
- Version 1.05 - 14-Sep-2010 - autoscale based on new_width, autofind image when .MP4 posted
- Version 1.06 - 21-Nov-2010 - changed iconv() calls to use //TRANSLIT for output character set
- Version 1.07 - 31-Dec-2010 - handle missing image when only a movie is posted
- Version 1.08 - 26-Jan-2011 - added support for global $cacheFileDir for new templates
- Version 1.09 - 05-Mar-2011 - replaced deprecated split() with explode()
- Version 1.10 - 31-Jan-2012 - fix for new NNVL page formatting
- Version 1.11 - 31-Aug-2012 - added unchunk for NNVL HTTP page response
- Version 1.12 - 17-Feb-2013 - added detection for non-resizable animated .gif images
- Version 1.13 - 25-Dec-2013 - added fixes for full-URL image links on IOD website
- Version 1.14 - 28-Dec-2013 - added fix for new location of Hi Res image and link
- Version 1.15 - 30-Sep-2014 - added fix to handle graphic file type not matching graphic file extension issue
- Version 1.16 - 27-Sep-2016 - fixes for NNVL website design changes
- Version 1.17 - 20-Nov-2016 - fixes for NNVL website issues (webp lo-res image, iconv() issues)
- Version 2.00 - 08-Dec-2016 - rewrite to use RSS/ATOM feed from NNVL and cURL fetch routines
- Version 2.01 - 22-Dec-2016 - use HTTPS for NNVL access
- Version 2.02 - 06-Jan-2017 - added settings for connect/transfer timeouts
- Version 2.02 - 13-Mar-2018 - script is deprecated as the NNVL no longer offers the Image of the Day service in March, 2018.
AJAX demo package for Weather-Display & PHP - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 16-Aug-2006 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 21-Nov-2006 - added 'green flash' for updated conditions (ajax.php)
- Version 1.02 - 25-Nov-2006 - initial release with 'green-flash-for-updates-only'
- Version 1.03 - 25-Nov-2006 - Green-flash-for-updates-only now XHTML 1.0-Strict compliant
- Version 1.04 - 29-Nov-2006 - added a bit of error checking to make JavaScript more forgiving for missing <span id="ajax..." class="ajax"></span> markups in the page
- Version 1.05 - 30-Jun-2007 - updated code to use ajaxWDwx.js script and removed WeatherLink tags - now only requires Weather Display tags for operation. Added Moon icons to set.
- Version 1.06 - 23-Dec-2007 - added updated sidebar demo, new dashboard demo, modified PHP and ajaxWDwx.js for improved international usage.
- Version 1.07 - 18-Jan-2008 - fixed NOAA-style icon=34 to ra1.jpg (sidebar, dashboard, ajaxWDwx.js)
Carterlake-style AJAX/PHP Website Template package for Weather-Display - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 29-Feb-2008 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 01-Mar-2008 - updated thermometer.php/Settings for $SITE['clientrawfile'] config and updated wxastronomy.php for Southern Hemisphere support and updated get-UV-forecast-inc.php
- Version 1.02 - 02-Mar-2008 - updated menubar.php for non-link list items and sample external-links section
- Version 1.03 - 03-Mar-2008 - updated get-UV-forecast-inc.php to be timezone $SITE['tz'] aware and return values based on local date
- Version 1.04 - 05-Mar-2008 - corrected wxastronomy.php page, added new trends-inc.txt with PHP built-in formatting for wxtrends.php, updated Settings.php to support new trends-inc.txt
- Version 1.05 - 05-Mar-2008 - fixed regex in trends-inc.txt for dual formats of weather records
- Version 1.06 - 08-Mar-2008 - ajaxWDwx.js updated to fix flashing icon issue, Mike Challis' Theme Switcher integrated (his V1.03), wxastronomy.php page supports non-English Solar/Lunar dates, USA new wxgr3radar.php and wxquake.php with support scripts.
- Version 1.07 - 09-Mar-2008 - added 'Iced Tea' Theme and updated include-style-changer.php (V1.03+) from Mike Challis
- Version 1.08 - 10-Mar-2008 - updated USA wxindex.php, wxadvisory.php for correct include-mode for rss-advisory.php (thanks Mike!)
- Version 1.09 - 11-Mar-2008 - updated *.css and include-style-changes.php for 8 new Themes from Mike Challis (his version 1.05) - changed menubar.php, ajaxWDwx.js for .png windroses, updated ajax-dashboard.php for better look with dark styles and fixed time formatting issue, updated wxastronomy.php to use dynamic moonicon.gif
- Version 1.10 - 12-Mar-2008 - World Template - added wxquakeUK.php, quake-UK.php, wxquake.php, quake-WORLD.php to template set. Canada Template - added wxquake.php, quake-Canada.php. USA template - updated wxquake.php, quake-USA.php (quake-USA-test.php is deprecated).
- Version 1.11 - 13-Mar-2008 - added Mike Challis' wxlive.php (WDL), wxmesomap.php (MML) and support scripts swfobject.js, wdl-mml-forcesize.js to Canada, USA and World distributions
- Version 1.12 - 15-Mar-2008 - added Mike Challis' wxhistory.php, include-history.php and updated menubar.php (Canada, USA, World). Updated GR3-radar-inc.php to V1.01 w/ IIS fix included (USA only) .
- Version 1.13 - 17-Mar-2008 - updated rss-top-warning.php to V1.02 and rss-advisory.php to V1.08 (USA only).
- Version 1.14 - 19-Mar-2008 - Flyout-menu system added, updated weather-screen-*-*.css and include-style-switcher.php to V1.08 (Mike Challis) (Canada, USA, World)
- Version 1.15 - 19-Mar-2008 - updated ec-forecast.php to V2.05 (Canada only)
- Version 1.16 -23-Mar-2008 - corrected testtags.txt icon[28] to day_clear.gif in classic-icons section (Canada, USA, World)
- Version 1.17 - 25-Mar-2008 - Corrected the HTML comments on some error message text for rss-advisory.php and rss-top-warning.php (USA only)
- Version 1.18 - 29-Mar-2008 - (Canada, USA, World) Updated flyout-menu.xml for XHTML validation, Style Switcher V1.07 (mocha CSS, include-style-switcher.php), ajax-dashboard.php (debug features, UV color fix, testtags.php location fix), ajaxWDwx.js (UV color fix), wxhistory.php (added floatTop.js, ajax-images/toparrow.gif for floating scroll to top per Kevin, Jozef and Mike)
- Version 1.19 - 30-Mar-2008 - (World only) Updated WU-forecast.php to V1.05 with C/F/Both icon temp display option
- Version 1.20 - 05-Apr-2008 - (Canada, USA, World) Updated include-wxhistory.php Version 1.01 from Mike Challis for wxhistory.php page [Supports WD V10.37j+]; Updated comments in wxlive.php, wxmesomap.php; (USA only) rss-top-warning.php V1.04 - fixed HTML comment
- Version 1.21 - 07-Apr-2008 (USA only) updated radar-status.php to V1.03 (fixed $SITE['showradarstatus'] handling)
- Version 1.22 -12-Apr-2008 (USA only) updated wxindex.php for summary rss-advisory.php warnings. Fixed addon wxcontact.php page for IIS (MChallis)
- Version 1.23 - 13-Apr-2008 (Canada, USA, World) Updated ajax-gizmo.php to use $SITE['WXtags'] setting (MChallis)
- Version 1.24 - 16-Apr-2008 (USA only) fixed wxindex.php validation HTML error for rss-advisory.php warning.
- Version 1.25 - 19-Apr-2008 (Canada, USA, World) Updated CSS set to V1.08(16Apr) in prep for multilingual template set; Updated include-wxhistory.php to V1.03 (08-Apr) (MChallis)
- Version 1.26 - 21-Apr-2008 (Canada, USA, World) Updated include-wxhistory.php to V1.04 with 'frost fix' (MChallis)
- Version 1.27 - 26-Apr-2008 Updated quake scripts to fix UTC-to-local time issue on some webservers: quake-Canada.php V1.01 (Canada), quake-USA.php V1.08 (USA), quake-WORLD.php V1.07 and quake-UK.php V1.03 (World)
- Version 1.28 - 12-May-2008 ajaxWDwx.js and ajax-dashboard.php with HeatColorWord mod(MChallis), plaintext-parser.php V1.10 fix → arrow (Canada, USA, World)
- Version 1.29 - 30-Jun-2008 Initial release of World-ML package with documentation. Supported languages include English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Norwegian, and Swedish with 5 additional languages in development (Italian, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese) to be released as language packs.
- Version 1.30 - 30-Jun-2008 (World-ML only) Updated include-wxhistory.php for one date translation problem.
- Version 1.31 - 01-Jul-2008 (World-ML only) Updated Greek and Spanish language plugins.
- Version 1.32 - 02-Jul-2008 (World-ML only) Updated Greek language plugin (for Minimum temperature in wxhistory.php translation) and Danish, Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, and Swedish language plugins for missing & in one menu item translation.
- Version 1.32 - 03-Jul-2008 (World-ML only) Updated Italian language plugin, Updated Settings.php for language selection 'stick' without theme-changer enabled, Updated include-wxhistory.php for missing month name translation.
- Version 1.33 - 04-Jul-2008 (World-ML only) Updated wxastronomy.php for non-English astronomy date processing. Updated language-nl.js and language-nl.zip language pack with corrections from Jozef. Also update all language packs for 'Scattered clouds' with same words as 'Sc' entry.
- Version 1.34 - 05-Jul-2008 (World-ML only) Updated all translations to add 'Cloudy with clear patches' to augment 'Cloudy with clear p' translation. Entry was changed with later versions of WD. All language packs and distribution zip updated for World-ML.
- Version 1.35 - 21-Jul-2008 (Canada, USA, World) Fixed <br> in wxabout.php page. (USA only) updated GR3-radar-inc.php V1.02 to have XHTML validation (via JavaScript insert)
- Version 1.36 - 24-Jul-2008 (USA only) Updated WU-radar-inc.php to (V1.05) to fix legend for severe weather (thanks to Michael at http://www.relayweather.com/ )
- Version 1.37 - 04-Aug-2008 (Canada only) Updated ec-radar.php (V1.05) for EC radar website changes.
- Version 1.38 - 09-Aug-2008 (World-ML only) Added French and Portuguese translations and language packs.
- Version 1.39 - 09-Aug-2008 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser (V1.12) to support max number of icons to display.
- Version 1.40 - 11-Aug-2008 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) Updated *.css and include-style-switcher.php to V1.09 for support of WordPress Blog plugin.
- Version 1.41 - 13-Aug-2008 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) Updated include-style-switcher.php to V1.11 (Added HTML labels for style select form elements to Pass Section 508 and WAI accessibility validation)
- Version 1.42 - 18-Aug-2008 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) updated flyout-menu.php to better handle 'unknown' CSS (Mike Challis)
- Version 1.43 - 24-Aug-2008 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) updated include-style-changer.php to V1.12 with fix for default session settings being established incorrectly (Mike Challis)
- Version 1.44 - 03-Sep-2008 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) updated include-style-changer.php to V1.13 with new Settings.php to control style selection (Mike Challis)
- Version 1.45 - 10-Sep-2008 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser.php to V1.13 with support for multi-char wind abbreviations. (World-ML) added support for German and Polish translations and language packs -de and -pl to distribution.
- Version 1.46 - 13-Sep-2008 (World, World-ML) Added get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php (V1.00) and updated Settings.php and wxadvisory.php to support EUMETNET member country region specific warnings.
- Version 1.47 - 20-Sep-2008 (World, World-ML) updated get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php (V1.01) to remove unneeded TZ set and add $EUAtarget setting for optional target="_blank" on links
- Version 1.48 - 24-Sep-2008 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) Changed M. Challis links to www.ProWeatherStore.com/weather/ in wxabout and wxlinks. Added check-fetch-times.php utility for testing external data source access timings.
- Version 1.49 - 26-Sep-2008 (Canada only) Updated ec-radar.php to V1.06 with XHTML fixes and improved cache handling for better performance
- Version 1.50 - 01-Oct-2008 (World, World-ML) Updated WU-forecast.php to V1.06 to support Tropical info in period forecast (if available).
- Version 1.51 - 03-Oct-2008 (World-ML only) Updated WU-forecast.php (ML) to V1.08 to support Tropical info in period forecast (if available) with UTF-8 to ISO character translation
- Version 1.52 - 04-Oct-2008 (World-ML only) Updated common.php, ajax-dashboard.php ML versions for month/day name translation in display
- Version 1.53 - 06-Oct-2008 (World, World-ML only) Updated get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php to V1.02 to fix XHTML validation issues.
- Version 1.53 - 16-Oct-2008 (ALL) Updated CSS for theme switcher V1.15; (World, World-ML) Updated quake-WORLD.php to V1.08; (World-ML only) Added Afrikaans language pack to supported languages.
- Version 1.54 - 17-Oct-2008 (World, World-ML) Updated quake-WORLD.php (V1.09) for PHP 5.2 fix
- Version 1.55 - 02-Dec-2008 (World) Updated WU-forecast.php to V1.07. (World-ML) Updated WU-forecast.php (ML) to V1.09. Both updates to support changes in WU forecast website.
- Version 1.56 - 15-Dec-2008 (World) Updated WU-forecast.php to V1.08. (World-ML) Updated WU-forecast.php (ML) to V1.10 Both updates to support a change to WU forecast website (impacted temperature extraction for icon set).
- Version 1.57 - 19-Dec-2008 (World) Updated WU-forecast.php to V1.09. (World-ML) Updated WU-forecast.php (ML) to V1.11. Both updates to support a change in WU forecast website.
- Version 1.58 - 22-Dec-2008 (World) Updated WU-forecast.php to V1.10. (World-ML) Updated WU-forecast.php (ML) to V1.12 - Both updates support removal of '\r\n2000\r\n' from WU HTML page which was causing issues.
- Version 1.59 - 23-Dec-2008 (USA) Updated GR3-radar-inc.php to V1.03 to add support for Digital Total Rainfall display (with GRLeve3 V1.50).
- Version 1.60 - 30-Dec-2008 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) Changed credit links for Mike Challis, updated include-style-switcher.php and .css files to V1.17 - improved cookie support.
- Version 1.61 - 06-Jan-2009 (World-ML only) Changed wxastronomy.php and language-LL.txt files to make lookup for 'Sun' (the star) different from abbreviation for 'Sunday' .
- Version 1.62 - 11-Jan-2009 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser.php to V1.14 to fix a Beaufort issue and to ignore 'snow level' and 'freezing level' for conditions determination.
- Version 1.63 - 12-Jan-2009 (World, World-ML only) updated quake-WORLD.php to V1.10 for changes in USGS website.
- Version 1.64 - 14-Jan-2009 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser to V1.15 to support $tempDegrees symbols on wind chill/heat index text display; (USA only) updated advforecast2.php to support below zero temperatures in parsing the Zone forecast.
- Version 1.65 - 17-Jan-2009 (World-ML only) Updated Danish, Greek, Swedish WXSIM translations and language packs to support Snow/Freezing level translations.
- Version 1.66 - 02-Feb-2009 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) updated thermometer.php to V1.04 for "Black" style support with white lettering
- Version 1.67 - 04-Feb-2009 (USA only) updated radar-status.php to V1.04 to handle change to NWS website
- Version 1.68 - 05-Feb-2009 (Canada, USA, World, World-ML) updated plaintext-parser.php (WXSIM) to V1.16 to fix occasional plaintext.txt parsing issue.
- Version 1.69 - 08-Feb-2009 (Canada-ML only) Initial release of Canada Multilingual template set with English and French language support.
- Version 1.70 - 22-Feb-2009 (World-ML only) Added Bulgarian translation from Radmil at http://www.vremeto.org/, and updated Greek windrose set (el).
- Version 1.71 - 12-Mar-2009 (Canada, Canada-ML only) updated ec-forecast.php script to V2.08 to fix EC site addition of abnormal temperature trend indicator
- Version 1.72 - 20-Mar-2009 (Canada, Canada-ML, USA, World, World-ML) updated ajaxWDwx.js and ajaxgizmo.js to support Internet Explorer 8
- Version 1.73 - 28-Mar-2009 (Canada, Canada-ML) Updated quake-Canada.php to V1.03 to support change to EC website.
- Version 1.74 - 30-Apr-2009 (Canada, Canada-ML) Updated ec-radar.php to V1.07 to fix issue with PHP5
- Version 1.75 - 18-Jun-2009 Canada, Canada-ML, USA, World, World-ML) updated plaintext-parser.php to V1.17 as fix for missing leading space in plaintext.txt lines
- Version 2.00 - 06-Jul-2009 (ALL) Updates for PHP5 support for timezone setting, (Canada, USA, World) added Snow display to ajax-dashboard, new testtags.txt to support wxtrends page, remove need for trends-inc.html file. Details are available.
- Version 2.01 - 07-Jul-2009 (ALL) Corrected missing <?php in ajax-dashboard.php
- Version 2.02 - 07-Jul-2009 (ALL) updated ajax-gizmo.php to V1.04 to correct validation issues
- Version 2.02 - 11-Jul-2009 (ALL) testtags.txt V1.05 now includes tags for 642weather.com Printable Weather Flyer page and websterweatherlive.com Alternative Dashboard (USA) and High/Low/Avg page plugins
- Version 2.03 - 12-Jul-2009 (ALL) testtags.txt V1.06 includes new tags for websterweatherlive.com Alternative Dashboard (USA) V4.0
- Version 2.04 - 15-Jul-2009 (ALL) Updated Settings.php with corrected timezone setting code
- Version 2.05 - 16-Jul-2009 (World-ML only) Updated Italian WXSIM translation file - plaintext-parser-lang-it.txt
- Version 2.06 - 12-Sep-2009 (Canada,Canada-ML only) Fixed one uninitialized variable in ec-forecast.php that hadn't made it into the distribution .zip
- Version 2.07 - 21-Sep-2009 (USA only) Added atom-advisory.php and atom-top-warning.php scripts from Mike Challis for NOAA advisory processing (requires PHP5) and auto-switch to rss-advisory.php/rss-top-warning.php if PHP5 not available. New alert-images/ directory added to support the atom scripts.
- Version 2.08 - 22-Sep-2009 (USA only) Updated atom-advisory.php and atom-top-warning.php scripts to use HTTP/1.1 for access to www.weather.gov.
- Version 2.09 - 04-Oct-2009 (ALL) Updated plaintext-parser-data.txt to V1.05, Added wxuvforecast.php page to distributions
- Version 2.10 - 05-Oct-2009 (ALL) Updated wxuvforecast.php to allow $maxIcons to set number of icons to display (default=7)
- Version 2.11 - 06-Oct-2009 (ALL) Updated wxuvforecast.php to fix problem with a PHP 5.2.6 installation.
- Version 2.12 - 10-Oct-2009 (USA only) Updated USA ajax-dashboard.php to V1.11 to fix automatic snow display
- Version 2.13 - 23-Oct-2009 (Canada, Canada-ML only) quake-Canada.php script fixed missing lat/long settings from Settings.php
- Version 2.14 - 29-Oct-2009 (USA only) Updated atom-advisory and atom-top-warning scripts to handle County zone codes (M Challis)
- Version 2.15 - 30-Oct-2009 (ALL) Updated wxhistory.php, include-wxhistory.php for PHP5 and separate images directory spec (M Challis)
- Version 2.16 - 31-Oct-2009 (USA only) Updated atom-top-warning.php to correct generated HTML for NWS error condition.
- Version 2.17 - 04-Nov-2009 Updated quake-USA.php (USA only) and quake-WORLD.php (World, World-ML only) for changes in USGS website.
- Version 2.18 - 09-Nov-2009 (Canada, Canada-ML only) Updated ec-forecast.php to V2.09 to fix missing space in warnings.
- Version 2.19 - 10-Nov-2009 (Canada, Canada-ML only) Updated ec-forecast.php to V2.10 to handle EC website changes for normal/yesterday conditions display.
- Version 2.20 - 28-Feb-2010 (USA only) Updated advforecast2.php to V2.15 for new NWS Zone forecast phrases. Added wxstatus.php page to template set and added to flyout-menu.xml
- Version 2.21 - 22-Apr-2010 (World, World-ML only) updated get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php to V2.00 for changes in meteoalarm.eu website. (World-ML only) changed common.php, footer.php to support show=missing for language support. Added Romanian language translation.
- Version 2.22 - 23-Apr-2010 (World, World-ML only) updated get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php to V2.01 to support TOS changes in meteoalarm.eu website.
- Version 2.23 - 26-May-2010 (Canada, Canada-ML only) updated ec-forecast.php to V2.11 for EC website changes on humidex/wind-chill display
- Version 2.24 - 09-Jul-2010 (USA only) updated atom-advisory.php to V2.05 (M. Challis)
- Version 2.25 - 09-Jul-2010 (ALL) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser.php to V1.18 for humidex and frost display support
- Version 2.26 - 16-Jul-2010 (ALL) updated ajaxWDwx.js to V2.20 to remove JavaScript warnings
- Version 2.27 - 23-Jul-2010 (ALL) updated flyout-menu.php to V1.02 (Canada, USA, World) and V1.04 (Canada-ML, World-ML) to add attributes target=,img=,align= to parsing, and use menu=<name> for flyout-menu-<name>.xml
- Version 2.28 - 29-Jul-2010 (ALL) updated footer.php for changed link to XHTML 1.0 validator at w3.org
- Version 2.29 - 12-Aug-2010 (ALL) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser.php to V1.19 to support heat-index and hot icon for heat-index/humidex above specified values
- Version 2.30 - 30-Sep-2010 (Canada, Canada-ML) updated ajax-dashboard and ec-radar scripts (Thanks to Pablo Sanchez); (USA, World, World-ML) updated ajax-dashboard for consistency among versions.
- Version 2.31 - 18-Oct-2010 (ALL) updated plaintext-parser.php to V1.20 to correct wording for frost display below icon
- Version 2.32 - 02-Nov-2010 (ALL) updated include-wxhistory.php to work with WD V10.37O+ for wxhistory.php page
- Version 2.33 - 05-Nov-2010 (USA, World) replaced Canadian ajax-dashboard.php with proper version in distribution files.
- Version 2.34 - 24-Nov-2010 (ALL) updated include-wxhistory.php for Avg daily min/max temp display
- Version 2.35 - 14-Dec-2010 (USA) updated advforecast2.php to V2.16 adding NWS warning display
- Version 2.36 - 19-Dec-2010 (ALL) updated include-wxhistory.php to display special conditions (M. Connaroe) and fixed link in CSS for online color table lookup
- Version 2.37 - 01-Jan-2011 (ALL) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser.php to V1.21, plaintext-parser-data.txt to V1.07 to support configurable wind-chill display
- Version 2.38 - 03-Jan-2011 (ALL) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser.php to V1.22 for formatted windchill, heatidx, humidx, frost arrays
- Version 2.39 - 08-Jan-2011 (USA) updated advforecast2.php to V2.17 to fix validation issue with NWS forecast having a '&' in it
- Version 2.40 - 15-Jan-2011 (Canada, USA, World) updated ajax-dashboard.php to correct one mouseover arrow tag for Baro
- Version 2.40a - 04-Feb-2011 WD/AJAX/PHP Template sets are deprecated for new V3.x templates supporting multiple weather station software packages - no updates will be made to these V2.x templates.
AJAX/PHP Website Template packages for Cumulus, Meteohub, VWS, Weather-Display, WeatherCat, WeatherLink, WeatherSnoop, wview, WxSolution, WLCOM, AWN
- Version 3.00 - 04-Feb-2011 - Initial release of Base-Canada, Base-USA, Base-World, Cumulus-plugin, VWS-plugin, Weather-Display-plugin, WeatherLink-plugin template sets replacing the original V2.x WD/AJAX/PHP templates
- Version 3.01 - 05-Feb-2011 - (Base-*) ajax-dashboard/ajax-gizmo updated to fix Notice/Deprecated errata, VWS-plugin fixed for missing variables, Cumulus-plugin fixed for missing defs, WL-plugin fixed for missing defs.
- Version 3.02 - 05-Feb-2011 - (Base-*) flyout-menu.php updated to fix IE8+ display issue, wxgraphs.php fixed (had <? instead of <?php markers)
- Version 3.03 - 06-Feb-2011 - (Base-USA only) update wxindex.php with missing </div> to let page validate correctly
- Version 3.04 - 07-Feb-2011 - (Base-World only) update WU-forecast.php(ML) V1.15 for better multilingual day name/icon parsing
- Version 3.05 - 08-Feb-2011 - (Base-World only) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php to V2.03 for warning color background display
- Version 3.06 - 10-Feb-2011 - (VWS, Cumulus, WL plugins) added Chandler Burining Index calc, updated gen-tags scripts, updated tags files to support null returns from weather software for values in WX[] array
- Version 3.07 - 11-Feb-2011 - (Base-*) update to ajax-dashboard, ajax-gizmo, include-style-switcher
- Version 3.08 - 13-Feb-2011 - (Base-*) minor changes. VWS-plugin correct VWStags.htx, genVWStags.php for comments=no
- Version 3.09 - 15-Feb-2011 - (Base-*) update plaintext-parser V1.24 for snow display, get-uv-forecast-inc for Notice: errata and wxastronomy.php for split() to explode(); (WD-plugin) updated wd-trends-inc.php for split() to explode()
- Version 3.10 - 19-Feb-2011 - (Base-*) update wxstatus, ajax-dashboard, ajax-gizmo, get-uv-forecast-inc for decimal comma support, plaintext-parser for -en and 'snow lilkely', (CU-plugin) update for decimal comma support
- Version 3.11 - 19-Feb-2011 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast, wxindex, wxadvisory, wxforecast for ec-forecast V2.12 with color-coded watch/warning/ended alerts from EC
- Version 3.12 - 20-Feb-2011 - (Base-*) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser.php to V1.26 for WXSIM V12.8.5 wind-chill reporting
- Version 3.13 - 22-Feb-2011 - (Base-*) updated common.php for Set button in DropDown language select when JavaScript not enabled in browser, (Cumulus-plugin) added wxcurecords.php, beta tags processing to gen-CUtags.php, beta tags to CUtags.txt
- Version 3.14 - 24-Feb-2011 - (Base-World) updated get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V2.04 for UTF-8 to lang=LL character set conversion
- Version 3.15 - 27-Feb-2011 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php to V2.18 for common cache directory support
- Version 3.16 - 02-Mar-2011 - (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php script to test for cache file writing, updated top.php for better charset control using Content-Type header
- Version 3.17 - 04-Mar-2011 - (Base-*) update flyout-menu.php V1.07 to fix Strict errata messages
- Version 3.18 - 05-Mar-2011 - (Base-*) update common.php to fix Strict msgs, (Base-USA) update atom-advisory for missing global cache, get-nnvl-iod for Deprecated split() to explode()
- Version 3.19 - 06-Mar-2011 - (Base-World) update WU-forecast.php (ML) V1.16 to use 2-rows of icons when translated text too wide, wxquake.php - fixed HTML error
- Version 3.20 - 12-Mar-2011 - (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php to V3.00 for multiple-forecast capability (thanks to Curly from www.weather.ricksturf.com)
- Version 3.21 - 15-Mar-2011 - (Base-USA) update atom-advisory V2.08, atom-top-warning V2.07 for new NWS ATOM/CAP feed URL
- Version 3.22 - 23-Mar-2011 - (Base-*) updated ajax-dashboard (V1.19) and ajax-gizmo(V1.09) to fix pressure trend arrow display issue
- Version 3.23 - 23-Mar-2011 - (Base-*) updated get-USNO-sunmoon V1.01 to handle moonrise/moonset when on prior/next day
- Version 3.24 - 02-Apr-2011 - (Base-*) updated thermometer.php V1.07 to correct WLrealtime.txt usage, updated ajaxWLwx.js V3.02 to handle dd-mm-yyyy date format.
- Version 3.25 - 28-May-2011 - (Base-*) updated ajaxWLwx.js V3.03 (WeatherLink) to include am/pm or 24hr time selection for update display
- Version 3.26 - 30-May-2011 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V1.17-ML to fix premature halt due to missing WU data value (heat-index/wind-chill);
update quakeUK.php V1.06 to fix Notice: error,
(Base-Canada) ec-forecast.php V2.13 to fix handling of Settings.php $SITE['fcsticonsdirEC'] - Version 3.27 - 30-May-2011 - (Base-*) fix translation for BaroTrend, Beaufort text (ajaxWLwx.js, common.php, ajax-dashboard.php, ajax-gizmo.php)
- Version 3.28 - 03-Jun-2011 - (WD-plugin) replaced deprecated split() function with explode() function to fix Deprecated: errata
- Version 3.29 - 05-Jun-2011 - (Base-World) updated get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php (V2.06) for meteoalarm.eu website changes
- Version 3.30 - 11-Jun-2011 - (Base-*) updated wxstatus.php to correctly locate current NOAA report files for VWS, WL;
- (VWS-plugin, WL-plugin) updated include-NOAA-reports.php V2.01 to fix Notice: type errata
- Version 3.31 - 11-Jul-2011 - (WD-plugin) update include-wxhistory.php V1.09 to fix Notice: type errata
- Version 3.32 - 25-Jul-2011 - (Base-*) top.php support for alternate tags uploads to address slow FTP issues; (Base-WD) testtags V1.07 with support for current versions of plugin pages; (Base-World) updated language-it.txt translations
- Version 3.33 - 09-Aug-2011 - (CU-plugin) updates for new tags available; (VWS-plugin) VWS-defs fix calc for days since last rain; (Base-*) support for Meteohub; (MH-plugin) initial release for Meteohub
- Version 3.34 - 10-Aug-2011 - (Base-*) get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.02 update to fix namespace issues with *-mesomap.php network maps.
- Version 3.35 - 23-Aug-2011 - (Base-World) quake-UK.php V1.07 update for BGS website changes
- Version 3.36 - 23-Aug-2011 - (MH-plugin) updated to use thb0 instead of thb1 as 'inside' sensor default.
- Version 3.37 - 27-Aug-2011 - (Base-*, WL/VWS/CU-plugin) Updated include-NOAA-reports.php, wxnoaareports.php for Cumulus support/better styling (thanks to Beteljuice); (CU-plugin) updated tags sets for Cumulus 1.9.1+1.9.2beta1008
- Version 3.38 - 29-Aug-2011 - (Base-USA) added missing language-en.js, language-en.txt files to distribution
- Version 3.39 - 29-Aug-2011 - (CU-plugin) updated tags and CU-defs.php for more Cumulus 1.9.2beta1009 varibles
- Version 3.40 - 06-Sep-2011 - (CU-plugin) updated tags Cumulus 1.9.2beta1010 varibles and fixed CU-defs.php for date format dd.mm.yyyy
- Version 3.41 - 07-Sep-2011 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php (ML) V1.18 for major WeatherUnderground website changes
- Version 3.42 - 09-Sep-2011 - (CU-plugin) updated tags Cumulus 1.9.2beta1011 varibles and fixed CU-defs.php for time format hh.mm
- Version 3.43 - 09-Sep-2011 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php (ML) V1.19 removed duplicate last-day forecasts
- Version 3.44 - 13-Sep-2011 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php (ML) V1.20 for new handling of long descriptions and autoset for 14 icon display in wide format templates. language-es.txt updated for new WU-forecast.php conditions translation.
- Version 3.45 - 14-Sep-2011 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php (ML) V1.21 to fix 'Chance of Precip' handling and remove invalid HTML from WU text forecast
- Version 3.46 - 14-Sep-2011 - (Base-World) updated language-it.txt translation file for WU-forecast.php V1.21 terms in Italian (Alessandro Bardi)
- Version 3.47 - 16-Sep-2011 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V1.22 (ML) for WU website changes
- Version 3.48 - 21-Sep-2011 - (Base-*,CU-plugin) updated ajaxCUwx.js (V3.02) and CU-defs.php (V1.04) for feelslike temp selection from heat-index(default), Humidex or apparent temperature.
- Version 3.49 - 25-Sep-2011 - (CU-plugin) updated tags Cumulus 1.9.2beta1016 variables
- Version 3.50 - 28-Sep-2011 - (MH-plugin) added $SITE['yesterdayData'] to Settings-weather.php and chgd MH-defs.php to use it to load yesterday.php data
- Version 3.51 - 01-Oct-2011 - (CU-plugin) updated tags for Cumulus 1.9.2beta1017 variables, CU-defs.php (V1.05) to fix $dirlabel issue
- Version 3.52 - 01-Oct-2011 - (Base-*) updated plaintext-parser.php, advforecast2.php(USA), WU-forecast.php(World), get-metar-conditions-inc.php, ajaxWDwx.js, ajax-dashboard.php, and Settings.php to support alternative animated GIF conditions/forecast icons from Paolo at http://www.meteotreviglio.com/
- Version 3.53 - 05-Oct-2011 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php (V3.02) to correct warning links to go to forecast.weather.gov site
- Version 3.54 - 08-Oct-2011 - (Base-World) updated WXSIM Dutch(nl) translation from Oebel at www.weerstation-marsdijk.nl and added Hungarian(hu) translation file from Attila at www.huweather.com
- Version 3.55 - 09-Oct-2011 - (Base-*) updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.04 to fix missing 'RA'=Rain condition from metar
- Version 3.56 - 20-Oct-2011 - (CU-plugin) tags/defs for Cumulus 1.9.2 Build 1019; (WD-plugin) fix WD-trends-inc.php V1.06 for non-English record dates
- Version 3.57 - 22-Oct-2011 - (Base-World) updated get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V2.07 for additional UTF-8 to template character set translation in 'more info' area.
- Version 3.58 - 25-Oct-2011 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php (ML V1.24) for WeatherUnderground website changes
- Version 3.59 - 05-Nov-2011 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php (ML V1.25) to fix Notice: errata; (Base-USA) updated atom-advisory.php (V2.09) and atom-top-warning.php (V2.08) for correct icon selection for * Storm Warning/Watch alerts
- Version 3.60 - 17-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) added wxmetar.php page and support script updates; (Base-World) added Hebrew language (thanks to Eli of http://www.evweather.info/ )and website formatting support (right-to-left) and new Settings-language.php so future language additions will not require replacement of Settings.php for installation, updated WU-forecast.php (V1.26 ML) for Hebrew language formatting and multi-city forecast capability.
- Version 3.61 - 17-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) minor update to wxmetar.php/include-metar-display.php to address a language default to English after viewing.
- Version 3.62 - 19-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) minor update to include-metar-display.php (V1.02) to fix a malformed PHP tag and remove 'at' from Wind: display for better translations
- Version 3.63 - 19-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.06 update to fix format for Wind Chill
- Version 3.64 - 19-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.07 update to fix handling of non-NOAA METAR for runway conditions
- Version 3.65 - 20-Nov-2011 - (Base-Canada) update quake-Canada.php V1.07 for major EC NRC website changes
- Version 3.66 - 20-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) update wxstatus.php (V1.05) to correctly check for WD clientraw.txt realtime file
- Version 3.67 - 21-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) update wxstatus.php (V1.06) and new include-wxstatus.php (V1.01) to allow easier maint for new supported software checks; also corrected several ML items, and added NOAA-style report checks
- Version 3.68 - 22-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) update include-metar-display.php (V1.03) and get-metar-conditions.php (V1.08) for 2-up/3-up display based on narrow/wide screen aspect and fixed Notice: errata
- Version 3.69 - 23-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) update get-metar-conditions-inc.php (V1.09) to handle WMO-format runway visibility codes
- Version 3.70 - 24-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) update get-metar-conditions-inc.php (V1.10) and include-metar-display.php (V1.04) to fix CAVOK visibility display and allow translation of 'greater than' phrase
- Version 3.71 - 27-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) update wxmetar.php V1.01, include-metar-display.php (V1.05) to have 'Distance to station' displayed if $MetarList array is created by the find-metar utility on this website.
- Version 3.72 - 29-Nov-2011 - (Base-*) update METAR displays for cloud-details and fix for wind 'varies' issue (include-metar-display.php V1.06, get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.11), improved conditions translations (common.php V1.04, ajax-dashboard.php V1.23, ajax-gizmo.php V1.11, (WD-plugin): ajaxWDwx.js V2.23)
- Version 3.73 - 03-Dec-2011 - (Base-*) update get-USNO-sunmoon.php V1.02 to fix moonset date if following day;
(WL-Plugin, VWS-Plugin, CU-Plugin) update include-NOAA-reports.php V2.03 to fix WL auto file copy and RTL language display
(VWS-Plugin) update VWS-defs.php V1.01 fix days since last rain for dd/mm/yyyy date format
(Base-World) update language-he.txt Hebrew translation file V1.01
(MH-Plugin) MH-defs.php V1.03 removed days since last rain logic - Meteohub doesn't have a variable to allow computation of that data afterall - Version 3.74 - 09-Dec-2011 - (VWS-plugin) update VWS-defs.php V1.02 for international date format for $mrecordgustday in dashboard
- Version 3.75 - 13-Dec-2011 - (Base-*) update ajax-gizmo.php V1.12 to fix time display for WeatherLink; update ajaxWDwx.js V2.24 to add useinHg var to force inHg barometer display for English or Metric units
- Version 3.76 - 27-Dec-2011 - (Base-*) update WXSIM plaintext-parser.php V1.28 for Hebrew support and renamed internal functions to prevent collision with WXSIM 3-in-1 scripts; (Base-World) updated language-he.txt and plaintext-parser-lang-he.txt for Hebrew support.
- Version 3.77 - 31-Dec-2011 - (Base-World) update WU-forecast.php V1.27 to remove extra 'Weather Forecast ' from $WUforecastcity display
- Version 3.78 - 14-Jan-2012 - (Base-*) updates for WeatherSnoop support: ajax-dashboard V1.24, include-wxstatus V1.02, thermometer V1.09, ajaxWSNwx.js V3.05, check-fetch-times V1.04 w/improved diagnostics;
(WSN-plugin) initial release; - Version 3.79 - 22-Jan-2012 - (Base-*) updates for dd.mm.yy format dates (ajax-dashboard, ajax-gizmo, include-wxstatus, wxastronomy, ajaxCUwx.js); wxindex fixed to load dashboard from $SITE['ajaxDashboard'] Settings-weather.php;
(CU-plugin) updated tags for Cumulus 1.9.2b1028 - Version 3.80 - 31-Jan-2012 - (Base-USA) update get-nnvl-iod.php V1.10 for NNVL website changes
- Version 3.81 - 03-Feb-2012 - (Base-World) update WU-forecast.php V1.28 for diagnostics if WU website block
- Version 3.82 - 16-Feb-2012 - (Base-World) update WU-forecast.php V1.29 for WU website changes in temperature display
- Version 3.83 - 18-Feb-2012 - (MH-plugin) update MH-defs.php V1.04 to fix baro for sea-level display, rain in trends page thanks to John at http://rainer.me.uk/weather/ , MH-trends-inc.php V1.07 for Notice: errata and one short PHP tag;
(WD-plugin) update WD-trends-inc.php to replace Baro High with Baro Low display (more useful) - Version 3.84 - 06-Mar-2012 - (Base-Canada) update quake-Canada.php V1.08 for EC website changes
- Version 3.85 - 24-Mar-2012 - (CU-plugin) CU-defs.php V1.07; (VWS-plugin) VWS-defs.php V1.03; added local rain override for METAR conditions icon/text based on rain-rate (and time-of-last-bucket tip if available)
- Version 3.86 - 24-Mar-2012 - (Base-*,WCT-plugin) support added for WeatherCat software
- Version 3.87 - 25-Mar-2012 - (WCT-plugin) update WCT-defs.php to use current conditions text/icon from $WX['CC'] if no METAR is specified
- Version 3.88 - 30-Mar-2012 - (Base-*) update get-UV-forecast-inc.php V1.07 to support date formatting via $SITE['dateOnlyFormat']
- Version 3.89 - 31-Mar-2012 - (Base-*) update wxuvforecast.php V1.01 for get-UV-forecast-inc.php V1.07 day-of-week display
- Version 3.90 - 31-Mar-2012 - (MH-plugin,WL-plugin) added local rain override for METAR conditions icon/text based on rain-rate
- Version 3.91 - 28-Apr-2012 - (MH-plugin) fixed yesterdayrain in MH-defs.php V1.06
- Version 3.92 - 04-May-2012 - (Base-*) update get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.12 with fix for METAR variable wind+gust parsing like VRB02G03KT
- Version 3.93 - 01-Jun-2012 - (Base-World) update WU-forecast.php V1.30 for city forecast title due to WU website change
- Version 3.94 - 04-Jun-2012 - (Base-USA) update GR3-radar-inc.php V1.04 for Dual Polarization GRLevel3 V2.xx displays
- Version 3.95 - 02-Jul-2012 - (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V3.03 for changes to NWS forecast website
- Version 3.96 - 03-Jul-2012 - (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V3.04 for NWS HTML validation issue and icon page overflow with Thunderstorms displayed
- Version 3.97 - 03-Jul-2012 - (Base-*) updates to thermometer.php V1.11, wxgraphs.php V1.03, flyout-menu.xml for wview and WxSolution plugins;
(WV-plugin) initial release of plugin for wview weather software;
(WXS-plugin) initial release of plugin for WxSolution weather software
(WL-plugin) WL-defs.php V1.03 added display of yesterday temperature min/max+times, and rain from NOAA-style climate report (if available) - Version 3.98 - 05-Jul-2012 - (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V3.05 for Zone forecast image location
- Version 3.99 - 07-Jul-2012 - (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V3.06 for rising/falling temperature indicator graphics with new NWS website design
- Version 3.100 - 18-Jul-2012 - (Base-World) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V2.08 - 18-Jul-2012 for meteoalarm.eu website changes
- Version 3.101 - 22-Jul-2012 - (Base-World) added Catalan language (-ct) support files
- Version 3.102 - 24-Jul-2012 - (Base-World) fixed WXsoftware links in sample wxabout-*.html, wxabout.php pages
- Version 3.103 - 28-Jul-2012 - (Base-World) updates to the Slovenian (-si) language translations from Marko at http://www.okroglovreme.com/
- Version 3.104 - 28-Jul-2012 - (Base-*) update to check-fetch-times utility V1.05
- Version 3.105 - 28-Jul-2012 - (Base-USA) adds Curly's ( http://www.weather.ricksturf.com/ ) nws-alerts system to the Base-USA template as alternative to the atom-advisory/atom-top-warning scripts. Thanks Curly!
- Version 3.106 - 29-Jul-2012 - (Base-USA) update nws-alerts.php V1.13 for $noIcons fix (Thanks Curly!)
- Version 3.107 - 03-Aug-2012 - (Base-*,WCT-plugin) update ajaxWCTwx.js V3.05 to fix feelslike temperature NaN issue
- Version 3.108 - 05-Aug-2012 - (Base-USA) update nws-alerts.php V1.14 for spacing in the alert box (Thanks Curly!)
- Version 3.109 - 07-Aug-2012 - (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.06 to add ?show=versions script version checking for template sets
- Version 3.110 - 09-Aug-2012 - (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V3.07 to fix Zone forecast failover with new NWS website design;
(Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.07 with minor changes - Version 3.111 - 31-Aug-2012 - (Base-USA) update get-nnvl-iod.php V1.11 added unchunk for NNVL HTTP page response,
update radar-status.php V1.07 removed excess \n characters in messages and handling for chunked response,
update WU-radar-inc.php V1.07 added support for alternate WU radblast servers;
(Base-*) update get-metar-conditions-inc V1.13 added fixes for incomplete visibility and multiple conditions decode; - Version 3.112 - 02-Sep-2012 - (Base-USA) update WU-radar-inc.php V1.08 to fix display of maps 10-20
- Version 3.113 - 08-Sep-2012 - (Base-USA) quake-json.php replaces quake-USA.php, wxquake.php updated;
(Base-World) quake-json.php replaces quake-World-ML.php, wxquake.php updated;
(Base-*) check-fetch-times.php V1.09 updated with version info for quake-json.php - Version 3.114 - 09-Sep-2012 - (Base-USA, Base-World) updated quake-json.php V1.01 to fix XHTML 1.0-Strict validation and removed ' GMT' from local time display
- Version 3.115 - 12-Sep-2012 - (Base-USA, Base-World) updated quake-json.php V1.02 for improved diagnostics, translation support for Google map controls, option for target="_blank" for links;
(Base-Canada) added wxquakew.php, quake-json to distribution to suplement existing wxquakes.php using EC earthquake script (quake-Canada) - Version 3.116 - 23-Nov-2012 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V3.08 for NWS Zone forecast website changes
- Version 3.117 - 28-Nov-2012 - (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.10 for additional diagnostics (checking for needed directory contents)
- Version 3.118 - 01-Dec-2012 - (Base-*) updated common.php V1.05 with a minor fix to cGetSeasonInfo routine
- Version 3.119 - 08-Dec-2012 - (Base-*) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser.php V1.29 with PHP5.4 fixes
- Version 3.120 - 02-Jan-2013 - (CU-plugin,WL-plugin,WV-plugin,VWS-plugin) update include-noaa-reports.php V 2.05 02-Jan-2013 to fix display issues with yearly rollover;
(CU-plugin) updates to support Cumulus 1.9.3 beta build 1057 tags and tags for new Cumulus wxtrends.php page (CU-trends-inc.php V1.08 02-Jan-2013) - Version 3.121 - 04-Jan-2013 - (Base-*) updated quake-json.php V1.03 to fix USGS unix timestamp with trailing zeroes added
- Version 3.122 - 12-Jan-2013 - (Base-*) updated ajax-dashboard.php V1.26 to swap moonrise/moonset display when moonset is earlier than moonrise;
(CU-plugin) Updated tags.txt V1.10, CU-defs.php V1.09, include-noaa-reports.php V2.06 with various fixes;
(VWS-plugin,WL-plugin,WV-plugin) update include-noaa-reports.php V2.06 with various fixes - Version 3.123 - 14-Jan-2013 - (CU-plugin) update CU-defs.php V1.10 for $dateoflastrainalways in proper format based on $SITE['WDdateMDY'] selection
- Version 3.124 - 22-Jan-2013 - (Base-USA) updated radar-status.php V1.08 to fix deprecated split() function call
- Version 3.125 - 05-Feb-2013 - (Base-*) updated files common.php V1.06, flyout-menu.php V1.08, footer.php V1.01, include-style-switcher.php V1.19, top.php V3.04 to support single-page HTML5/UTF-8 display for Steel Series Gauges;
(CU-plugin) fixed HTML error in CU-trends-inc.php V1.09,
(CU-plugin, WD-plugin, VWS-plugin) added sample wxssgauges.php V1.00 for Steel Series Gauges (which install separately) - Version 3.126 - 09-Feb-2013 - (Base-*) updated common.php V1.07 w/ tman1991 cGetMoonInfo() additions for his cell.php package;
(CU-plugin, WD-plugin, VWS-plugin) updated wxssgauges.php V1.01 for Steel Series Gauges (which install separately) to add default HTML if the template file gauges-ss-basic-inc.php is not yet installed. - Version 3.127 - 16-Feb-2013 - (Base-*) updated wxgraphs.php for Cumulus to display solar/UV graphs
- Version 3.128 - 17-Feb-2013 - (Base-USA) updated get-nnvl-iod.php V1.12 to avoid non-resizable animated GIF images;
(Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.11 with additional website diagnostic tools - Version 3.129 - 08-Mar-2013 - (MB-plugin,Base-*) added Meteobridge software support to templates.
- Version 3.130 - 09-Mar-2013 - (MB-plugin,Base=*) updates for Meteobridge for stations without solar and/or UV sensors
- Version 3.131 - 17-Mar-2013 - (Base-*) updated ajax-gizmo.php V1.14 for HTML5/UTF-8 validation;
(MB-plugin) updates to generate JSON conditions file for Steel Series Gauges - Version 3.132 - 21-Mar-2013 - (MB-plugin) update conds.php V1.04 to fix rain display
- Version 3.133 - 16-Apr-2013 - (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V2.14 for major changes in Environment Canada website
- Version 3.134 - 17-Apr-2013 - (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V2.15 for alert $title; update ec-radar.php V1.09 for major changes in Environment Canada website
- Version 3.135 - 18-Apr-2013 - (Base-Canada) update wxadvisory.php V1.01 for major changes in Environment Canada website
- Version 3.136 - 13-May-2013 - (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V2.16 for multi-forecast capability, additional settings, PNG icon support and improved diagnostics
- Version 3.137 - 15-May-2013 - (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V2.17 for EC website structure changes (again)
- Version 3.138 - 21-May-2013 - (Base-Canada) update quake-Canada.php V1.09 for EC website changes;
(Base-World,Base-USA) update wxquake.php V1.03 to remove USGS graphics which are no longer produced by the USGS - Version 3.139 - 23-May-2013 - (Base-*) updated quake-json.php V1.04 to add 'home' site pin on map + additional settings via calling page
- Version 3.140 - 24-May-2013 - (Base-*) updated quake-json.php V1.05 to fix generated styling for CSS3 validation
- Version 3.141 - 04-Jun-2013 - (MB-Plugin) updated conds.php V1.05+realtime template for Steel Series Gauges V2.4.0
- Version 3.142 - 28-Jun-2013 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V3.09 for NWS Zone forecast website changes
- Version 3.143 - 06-Jul-2013 - (Base-Canada) updated quake-Canada.php V1.10 for EC website changes;
updated wxadvisory.php V1.02 with fix for all-Canada image display - Version 3.144 - 07-Jul-2013 - (Base-Canada) updated wxquake.php V1.01 to correct EC website links in page
- Version 3.145 - 19-Aug-2013 - (Base-USA) updated nws-alerts.php V1.15 to fix a Strict: error message;
(Base-*) updated ajaxCUwx.js V3.04 to fix useKnots handling and missing break in feelslike calculation;
(MB-plugin) updated gen-MBtags.php V1.03 and MB-defs.php V1.03 to allow Davis forecast to appear with Meteobridge 1.8 (2198)+ - Version 3.146 - 19-Sep-2013 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-radar.php V1.10 for support for (default) original 14-color and new 8-color radar image options.
- Version 3.147 - 18-Nov-2013 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V3.10 for Zone forecast failover due to NWS website changes
- Version 3.148 - 28-Nov-2013 - (WCT-plugin) updated WCT_realtime.txt template for missing wind-gust variable
- Version 3.149 - 06-Dec-2013 - (Base-USA) updated WU-radar-inc.php V1.09 to auto-change WU radar images URL
- Version 3.150 - 17-Dec-2013 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V1.31 for changes in WU website for temperature forecasts.
- Version 3.151 - 25-Dec-2013 - (Base-USA) updated get-nnvl-iod.php V1.13 for changes in NNVL website
- Version 3.152 - 28-Dec-2013 - (Base-USA) updated get-nnvl-iod.php V1.14 for HiRes image URL location
- Version 3.153 - 30-Dec-2013 - (Base-Canada) updated quake-Canada.php V1.11 for EC website changes
- Version 3.154 - 30-Dec-2013 - (Base-*) updated WXSIM plaintext-parser.php V1.30 for deprecated preg_replace /e message
- Version 3.155 - 08-Feb-2014 - (MB-plugin) updated MB-defs.php V1.04, MBtags-template.txt to correct $yearrn to use rain0rain-yearsum variable
- Version 3.156 - 24-Feb-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V1.32 for WU website temperature forecast changes
- Version 3.157 - 25-Feb-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V1.33 for temperature display fix for some languages
- Version 3.158 - 13-Mar-2014 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V3.11 for point forecast text non-display due to NWS website changes
- Version 3.159 - 15-Mar-2014 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V3.12 for Zone forecast, warnings and auto-correct old URLs due to NWS website changes
- Version 3.160 - 06-Apr-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V1.34 to fix PoP parsing issue with some languages due to WU website changes.
- Version 3.161 - 14-Apr-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V2.00 to support major WU website changes w/JSON parsing
- Version 3.162 - 15-Apr-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V2.01 to add support for PHP 5 < 5.3 (missing json_last_error() function)
- Version 3.163 - 15-Apr-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V2.02 to fix JSON extract regex for PHP < 5.4.x systems
- Version 3.164 - 16-Apr-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V2.03 to fix JSON extract regex for new WU webpage design
- Version 3.165 - 16-Apr-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V2.04 to fix JSON extract for PHP < 5.4.x for new WU webpage design
- Version 3.166 - 09-May-2014 - (Base-USA) updated radar-status.php V1.09 for NWS website changes
- Version 3.167 - 07-Jun-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V2.05 to fix JSON processing after WU website changes
- Version 3.168 - 18-Jun-2014 - (MB-plugin) updated ajaxMBwx.js V4.02 to fix logic issue with useFeelsLike=0 using HeatIndex
- Version 3.169 - 20-Jul-2014 - (WSN-plugin,Base-*) added support for WeatherSnoop V3 software
- Version 3.170 - 26-Jul-2014 - (Base-*) updated thermometer.php V1.14 to fix Notice: error after WSN support was added.
- Version 3.171 - 30-Sep-2014 - (Base-USA) updated get-nnvl-iod.php V1.15 to fix issue where graphic file contents do not match graphic file extension.
- Version 3.172 - 13-Oct-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V2.06 for JSON extract after WU website changes.
- Version 3.173 - 15-Oct-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V2.07 for WU mixed ISO/UTF8 JSON usage
- Version 3.174 - 17-Oct-2014 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V3.00 for major EC website changes
- Version 3.175 - 18-Oct-2014 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-radar.php V1.11 for major EC website changes
- Version 3.176 - 18-Oct-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V2.08 to fix multilingual issue and to force period names as day name/night name in selected language
- Version 3.177 - 31-Oct-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V3.00 to use WU API for forecasts. NOTE: requires you to aquire a WU API key for operation.
- Version 3.178 - 31-Oct-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V3.01 to correct language selection for standalone use
- Version 3.179 - 01-Nov-2014 - (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V3.02 to handle additional WU URL types
- Version 3.180 - 09-Dec-2014 - (Base-*) updated quake-json.php V1.06 to handle chunked JSON response from USGS
- Version 3.181 - 23-Dec-2014 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V3.01 with fixes for 'Normals'/'Sun times' extract, text forecast, and .png PoP icons
- Version 3.182 - 03-Mar-2015 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-radar.php V1.12 with fix for missing latest radar image display
- Version 3.183 - 17-Mar-2015 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V3.13 with fixes for Zone forecast w/new NWS website design
- Version 3.184 - 31-Mar-2015 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V3.14 with fix for NWS website access change
- Version 3.185 - 29-Apr-2015 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V3.02 with fixes for changed EC website and temperatures extracted from detailed text forecast
- Version 3.186 - 13-May-2015 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V3.15 with fixes for changed NWS Zone forecast website
- Version 3.187 - 15-May-2015 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V3.16 with fixes for different Zone forecast format in failover
- Version 3.188 - 02-Jun-2015 - (Base-*) updated quake-json.php V1.07 with changes for new USGS GeoJSON source URL
- Version 3.189 - 04-Jun-2015 - (Base-USA) updated radar-status.php V1.10 with change to NWS radar status URL
- Version 3.190 - 04-Jun-2015 - (Base-USA) updated radar-status.php V1.11 with changes due to new NWS radar status page
- Version 3.191 - 06-Jul-2015 - (Base-*) updated quake-json.php V1.08 to fix date issues by force JSON BIGINT to decode as string
- Version 3.192 - 06-Jul-2015 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V4.00, added DualImage.php V1.00 and icon templates to support NWS dual-image icons on 7-Jul-2015, and radar-status.php V1.12 for NWS website changes
- Version 3.193 - 07-Jul-2015 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V4.01 to correct HTML formatting and validation issues
- Version 3.194 - 29-Jul-2015 - (Base-*) updated get-USNO-sunmoon.php V2.00 to use new JSON query to aa.usno.navy.mil
- Version 3.195 - 29-Jul-2015 - (Base-*) updated get-USNO-sunmoon.php V2.01 to handle missing prior/next moon data from USNO JSON
- Version 3.196 - 31-Jul-2015 - (Base-*) updated get-USNO-sunmoon.php V2.02 to handle missing JSON fracillum/curphase data
- Version 3.197 - 01-Aug-2015 - (Base-*) updated get-USNO-sunmoon.php V2.03 to default missing JSON fracillum for New/Quarter/Full moon phases
- Version 3.198 - 12-Aug-2015 - (Base-USA) updated atom-advisory.php V2.10 and GR3-radar-inc.php V1.05 for PHP Deprecated/Strict errata,
(Base-*) updated common.php V1.08 for deprecated preg_replace /e usage,
(WD-Plugin) updated include-wxhistory.php V1.10 for deprecated preg_replace /e usage. - Version 3.199 - 17-Aug-2015 - (Base-*) updated common.php V1.09 for HTML5 validation in print_language_selects_* routines
- Version 3.200 - 05-Nov-2015 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-radar.php V2.00 for 8 or 14 color displays and to use GD functions to add overlay to images. Also improved refresh speed.
- Version 3.201 - 07-Nov-2015 - (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V4.02 to fix Zone forecast display when using .gif icons
- Version 3.202 - 11-Nov-2015 - (Base-*) updated get-USNO-sunmoon.php V2.04 to use specific local date instead of date=today and reload cache when local date changes
- Version 3.203 - 30-Nov-2015 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-radar.php V2.01 to fix timezone extract+use meteo.gc.ca for lang=fr
- Version 3.204 - 01-Dec-2015 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V3.03 for current conditions extract
- Version 3.205 - 14-Dec-2015 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V3.04 for EC chunked+gzipped responses
- Version 3.206 - 16-Dec-2015 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V3.05 for EC temperature forecast wording changes+extraction
- Version 3.207 - 10-Mar-2016 - (Base-Canada) updated quake-Canada.php V1.12 for EC website changes (thanks to Ray at tzweather.org)
- Version 3.208 - 23-May-2016 - (Base-*) updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.14 to use tgftp.nws.noaa.gov for METAR .TXT instead of weather.noaa.gov site which is discontinuing operation 15-Jun-2016
- Version 3.209 - 14-Jun-2016 - (Base-USA) updated atom-advisory.php V2.11, atom-top-warning.php V2.09 and nws-alerts.php V2.16 to use HTTPS access to alerts.weather.gov website
- Version 3.210 - 03-Jul-2016 - (Base-*) updated quake-json.php V1.09 and wxquake.php (USA, World), wxquakew.php (Canada) for newly required Google Map Browser JavaScript API key to display the map.
- Version 3.211 - 15-Jul-2016 - (Base-USA) updated atom-advisory.php V2.12 and atom-top-warning.php V2.10 with cURL option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false fix for operation on some webservers. Thanks to Craig Dolphin Twitter: @craigdolphin for the fix
- Version 3.212 - 03-Aug-2016 - (Base-USA) updated radar-status.php V1.13 with fixes for NWS URL/page design changes.
- Version 3.213 - 07-Aug-2016 - (Base-*) updated quake-json.js V1.01 with fix for window.onload interference problem in sorttable script
- Version 3.214 - 03-Aug-2016 - (Base-USA) updated nws-alerts V1.37 scripts set (thanks Curly!)
- Version 3.215 - 24-Sep-2016 - (Base-USA) updated radar-status V1.14 with fixes for NWS website changes
- Version 3.216 - 27-Sep-2016 - (Base-USA) updated get-nnvl-iod V1.16 with fixes for NNVL website changes
- Version 3.217 - 15-Oct-2016 - (Base-Canada) added ec-lightning.php V1.00, wxeclightning.php to allow display of Environment Canada Lightning Danger Maps
- Version 3.218 - 22-Oct-2016 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V4.00 for major EC forecast website changes
- Version 3.219 - 27-Oct-2016 - (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V4.01 with fix for conditions icon extract, yesterday data, use curl fetch for URL
- Version 3.220 - 31-Oct-2016 - (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.15 with fixes for URL tests and improved diagnostics
- Version 3.221 - 20-Nov-2016 - (Base-USA) updated get-nnvl-iod.php V1.17 with fixes for NNVL website changes (webp image and iconv() messages)
- Version 3.222 - 08-Nov-2016 - (Base-USA) updated get-nnvl-iod.php V2.00 to use NNVL RSS/ATOM feed for content
- Version 3.223 - 06-Jan-2017 - (Base-USA) updated get-nnvl-iod.php V2.02 to add timeout values for access to NNVL website
- Version 3.224 - 14-Feb-2017 - (Base-*) updated quake-json.php V1.11 to support HTTPS queries to USGS website,
(Base-USA) updated WU-radar-inc V1.10 for WU website changes, HTTPS to WU and complete Settings.php support for Saratoga templates - Version 3.225 - 15-Feb-2017 - (Base-USA) updated WU-radar-inc.php V1.11 to fix configuration issues with Chrome, Edge and Opera browsers
- Version 3.226 - 21-Feb-2017 - (Base-USA) updated WU-radar-inc.php V1.12 and WU-radar-testpage.php V1.01 to fix some crosshair-cursor positioning issues
(Base-*) updated quake-json.php V1.12 with corrected USGS $mapMainURL value - Version 3.227 - 22-Feb-2017 - (Base-USA) updated radar-status.php V1.15 w/cURL fetch+improved debugging displays;
(Base-Canada) updated ec-radar.php V2.02 and ec-forecast.php V4.02 w/cURL fetch, HTTPS to EC website, and improved debugging displays;
(Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V3.03 w/cURL fetch, HTTPS to WU website, and improved debugging displays; - Version 3.228 - 22-Apr-2017 - (Base-*) update thermometer.php V1.15, include-wxstatus.php V1.06, ajaxWLCOMwx.js V3.05 for WLCOM-plugin support, footer.php V1.02 for https validation links;
(WLCOM-plugin) V1.00 - initial release to allow weatherlink.com to source weather data for the templates;
(Base-USA) updated wxindex.php V1.01 for WU map URLs, advforecast2.php V5.00 (JSON version) and DualImage.php V1.01 for new NWS forecast.weather.gov site on 24-Apr-2017, - Version 3.229 - 26-Apr-2017 (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V5.01 (JSON version) to use Test sites while waiting for June 19, 2017 implementation of new forecast.weather.gov
- Version 3.230 - 22-May-2017 (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V5.02 (JSON version) to add rising/falling temperature indicators
- Version 3.231 - 30-May-2017 (Base-*) update quake-json.php V1.13 to ignore JSON tz and use Settings.php TZ for UTC-to-local times
- Version 3.232 - 16-Jul-2017 (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V5.03 (JSON version) to use point forecast HTTP return code > 400 to force Zone forecast fetch/display
- Version 3.233 - 31-Aug-2017 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V4.03 for icon display after EC website changes
- Version 3.234 - 27-Sep-2017 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V5.00 using XML parsing from EC instead of page scraping. Requires ec-forecast-lookup.txt for operation.
(Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.18 for version support for new ec-forecast.php V5.00 - Version 3.235 - 30-Sep-2017 (WD-plugin) updated WD-trends-inc.php V1.07 to add Dew Point trends and note about data currency
(Base-*) updated ajaxWDwx.js V2.25 to support Dew Point updates to WD-trends-inc.php display+fix Baro decimals display. - Version 3.236 - 30-Sep-2017 (CU-Plugin) updated CU-trends-inc.php V1.10 to add Dew Point trends and note about data currency
(MB-Plugin) updated MB-trends-inc.php V1.09 to add Dew Point trends and note about data currency
(Base-*) updated ajaxCUwx.js V3.05 and ajaxMBwx.js V4.03 to support Dew Point updates on trends+fix Baro decimals display. - Version 3.237 - 11-Oct-2017 (Base-*) updated get-USNO-sunmoon.php V3.00 for curl fetch and $SITE['useUSNO'] = false; to perform internal calculations instead of api.usno.navy.mil data;
(Base-*) updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.16 to use curl for fetch, fix fractional visibility calculation for kilometers;
(Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V5.03 with fix for stale point-forecast via API to cause failover to Zone forecast - Version 3.238 - 13-Oct-2017 (Base-Canada) updated ec-lightning.php V1.01 to use cURL and HTTPS access to EC website
- Version 3.239 - 15-Oct-2017 (Base-Canada) updated ec-lightning.php V1.02 to correct missing function call error
- Version 3.240 - 17-Oct-2017 (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.19 with improved show=info diagnostics
- Version 3.241 - 20-Oct-2017 (Base-*) updated get-USNO-sunmoon.php V3.01 with fix for DMY calculated date format
- Version 3.242 - 07-Nov-2017 (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V5.01 to add missing windchill display to conditions box
- Version 3.243 - 11-Nov-2017 (Base-*) updated get-UV-forecast-inc.php V1.08 to use curl fetch and fix notice errata
- Version 3.244 - 20-Nov-2017 (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V5.02 to display wind gust in conditions and hourly forecasts, fix blank icon issue for no conditions reported
- Version 3.245 - 09-Jan-2018 (Base-*,WLCOM-Plugin) updated WLCOM plugin to use new WeatherLink.com API. Now requires DeviceID and Key in Settings-weather.php for operation.
- Version 3.246 - 24-Jan-2018 (Base-Canada) updated wxindex.php with CSS changes for ec-forecast.php V3+ alerts display
- Version 3.247 - 27-Jan-2018 (Base-USA) updated nws-alerts.php scripts V1.42 with PHP7+ changes
- Version 3.248 - 26-Feb-2018 (Base-*,AWN-plugin) Updates to support new AmbientWeather.net Plugin (allows a template website for weather stations that submit data to ambientweather.net)
- Version 3.249 - 27-Feb-2018 (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.20 with AWN support
(Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V3.04 for query of /weather/country/city/lat,long/ support
- Version 3.250 - 27-Feb-2018 (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php (JSON) V5.05 with better handling of api.weather.gov redirects for point/zone forecasts.
- Version 3.251 - 01-Mar-2018 (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.21 for improved diagnostics and fixes to USA/World forecast tests
- Version 3.252 - 02-Mar-2018 (AWN-plugin) updated AWNtags.php V1.02 to force uppercase of macAddress and fix $WX['utctime'] on some systems
- Version 3.253 - 07-Mar-2018 (AWN-plugin) added trends and Highcharts graphs capability
- Version 3.254 - 11-Mar-2018 (AWN-plugin) added full multilanguage support, new Wind Gust Rose display, wind rose(s) now display in site units (not just mph)
- Version 3.255 - 13-Mar-2018 (Base-USA) removed wxnoaaiod.php/get-nnvl-iod.php from distribution as the NNVL has stopped publishing "Image of the Day" in March, 2018.
(Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.22 to remove NOAA IOD checking for versions. - Version 3.256 - 26-Mar-2018 (AWN-plugin) updated AWNlast24.php V1.02 to fix wind gust rose where windgustdir JSON is absent
(Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.23 to check for AWNlast24.php version - Version 3.257 - 01-Apr-2018 (AWN-plugin) updated AWNtags.php V1.04 to correct issue with Last-Modified header for SSG/realtime outputs
- Version 3.258 - 12-Apr-2018 (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V5.06 (JSON) for PHP warning error when no alerts are available
- Version 3.259 - 14-Apr-2018 (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V5.07 (JSON) to add caching for point->gridpoint forecast URLs + WFO info on Zone forecast
- Version 3.260 - 10-May-2018 (Base-*) updated quake-json/wxquake package to V2.00 to use Leaflet/OpenStreetMaps instead of Google Map for display without requiring an API key.
- Version 3.261 - 25-May-2018 (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V5.08 (JSON) with fixes for point/zone JSON changes from api.weather.gov
- Version 3.262 - 26-May-2018 (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V5.09 (JSON) and DualImage.php V1.02 for new NWS tropical_storm and hurricane icon usage via api.weather.gov
- Version 3.263 - 27-May-2018 (Base-*) updated quake-json.css V2.01 to adjust z-index values in CSS to better work with Saratoga template flyout-menu set
- Version 3.264 - 13-Jun-2018 (Base-World) updated WU-forecast.php V3.05 to avoid saving partial (no forecast) JSON in the cache and reusing the cache instead
- Version 3.265 - 22-Jul-2018 (Base-World) updated get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V2.10 for cURL and https access to www.meteoalarm.eu site
- Version 3.266 - 28-Jul-2018 (Base-Canada) update ec-radar.php V2.03 for EC website change (fix get latest image issue)
- Version 3.267 - 06-Aug-2018 (AWN-plugin) update AWNtags.php V1.05 for non-Davis weather station rain/wind reporting
- Version 3.268 - 23-Nov-2018 (Base-*) update get-USNO-sunmoon.php V3.02 for https access to USNO
- Version 3.269 - 30-Nov-2018 (Base-*) update get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.17 for https to tgftp.nws.noaa.gov + fixing several Notice errata; update plaintext-parser.php V1.31 to avoid $Conditions collision with get-metar-conditions-inc.php
- Version 3.270 - 02-Dec-2018 (Base-World) Added DS-forecast.php, DS-forecast-lang.php to replace WU-forecast.php (since WU is no longer issuing API keys).
(Base-*) Updated check-fetch-times.php V1.24, ajax-dashboard.php V1.27 and wxforecast.php for DS-forecast support, - Version 3.271 - 04-Dec-2018 (Base-World) updated DS-forecast.php V1.04, DS-forecast-lang.php V1.03 for lang=sr (Serbian) language translations.
- Version 3.272 - 08-Dec-2018 (Base-World) updated DS-forecast.php V1.05, DS-forecast-lang.php V1.04 for optional current conditions display box, cloud-cover now used for better icon choices
- Version 3.273 - 28-Dec-2018 (AWN-plugin) updated AWNtags.php V1.07 to address slow/failing ambientweather.net JSON returns by reusing cached files to speed up PWS website loading.
- Version 3.274 - 05-Jan-2019 (Base-World) updated DS-forecast.php V1.06 for Hebrew language display in Saratoga template.
- Version 3.275 - 07-Jan-2019 (Base-World) updated DS-forecast.php V1.07 to fix minor Hebrew language formatting in Saratoga template.
- Version 3.276 - 10-Jan-2019 (Base-World) updated DS-forecast-lang.php V1.05 to fix missing Danish translation for 'snow'
- Version 3.277 - 15-Jan-2019 (Base-World) updated DS-forecast.php V1.08 to add check for good JSON return before saving cache file
- Version 3.278 - 23-Jan-2019 (Base-World) updated DS-forecast.php V1.09, DS-forecast-lang.php V1.06, wxforecast.php V1.02 for tabbed display of daily and hourly (for 24hrs) forecasts.
- Version 3.279 - 04-Feb-2019 (Base-USA) updated radar-status.php V1.16 for https to radar3pub.ncep.noaa.gov site
- Version 3.280 - 01-Mar-2019 (Base-World) added WC-forecast.php V1.00, updated wxforecast.php V1.03, ajax-dashboard.php V1.28, Settings.php V1.04 to support optional WU/TWC forecast script.
(Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.25 for DarkSky and WC/TWC forecast testing and version testing. - Version 3.281 - 02-Mar-2019 (Base-World) updated WC-forecast.php V1.01 to fix incorrect WU variable names with correct WC variable names
- Version 3.282 - 04-Mar-2019 (Base-World) updated WC-forecast.php V1.02 with rewritten icon printing code for clairity and Day-over-Night display option
- Version 3.283 - 10-Mar-2019 (Base-World) updated WC-forecast.php V1.03 with added display for all available icons in Day-over-Night mode
- Version 3.284 - 22-Mar-2019 (Base-World) updated WC-forecast.php V1.04 with fix for TWC/WU JSON degree sign \xc2\xba to correct UTF-8 \xc2\xb0
- Version 3.285 - 13-Apr-2019 (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V5.10 (JSON) with fix for HTTP/2 responses from api.weather.gov
- Version 3.286 - 17-Apr-2019 (Base-Canada) updated ec-radar.php V2.04 to add list of operating radar sites and new CASxx sites for display
- Version 3.287 - 19-Apr-2019 (Base-*) updated common.php V1.10 to add season/moon info tables to year 2030 (V1.09 ended at year 2020)
- Version 3.288 - 30-Apr-2019 (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php (JSON) V5.11 to handle API change for point forecasts using cached meta-data for point->gridpoint forecasts
- Version 3.289 - 01-May-2019 (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php (JSON) V5.12 to fix link at bottom of page to correct weather.gov site for point/zone forecasts.
- Version 3.290 - 06-May-2019 (Base-Canada) updated quake-Canada.php V2.00 to use XML for data from http://www.earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca
- Version 3.291 - 14-May-2019 (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.26 for additional script version checking
(Base-USA) updated nws-alerts V1.43 to use Leaflet/OpenStreetMaps display instead of Google map display - Version 3.292 - 21-May-2019 (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.27 for .css file version checking
- Version 3.293 - 26-Jun-2019 (Base-USA) updated wxindex.php, Settings.php to add $SITE['WUsatellite'] entry to specify IR Satellite image to use
- Version 3.294 - 27-Aug-2019 (Base-Canada) updated ec-radar.php V2.05 with new allowed sites listing
- Version 3.295 - 08-Sep-2019 (Base-USA) updated advforecast2.php V5.13 for planned discontinuation of forecast-v3.weather.gov site 01-Oct-2019
- Version 3.296 - 16-Oct-2019 (Base-Canada) updated ec-forecast.php V5.03 to change XML access URL to https on EC site
- Version 3.297 - 17-Oct-2019 (WLCOM-plugin) updated WLCOMtags.php V1.02 to correct some temperatures that were missing F->C conversions
- Version 3.298 - 07-Nov-2019 (Base-*) updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.18 to optionally use api.weather.gov for raw METAR data;
- Version 3.299 - 08-Nov-2019 (Base-USA) updated nws-all-zones-inc.php V1.01 for October NWS forecast/county Zone changes
- Version 3.300 - 13-Nov-2019 (Base-*) updated quake-json scripts V3.00 for added basemaps and optional tectonic plate/fault maps
- Version 3.301 - 24-Nov-2019 (Base-*) update get-USNO-sunmoon.php V3.03 to force use of internal calculations. The USNO site is undergoing renovation from 29-Oct-2019 to 30-Apr-2020
- Version 3.302 - 27-Jan-2020 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.28 for additional info tests
- Version 3.303 - 17-Mar-2020 (Base-Canada) updated quake-Canada.php V2.01 for https access/links to earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca site
- Version 3.304 - 11-Apr-2020 (Base-World) added AW-forecast.php V1.00 as default forecast script (replacing DS-forecast.php as DarkSky stopped issuing API keys), other ajax-dashboard.php, wxforecast.php, Settings.php, check-fetch-times.php updated to support AW-forecast.php.
- Version 3.305 - 13-Apr-2020 (Base-World) update AW-forecast.php V1.01 to fix display of day icon for night forecast in some forecasts
- Version 3.306 - 24-Apr-2020 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.30 and include-wxstatus.php V1.09 to show needed template script updates on wxstatus.php page
- Version 3.307 - 25-Apr-2020 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.31 to fix a PHP7.4 issue and add optional $SITE['skipMissingFileCheck'] = true; to Settings.php to suppress missing file list in wxstatus.php display
- Version 3.308 - 26-Apr-2020 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.32 to redact API keys for show settings display
- Version 3.309 - 27-Apr-2020 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.33 to fix some invalid HTML and add reporting for deprecated scripts, include-style-switcher.php V1.20 to fix 'headers sent' warnings, wxstatus.php V1.07 to fix missing langtrans() for heading
- Version 3.310 - 27-Apr-2020 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.34 to fix 'unspecified' weather software in footer of wxstatus.php page (thanks to Jasiu!)
- Version 3.311 - 28-Apr-2020 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.35 to restore site's timezone setting after show=versions check
- Version 3.312 - 10-May-2020 (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V5.14 with fix for Alert link URL for alerts-v2.weather.gov (Thanks Jasiu!)
- Version 3.313 - 13-May-2020 (Base-*,CU-Plugin) update top.php V3.05 to fix validation when $useUTF8 invoked; wxgraphs.php V1.05to add CumulusMX graphs support (requires cumx/ library files);
CU-Plugin: updated CU-defs.php V1.11 for CumulusMX support; added cumx/ directory with support scripts for wxgraphs.php for CumulusMX; Settings-Weather.php V1.04 for updated link to software download - Version 3.314 - 13-May-2020 (Base-*) update ajax-dashboard.php V1.29 with corrected support for WC-forecast (WU/TWC); update wxforecast.php V1.04 page with WU/TWC forecast correction
- Version 3.315 - 14-May-2020 (Base-*) update ajax-dashboard.php V1.30 and wxgraphs.php V1.06 to fix Notice errata with PHP7+
- Version 3.316 - 14-May-2020 (AWN-plugin) update wxgraphsawn.php V1.02 to fix validation errata
- Version 3.317 - 16-May-2020 (Base-*) update include-wxstatus.php V1.10 and wxstatus.php V1.08 to move display of script updates to after any custom checking
- Version 3.318 - 16-May-2020 (Base-*) update include-wxstatus.php V1.11 to restore realtime status check for Meteobridge (Oops! Sorry about that.)
- Version 3.319 - 22-May-2020 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.36 version checking;
(Base-USA) add wxnwsradar*.php, hanis_min.js scripts for NWS Radar displays (thanks to Jerry Wilkins for permisson to use his scripts!), update radar-status.php V1.14 and flyout-menu.xml to support the wxnwsradar scripts; update WU-radar-inc.php V1.14 to remove 'dead' WU additional maps. - Version 3.320 - 26-May-2020 (Base-*) update quake-json.php V3.01 to fix cache issue with HTTP/2 response from USGS website
- Version 3.321 - 10-Jun-2020 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.37 for additional diagnostics;
(Base-USA) update wxindex.php (V1.04), Settings.php (V1.03) and add USA-regional-maps-inc.php (V1.00) for NWS Regional Radar map replacing WU Radar maps (now no longer working) on (wx)index.php above dashboard. - Version 3.322 - 25-Jun-2020 (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php V5.15 for diagnostic info to help diagnose Akamai cache issues from api.weather.gov site
- Version 3.323 - 27-Jun-2020 (Base-*) update quake-json.php V3.02 to provide location name translation (e.g. Hawaiian 'P?hala' with 'Pāhala' )
- Version 3.324 - 30-Jun-2020 (Base-*) update quake-json.php V3.03 to fix translation HTML validation and add $SITE['USGStranslate'] Settings.php capability
- Version 3.325 - 07-Jul-2020 (Base-*) update quake-json.js V1.01 to fix window.onload interference with sorttable function
- Version 3.326 - 15-Jul-2020 (Base-USA) update advforecast2.php (JSON) V5.17 for improved error handling, curl logging capability and to use GeoJSON queries w/new cache filenames
- Version 3.327 - 07-Dec-2020 (Base-*) update common.php V1.11 and flyout-menu.php V1.09 for PHP 8.0.0 compatibility
- Version 3.328 - 17-Dec-2020 (Base-USA) update USA-regional-maps-inc.php V1.01 to address loss of regional composite radar images from radar.weather.gov
- Version 3.329 - 01-Jan-2021 (Base-World) update WC-forecast.php V1.05 to fix PoP display on forecast icon (by rounding PoP to nearest tens)
- Version 3.330 - 06-Jan-2021 (Base-USA) add NWS-regional-radar-animate.php V1.00, update USA-regional-maps-inc.php V1.02, update wxnwsradar.php V2.00, deprecate wxnwsradar-inc.php and wxnwsradar-iframe.php, update check-fetch-times.php V1.38 for new animated GIF regional radar maps from aviationweather.gov
- Version 3.331 - 12-Jan-2021 (Base-*) deprecated swfobject.js, wxlive.php as Adobe Flash is deprecated, update check-fetch-times.php V1.39 for Flash deprecation;
(Base-USA) update NWS-regional-radar-animate.php V1.01 to fix issues with null parameters and add Last-modified header - Version 3.332 - 26-Jan-2021 (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.40 to show additional PHP/site info; (Base-USA) updated NWS-regional-radar-animate.php V1.02 to add error messages on "Not Available" image
- Version 3.333 - 27-Jan-2021 (Base-Canada) updated ec-radar.php V2.06 with allowed sites listing and a parse fix for source page charset
- Version 3.334 - 01-Feb-2021 (Base-*) updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.19 to correct code for Ice Pellets from 'PE' to 'PL' (thanks to Jim of somdweather.com)
- Version 3.335 - 08-Feb-2021 (Base-USA) updated NWS-regional-radar-animate.php V1.03 to add cache busting / expires headers and fix one typo in tables
- Version 3.336 - 12-Feb-2021 (Base-*) updated get-UV-forecast-inc.php V1.09 to use https to www.temis.nl site
- Version 3.337 - 06-Apr-2021 (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.41 for additional version checks;
(Base-USA) updated USA-regional-maps-inc.php V1.03 to use NWS regional loops from radar.weather.gov/ridge/lite/, updated wxnwsradar.php V2.01, wxnwsradar-inc.php V2.00, wxnwsradar-iframe.php V2.00 to use NEXRAD images from radar.weather.gov/ridge/lite/ - Version 3.338 - 14-Apr-2021 (Base-*) updated check-fetch-times.php V1.42 for additional version checks;
(Base-Canada) added wxecradar*.php script set to display Environment Canada radar .gif images using HAniS JavaScript - Version 3.339 - 19-Apr-2021 (Base-Canada) updated wxecradar-iframe.php V1.01 to have additional diagnostics for image list fetch from Environment Canada site
- Version 3.340 - 02-May-2021 (Base-USA) updated wxnwsradar-inc.php, wxnwsradar-iframe.php V2.01 to add composite radar images to list for display
- Version 3.341 - 14-May-2021 (Base-*) updated multiple scripts for WeeWX support check-fetch-times.php V1.43, include-wxstatus.php V1.12, thermometer.php V1.17, top.php V3.06, wxgraphs.php V1.07, ajaxWEEWXwx.js v2.26; (WEEWX-plugin) Version 1.00 initial release
- Version 3.342 - 28-May-2021 (CU-plugin) update ./cumx/cumulusmxcharts.js V1.01 to add cuDir variable for CumulusMX .json files not in same directory as wxgraphs.php
- Version 3.343 - 02-Jun-2021 (Base-*) update common.php V1.12 to add cookie for persistent language selection (lang=)
- Version 3.344 - 08-Jul-2021 (Base-Canada) update wxecradar-iframe.php V1.02 to support overlay info (new overlays in ./radar/, thanks to M. Romer)
- Version 3.345 - 29-Nov-2021 (Base-*) update common.php V1.13, include-style-switcher.php V1.21 to add SameSite=Lax to cookie setting request;
(Base-USA) update nws-alertmap.js V1.01 to add SameSite=Lax to cookie setting request - Version 3.346 - 29-Dec-2021 (Base-*) update header.php to replace 'split' with 'explode' for PHP 8
- Version 3.347 - 18-Jan-2022 (Base-*) PHP 8.1 updates to fix Deprecated errata: get-USNO-sunmoon.php V3.04, include-wxstatus.php V1.13, thermometer.php V1.18;
(Base-USA) advforecast2.php V5.18, NWS-regional-radar-animate.php V1.04, radar-status.php V1.18;
(CU-Plugin) PHP8.1 updates to fix Deprecated errata and add new CumulusMX data variables: CU-defs.php V1.12 - Version 3.348 - 18-Jan-2022 (Base-Canada) update ec-lightning.php V1.03 with fix for extract of source HTML Charset to use
- Version 3.349 - 19-Jan-2022 (Base-USA) PHP8.1 updates for atom-advisory.php V2.13, atom-top-warning.php V2.11;
(Base-World) PHP8.1 updates for AW-forecast.php V1.02, DS-forecast.php V1.10 - Version 3.350 - 26-Jan-2022 (MB-plugin) update conds.php V1.08, MB-defs.php V1.06, gen-MBtags.php V1.04 for additional MB available variables and PHP 8.1
- Version 3.351 - 28-Jan-2022 (Base-Canada) update ec-lightning.php V1.04 to fix for PHP8.1 Notice errata
- Version 3.352 - 01-Feb-2022 (AWN-plugin) update AWNtags.php V1.08 to fix PHP 8.1 Notice errata;
(WLCOM-plugin) update WLCOMtags.php V1.03 to fix PHP 8.1 Notice errata - Version 3.353 - 19-Feb-2022 (AWN-plugin) update AWNlast24.php V1.03 to fix PHP 8.1 Notice errata
- Version 3.354 - 11-Mar-2022 (Base-Canada) replace /radar/CASSM*.gif overlay images to correct Strathmore radar display.
- Version 3.355 - 16-Mar-2022 (Base-USA) update WU-radar-inc.php V1.15 to remove dead maps and set to &type=NCR in radar URLs.
- Version 3.356 - 28-Mar-2022 (Base-USA) replace ./forecast/icon-templates/*.png images to fix libpng 1.6+ errata with DualImage.php GD processing.
- Version 3.357 - 29-Mar-2022 (Base-USA) update DualImage.php V1.03 to fix PHP 8.1 Deprecated errata
- Version 3.358 - 06-Apr-2022 (Base-USA) update DualImage.php V1.04 to fix more PHP 8.1 Deprecated errata
- Version 3.359 - 06-Apr-2022 (Base-USA) update radar-status.php V1.19 to fix more PHP 8.1 Deprecated errata
- Version 3.360 - 06-May-2022 (AWN-plugin) update AWNtags.php V1.09 to fix location display+PHP 8.1 fixes
- Version 3.361 - 09-May-2022 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.44 to fix NWS forecast test and add Recommend column on show=versions display
- Version 3.362 - 12-May-2022 (Base-World) update wxadvisory.php V1.01 and get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.00 to use meteoalarm.org data for warnings. Thanks to Wim van der kuil for permission to adapt/use his script.
- Version 3.363 - 14-May-2022 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.45;
(Base-World) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.01, add meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php V1.00, update ajax-images/meteoalarm_*.svg to handle Meteoalarm.org use of NUTS2/NUTS3 IDs with alias EMMA_IDs for better reporting. - Version 3.364 - 18-May-2022 (Base-World) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.10, wxadvisory.php V1.02, wxindex.php V1.01 to add summary warning display on wxindex.php with links to alerts on reformatted wxadvisory.php page.
- Version 3.365 - 19-May-2022 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.46 to fix Notice errata;
(Base-World) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.11 to allow $minAlertLevel / $SITE['EUAminLevel'] feature to control display of alerts, add meteoalarm-codenames.json V1.00 to display names of EMMA_ID regions, and use Green background with {name}(EMMA_ID) when no active alerts. - Version 3.366 - 20-Jun-2022 (Base-World) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.12 to compact the meteoalarm-summary.html for better display on homepage
- Version 3.367 - 21-Jun-2022 (Base-World) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.13 to center and align alert summary to ajax-dashboard in wide/narrow aspect
- Version 3.368 - 01-Jul-2022 (Base-World) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.14 to fix for partial display of alert summary/detail boxes for alerts < $minAlertLevel
- Version 3.369 - 16-Aug-2022 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.47 to mark WU-radar-* as deprecated;
(Base-USA) update flyout-menu.xml to remove WU-radar link, wxradar.php, remove WU-radar-inc.php, WU-radar-testpage.php from distribution as radar images used are no longer generated by WeatherUnderground. - Version 3.370 - 08-Sep-2022 (Base-USA) update wxnwsradar*.php V2.02, USA-regional-maps-inc.php V1.04 for URL change by NWS for the 'lite' radar image files from 'radar/lite/' to 'radar/standard/'.
- Version 3.371 - 01-Nov-2022 (Base-Canada) update wxradar.php, wxecradar-inc.php, wxecradar-list-inc.php to V1.01 to update multiple sites to DualPol, and thanks to Matthew Romer, add new CASFM (Fort McMurray, AB) site/overlays to the list. Note additional overlay files are in ./radar/ directory for the new DualPol site names.
- Version 3.372 - 01-Nov-2022 (Base-Canada) update wxecradar-list-inc.php V1.02 and overlays for Pacific DualPol radar sites.
- Version 3.373 - 02-Nov-2022 (Base-Canada) update wxecradar-list-inc.php, wxecradar-iframe.php V1.03 to add National map display (Thanks again to Matthew Romer!)
- Version 3.374 - 02-Nov-2022 (WL-plugin) update WL-defs.php V1.04 to correct hiMonthlyBaro and add lowMonthlyBaro variables (Thanks to Dennis at sandpointweather.com)
- Version 3.375 - 04-Nov-2022 (Base-World) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.15 to improve display of 'No alerts' message
- Version 3.376 - 27-Dec-2022 (Base-*) script updates for PHP 8.2+ to ajax-dashboard V1.31, ajax-gizmo V1.15, common V1.14, flyout-menu V1.10, get-metar-conditions-inc V1.20, get-USNO-sunmoon V3.05, include-metar-display V1.07, thermometer V1.19;
(Base-Canada) script updates for PHP 8.2+ to ec-forecast V5.04, ec-lightning V1.04;
(Base-USA) script updates for PHP 8.2+ to advforecast2 V5.19, atom-advisory V2.14, atom-top-warning V2.12, nws-alerts-details-inc V1.08, radar-status V1.20, wxadvisory V1.04;
(CU-plugin,VWS-plugin,WEEWX-plugin,WL-plugin,WV-plugin) script updates for PHP 8.2+ to include-NOAA-reports V2.08, wxnoaaclimatereports V1.02; - Version 3.377 - 03-Jan-2023 (Base-*) update get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.21 to revert to ${varname} notation inside a preg_replace replacement string
- Version 3.378 - 18-Jan-2023 (Base-*) update ajax-dashboard.php V1.32, wxforecast.php V1.05, check-fetch-times.php V1.48 to support Pirateweather forecast script and fix WXSIM additional forecast display for non-English on dashboard.;
(Base-World) add PW-forecast.php V2.50, PW-forecast-lang.php V2.50 for Pirateweather forecasts - Version 3.379 - 19-Jan-2023 (Base-World) update PW-forecast.php V2.51 to display ampm or 24h on timeline based on $timeFormat/$SITE['timeFormat']
- Version 3.380 - 07-Feb-2023 (Base-World) add OWM-forecast.php V2.01, OWM-forecast-lang.php V1.07, VC-forecast.php V2.00, VC-forecast-lang.php V1.07;
(Base-*) update ajax-dashboard.php V1.33, wxforecast.php V1.06. check-fetch-times.php V1.49 to support new OpenWeatherMap and VisualCrossing forecast scripts. - Version 3.381 - 09-Feb-2023 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.50, wxforecast.php V1.07;
(Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V5.05, ec-lightning.php V1.05;
(Base-World) update VC-forecast.php V2.01, added Settings-{ID}-forecast-README.txt files for setup of all forecast scripts. - Version 3.382 - 13-Feb-2023 (Base-Canada) update wxecradar-list-inc.php V1.04 and radar/CASMA*.gif overlays (thanks M. Romer) for Lac Castor / Mont Apica(near Saguenay) site.
- Version 3.383 - 17-Feb-2023 (Base-*,CU-plugin,VWS-plugin,WD-plugin,WEEWX-plugin,WL-plugin,WV-plugin) update wxnoaaclimatereports.php V1.03, include-NOAA-report.php V2.09 to add NOAA report displays for Weather-Display, check-fetch-times.php V1.51 and flyout-menu.xml to enable display for WD.
- Version 3.384 - 18-Feb-2023 (CU-plugin,VWS-plugin,WD-plugin,WEEWX-plugin,WL-plugin,WV-plugin) update include-NOAA-report.php V2.10 to fix Deprecated errata introduced with the WD code merge in V2.09
- Version 3.385 - 23-Feb-2023 (Base-World) update VC-forecast.php V2.02 to fix Conditions distance display for km or miles and time displays on hourly/conditions
- Version 3.386 - 24-Feb-2023 (Base-World) update PW-forecast.php V2.52 to remove conditions display 'n miles/km from' message as always zero from API
- Version 3.387 - 06-Mar-2023 (Base-World) update OWM-forecast.php V2.02 to add diagnostic messages for unsuccessful API query returns
- Version 3.388 - 08-Mar-2023 (Base-World) update get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.16 to fix for changed API URL and increase timeout to 30 seconds (Thanks to Wim of pwsdashboard.com)
- Version 3.389 - 03-Apr-2023 (Base-*) update ajax-dashboard.php V1.34, wxforecast.php V1.08, check-fetch-times.php V1.52 to remove DarkSky forecasts (API shutdown 31-May-2023);
(Base-World) update Settings.php V1.08 to remove DarkSky variables, update wxindex.php V1.02 to fix loading of dashboard to use $SITE variable - Version 3.390 - 24-Apr-2023 (Base-World) update meteoalarm-codenames.json V1.01, meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php V1.01 for changes to EMMA_IDs by meteoalarm.org
- Version 3.391 - 13-May-2023 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.53 for additional USA checks;
(Base-USA) update nws-alerts.php V1.44, nws-alerts-log.php V1.02, wxnws-alerts-log.php V1.02 for fixes to optional alerts logging - Version 3.392 - 18-May-2023 (Base-*) update wxforecast.php V1.09 to add styling for EC 'advisory' alert display;
(Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V5.06 to add 'advisory' alert display same as 'statement' type display - Version 3.393 - 20-Jun-2023 (MB-plugin) update conds.php V1.09, gen-MBtags.php V1.05, MB-defs.php V1.07, MBtags-template.txt V1.05, MB-trends-inc.php V1.10 to add additional variables/displays created by meteoalmendralejo.es;
(Base-*) update ajaxMBwx.js V4.04 for additional variables/displays created by meteoalmendralejo.es - Version 3.394 - 15-Jul-2023 (Base-World) update quake-UK.php V1.08 to use curl, wxquakeUK.php V1.01 to use https for BGS image
- Version 3.395 - 06-Aug-2023 (Base-World) update VC-forecast-lang.php V1.08 to update Dutch (NL) language translation
- Version 3.396 - 07-Aug-2023 (Base-World) update OWM-forecast-lang.php V1.08, VC-forecast-lang.php V1.08 to update Dutch (NL) language translation
- Version 3.397 - 05-Sep-2023 (Base-Canada) update wxecradar-list-inc.php V1.05 and added CASHP and CASSN radar overlays (thanks M. Romer)
- Version 3.398 - 19-Sep-2023 (Base-USA) update nws-all-zones-inc.php V1.03 (used by nws-alerts) for NWS September, 2023 zone changes
- Version 3.399 - 19-Oct-2023 (Base-World) update meteoalarm-codenames.json V1.02, meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php V1.02 for EMMA_ID changes at meteoalarm.org
- Version 3.400 - 21-Oct-2023 (Base-World) update meteoalarm-codenames.json V1.03 to remove old UK0nn and UK1nn EMMA_IDs from lists
- Version 3.401 - 21-Nov-2023 (Base-Canada) update wxradar.php V1.02, wxecradar-inc.php V1.02 to fix bug and allow $SITE['ecradar'] to work
- Version 3.402 - 11-Dec-2023 (Base-USA) update USA-regional-maps-inc.php V1.05 and add WU-satellite-animate.php V1.00 to generate WU IR satellite animated GIF;
(Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.54 for additional functionality - Version 3.403 - 11-Jan-2024 (Base-USA) update WU-satellite-animate.php V1.01 to fix image fetch in some hoster webservers.
- Version 3.404 - 30-Jan-2024 (Base-USA) update nws-alerts V2.00, wxindex.php V1.05, wxadvisory.php V1.05 for changes in NWS alerting. Removed atom-advisory.php and atom-top-warning.php (use nws-alerts package instead).
(Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.55 for improved diagnostics - Version 3.405 - 15-Feb-2024 (Base-USA) update wxnwsradar.php, wxnwsradar-inc.php, wxnwsradar-iframe.php V2.03 to sanitize $_POST inputs to fix XSS vulerability (Thanks dwhitemv on WXForum.net)
- Version 3.406 - 26-Feb-2024 (CU-plugin) update tags.txt V1.11 (and samples) to correct wchillH, TwchillH to proper wchillL, TwchillL variable names (thanks to BeaumarisWX)
- Version 3.407 - 06-Mar-2024 (Base-USA) update nws-all-zones-inc.php V1.04 for NWS Zone changes (5-Mar-2024)
- Version 3.408 - 08-Mar-2024 (Base-*) update get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.22 to fix proxy access issue, include-metar-display.php V1.08 to fix 'space comma' issue in display on wxmetar.php
- Version 3.409 - 16-Mar-2024 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.56 for additional diagnostics
- Version 3.410 - 01-Apr-2024 (Base-USA) update nws-alerts-details-inc.php V1.09, nws-alerts-config.php V1.05, alert-images/location.png to display pin over station location on alert map detail page (if alert includes geometries)
- Version 3.411 - 25-Apr-2024 (Base-Canada) update wxindex.php, wxradar.php, wxecradar-inc.php, wxecradar-iframe.php, wxecradar-list-inc.php to switch to DPQPE images as EC discontinues PRECIP, CAS* and regional/national composite GIF images on 30-Apr-2024
- Version 3.412 - 02-Jul-2024 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V5.07 to fix for changes in EC XML returns w/o almanac section
- Version 3.413 - 08-Jul-2024 (Base-USA) update radar-status.php V1.21 to fix output for missing data from https://radar3pub.ncep.noaa.gov/
- Version 3.414 - 28-Aug-2024 (Base-*) add sunposa.php/sunposa-lang.php + JPGraph 4.4.2 source to display multilingual sun-moon graph on wxastronomy.php page.
- Version 3.415 - 11-Sep-2024 (Base-*) update sunposa.php/sunposa-lang.php V3.06, ./moonimg/ and wxastronomy.php V1.04 for Southern Hemisphere support, additional debugging info, and NASA moon images
- Version 3.416 - 12-Sep-2024 (Base-*) update wxastronomy.php V1.06 to fix Notice errata when no $SITE['graphImageDir'] setting exists
- Version 3.417 - 16-Sep-2024 (Base-*) update sunposa-lang.php V1.02 English translation, get-USNO-sunmoon.php V4.00 to enable use of new USNO API and fix Deprecated errata.
- Version 3.418 - 25-Sep-2024 (Base-*) update sunposa-lang.php V1.03 Norwegian translation thanks to Svein Ove of refsnesbakken.svenni.no
- Version 3.419 - 01-Oct-2024 (Base-USA) update nws-alerts.php V2.02 for alert names available from NWS on 01-Oct-2024 (https://www.weather.gov/help-map/)
- Version 3.420 - 15-Oct-2024 (Base-USA) update nws-alerts.php V2.03 to correct alert displays based on alert types
- Version 3.421 - 26-Oct-2024 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V6.00 with a rewrite to use new EC JSON data instead of XML citypage data
- Version 3.422 - 26-Oct-2024 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V6.01 to fix hourly forecast icon display when using .png images for ec-icons
- Version 3.423 - 28-Oct-2024 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V6.02 to fix alert display when there are highway alerts
METAR conditions display (standalone/non-AJAX/PHP template use)
- Version 1.00 - 09-Jan-2013 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 23-May-2016 - updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.13 for NWS website change
- Version 1.02 - 11-Oct-2017 - updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.16 to use curl for fetch, fix fractional visibility calculation for kilometers
- Version 1.03 - 30-Nov-2018 - updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.17 for https to tgftp.nws.noaa.gov site, minor Notice errata fixes
- Version 1.04 - 07-Nov-2019 - updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.18 to allow optional use of api.weather.gov/stations/{ICAO]/observations/latest data
- Version 1.05 - 01-Feb-2021 - updated get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.19 to correct code for Ice Pellets from 'PE' to 'PL' (thanks to Jim of somdweather.com)
- Version 1.06 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.2
AJAX demo package for Virtual Weather Station (VWS) using data.csv - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 05-Dec-2006 - Initial release
AJAX demo package for Virtual Weather Station (VWS) using Weather Flash - Deprecated
- Version 2.01 - 20-Jul-2007 - Initial release.
- Version 2.02 - 23-Jul-2007 - added checks on heatidx/windchill, added wind display features and new uom display logic.
- Version 2.03 - 21-Sep-2007 - added support for dynamic thermometer.php display updates
- Version 2.04 - 30-Dec-2007 - added maxupdates feature, language translation features and added optional Wind-Rose display+icons
- Version 2.05 - 20-Mar-2009 - added support for IE8 native mode
AJAX for Weather-Display and carterlake HTML templates - Deprecated
- Version 2.00 - 15-Dec-2006 - initial release
- Version 2.01 - 17-Dec-2006 - Corrected cloud height routine in ajaxWDwx.js for clientraw[73] in feet (not meters)
- Version 2.02 - 22-Dec-2006 - added missing icons to ajax-icons, updated FAQ
- Version 2.03 - 07-Jan-2007 - added m/s option for wind speed(metric), fixed 'jumping' of pages when AJAX starts up.
- Version 2.04 - 08-Jan-2007 - changed ajaxWDwx.js to use epoch time on clientraw.txt URL so no HTMLencoded caracters are used (just numbers) -- thanks to Johnnywx on WD forum for the suggestion!
- Version 2.05 - 30-Jan-2007 - added check to make sure full clientraw.txt was read (thanks again to Johnnywx)
- Version 2.06 - 24-Jun-2007 - added Rain info to Trends page (wxlocal5.html) + add '/' delim for conditions
- Version 2.07 - 21-Sep-2007 - added support for dynamic thermometer.php display refresh
- Version 2.08 - 07-Nov-2007 - added useMPH to force wind display in Miles-per-hour and added optional Wind-Rose, optional new current icon display graphics
- Version 2.09 -23-Dec-2007 - added wr-calm.gif graphic, updated ajaxWDwx.js with improved features and better internationalization settings ability
- Version 2.10 - 18-Jan-2008 - fixed NOAA-style icon=34 to ra1.jpg (ajaxWDwx.js)
- Version 2.12 - 07-Mar-2008 -- added fix for 'flashing icon/thermometer' from Jim at jcweather.us (ajaxWDwx.js)
- Version 2.13 - 20-Mar-2009 - added support for IE8 native mode (ajaxWDwx.js, ajaxgizmo.js)
- Version 2.14 - 16-Jul-2010 - updated ajaxWDwx.js to V2.20 to remove JavaScript warnings
NWS Forecast PHP (advforecast2)
- Version 2.00 - 15-Jan-2007 - modified Tom's script for XHTML 1.0-Strict
- Version 2.01 - 14-Feb-2007 - modified for ERH->CRH.noaa.gov redirects (no point forecasts)
- Version 2.02 - 02-Mar-2007 - added auto-failover to CRH and better include in page.
- Version 2.03 - 29-Apr-2007 - modified for /images/wtf -> /forecast/images change
- Version 2.04 - 05-Jun-2007 - improvement to auto-failover
- Version 2.05 - 29-Jun-2007 - additional check for alternative no-icon forecast, then failover.
- Version 2.06 - 24-Nov-2007 - rewrite for zone forecast, intrepret icons from text-only forecast
- Version 2.07 - 24-Nov-2007 - support new zone forecast with different temp formats
- Version 2.08 - 25-Nov-2007 - fix zone forecast icons, new temp formats supported
- Version 2.09 - 26-Nov-2007 - add support for new temperature phrases and below zero temps
- Version 2.10 - 17-Dec-2007 - added safety features from Mike Challis http://www.carmosaic.com/weather/
- Version 2.11 - 20-Dec-2007 - added cache-refresh on request, fixed rising/falling temp arrow
- Version 2.12 - 31-Dec-2007 - fixed New Year"s to New Year's display problem
- Version 2.13 - 01-Jan-2008 - added integration features for carterlake/WD/PHP/AJAX template set
- Version 2.14 - 14-Jan-2009 - corrected Zone forecast parsing for below zero temperatures
- Version 2.15 - 28-Feb-2010 - added parsing for new phrases in Zone forecast
- Version 2.16 - 14-Dec-2010 - added support for warning messages from NWS and $forecastwarnings string
- Version 2.17 - 08-Jan-2011 - fixed validation issue when NWS uses '&' in condition
- Version 2.18 - 27-Feb-2011 - added support for common cache directory with V3 templates
- Version 3.00 - 12-Mar-2011 - added multiple-forecast capability (thanks to Curly from www.weather.ricksturf.com )
- Version 3.01 - 01-Oct-2011 - added support for alternative animated icon set from http://www.meteotreviglio.com/
- Version 3.02 - 05-Oct-2011 - corrected warning links to forecast.weather.gov
- Version 3.03 - 02-Jul-2012 - added fixes for NWS website changes
- Version 3.04 - 03-Jul-2012 - fixed NWS HTML validation issue with unclosed <img> and icon page overflow with Thunderstorms displayed in forecast
- Version 3.05 - 05-Jul-2012 - fixed Zone forecast icon issue for new NWS website design
- Version 3.06 - 07-Jul-2012 - fixed validation issue with temperature rising/falling indicator graphics with new NWS website design
- Version 3.07 - 09-Aug-2012 - fixed Zone forecast failover with new NWS website design when no point-printable forecast is available
- Version 3.08 - 23-Nov-2012 - fixed issue with Zone forecast parsing due to NWS website changes
- Version 3.09 - 28-Jun-2013 - added fixes for Zone forecast parsing due to NWS website changes
- Version 3.10 - 18-Nov-2013 - added fixes for Zone forecast failover due to NWS website changes
- Version 3.11 - 13-Mar-2014 - fixed point forecast text non-display due to NWS website changes
- Version 3.12 - 15-Mar-2014 - fixed Zone forecast, warnings and auto-correct old URLs due to NWS website changes
- Version 3.13 - 17-Mar-2015 - fixed Zone forecast to handle NWS website changes
- Version 3.14 - 31-Mar-2015 - fix for NWS website access issue
- Version 3.15 - 13-May-2015 - fixes for Zone forecast w/NWS website changes
- Version 3.16 - 15-May-2015 - fixes for different Zone forecast format in failover
- Version 4.00 - 06-Jul-2015 - added support for NWS dual-image icons for 6-hour split forecasts in a 12-hour period
- Version 4.01 - 07-Jul-2015 - added fixes for some HTML formatting issues and validation errors
- Version 4.02 - 07-Nov-2015 - fix for Zone forecasts when using .gif icons (thanks to Steve at weather.schwettman.org)
- Version 4.03 - 27-Feb-2018 - use curl for https fetch from forecast.weather.gov
- Version 4.04 - 12-Apr-2018 - fix for NWS warnings on Zone forecast extraction due to forecast.weather.gov changes
- Version 4.05 - 21-May-2018 - fix for NWS point-printable forecast HTML change
- Version 4.06 - 30-Apr-2024 - fix for changes to weather.gov printable foreast pages
- Version 5.00 - 22-Apr-2017 - complete rewrite of script to use api.weather.gov JSON feeds to build forecast. New DualImage.php included, and some new icons added.
- Version 5.01 - 26-Apr-2017 - use Test sites while waiting for June 19, 2017 implementation of new forecast.weather.gov
- Version 5.02 - 22-May-2017 - added rising/falling temperature indicators to Hi/Low temperature displays when present in JSON forecast
- Version 5.03 - 16-Jul-2017 - if point forecast HTTP return code > 400, force zone forecast fetch
- Version 5.04 - 11-Oct-2017 - fix for stale point-forecast via API to cause failover to Zone forecast
- Version 5.05 - 27-Feb-2018 - more fixes for point-forecast/refetch fail->Zone failover with api.weather.gov beta site
- Version 5.06 - 12-Apr-2018 - fix for PHP warning when no alerts are available
- Version 5.07 - 14-Apr-2018 - add caching for point->gridpoint forecast URLs + WFO info on Zone fcst
- Version 5.08 - 25-May-2018 - fixes for point/zone JSON changes from api.weather.gov
- Version 5.09 - 26-May-2018 - updated to support new tropical_storm and hurricane icon usage by NWS api.weather.gov site (also DualImage.php V1.02 updated as well)
- Version 5.10 - 13-Apr-2019 - fix for HTTP/2 responses from api.weather.gov
- Version 5.11 - 30-Apr-2019 - update for API change for point forecasts to use meta-data for point->gridpoint forecasts, add optional hourly forecast JSON fetch (for future use)
- Version 5.12 - 01-May-2019 - fix link at bottom of page to correct weather.gov site for point/zone forecasts
- Version 5.13 - 08-Sep-2019 - update for bottom link with NWS planned discontinuation of forecast-v3.weather.gov site 01-Oct-2019
- Version 5.14 - 10-May-2020 - fix for Alert link URL for alerts-v2.weather.gov (Thanks Jasiu!)
- Version 5.15 - 25-Jun-2020 - updated diagnostic info to help diagnose Akamai cache issues from api.weather.gov site
- Version 5.16 - 08-Jul-2020 - added diagnostic logging capability ($doLogging = true; to enable);
- Version 5.17 - 15-Jul-2020 - switch to geo+json queries from ld+json queries for api.weather.gov; cache file name changes too.
- Version 5.18 - 18-Jan-2022 - added fix for PHP8.1 Deprecated errata
- Version 5.18a - 07-Feb-2022 - use 'updateTime' instead of deprecated 'updated' for age of gridpoint forecast
- Version 5.19 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.2
NOAA Advisory/Warning script (carterlake) - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 17-Feb-2007 - Initial release
WXSIM forecast display and icons
- Version 1.00 - 30-Mar-2007 - Initial release (with Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish translations)
- Version 1.01 - 02-Apr-2007 - Added support for UTF-8 languages, date-format selection
- Version 1.02 - 16-May-2007 - minor changes to support plaintext-rss.php script
- Version 1.03 - 03-Jun-2007 - added wind dir/speed/units to icons and improved icon table spacing
- Version 1.04 - 27-Jul-2007 - Added Beaufort options for wind speed display
- Version 1.05 - 04-Aug-2007 - Modified Beaufort to use 'mps' or 'm/s' for meters-per-second
- Version 1.06 - 06-Sep-2007 - Added support for charset option in lang files, Greek (-el) translation added
- Version 1.07 - 07-Nov-2007 - Added support for GMT/Zulu time from WXSIM plaintext.txt
- Version 1.08 - 28-Dec-2007 - Added Snow Accumulation stats to PoP line when available (requires plaintext-parser-data.txt V1.03 also)
- Version 1.09 - 02-Jan-2008 - Added settings for integration to Carterlake/AJAX/PHP site design and
'not available' message capability - Version 1.10 - 12-May-2008 - fixed ⇒ to → for right-arrow in wind display
- Version 1.11 - 29-Jul-2008 - added $maxIcons to control number of icons to display
- Version 1.12 - 09-Aug-2008 - added $showIconsMax parameter (optional) to override $maxIcons
- Version 1.13 - 10-Sep-2008 - added support for multi-char Wind direction (for -pl language)
- Version 1.14 - 11-Jan-2009 - fixed Beaufort issue and ignore 'snow level'/'freezing level' for conditions determination.
- Version 1.15 - 14-Jan-2009 - added $tempDegrees symbols for wind chill and heat index text display
- Version 1.16 - 05-Feb-2009 - added fix for occasional plaintext.txt parsing issue
- Version 1.17 - 18-Jun-2009 - added fix for missing leading space in plaintext.txt lines
- Version 1.18 - 09-Jul-2010 - added support for Humidex and frost forecast optional displays
- Version 1.19 - 12-Aug-2010 - added support for Heat-index and 'hot' icon for Heat-index/humidex above specified values
- Version 1.20 - 18-Oct-2010 - Corrected Frost display wording below icons
- Version 1.21 - 01-Jan-2011 - added support for Wind-chill and 'Cold!' for windchill below specified value (requires V1.07 of plaintext-parser-data.txt)
- Version 1.22 - 03-Jan-2011 - added formatting to windchill, heatidx, humidex and frost arrays
- Version 1.23 - 23-Jan-2011 - corrected display for frost when windchill also exists
- Version 1.24 - 15-Feb-2011 - corrected display for snow conditions not being selected
- Version 1.25 - 18-Feb-2011 - added lang=en for optional translation and fixed 'snow likely' not showing snow icon
- Version 1.26 - 22-Feb-2011 - fixed WindChill display for WXSIM 12.8.5 plaintext.txt output
- Version 1.27 - 01-Oct-2011 - added support for alternative animated icon set from http://www.meteotreviglio.com/
- Version 1.28 - 27-Dec-2011 - added support for Hebrew language display, renamed built-in functions to avoid duplicate definitions
- Version 1.29 - 08-Dec-2012 - added fixes for PHP 5.4
- Version 1.30 - 30-Dec-2013 - fixed deprecated preg_replace /e with preg_replace_callback function
- Version 1.31 - 30-Nov-2018 - fixed $Conditions collision with get-metar-conditions-inc.php
RSS WXSIM forecast display and icons
- Version 1.00 - 16-May-2007 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 17-May-2007 - changed to use different method to find host name
- Version 1.02 - 18-May-2007 - added #YYYYMMDDZHHMMNn to <link> to help RSS readers see new forecasts
- Version 1.03 - 03-Jun-2007 - added wind dir/speed/units to icon image area (needs plaintext-parser v1.03+)
- Version 1.04 - 27-Jul-2007 - Added Beaufort wind speed display (if enabled in plaintext-parser.php V1.04+)
- Version 1.05 - 19-Aug-2009 - updated for PHP5 and validation as RSS2.0/ATOM feed
- Version 1.06 - 09-Jul-2010 - added humidex and frost displays
- Version 1.07 - 07-Jan-2011 - corrected feed validation issues with the Cold! and Hot! displays in the title
- Version 1.08 - 27-Dec-2011 - renamed function calls for use with V1.28 plaintext-parser.php
- Version 1.09 - 24-Aug-2016 - added code to correct htmlspecialchars() call for some languages
- Version 1.10 - 29-Jan-2019 - fixed issue with HTTPS icon usage
CSS Dropdown Menu PHP
- Version 1.00 - 12-Aug-2007 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 16-Sep-2007 - added z-index to ul CSS to fix menu-under-buoy-map issue
- Version 1.02 - 24-Jul-2010 - added attributes target=,img=,align= to parsing, and use menu=<name> for dropdown-menu-<name>.xml
- Version 1.03 - 08-Dec-2012 - added fixes for PHP 5.4
- Version 1.04 - 28-Jan-2022 - added fixes for PHP 8.1 errata
WeatherUnderground international forecast PHP - multi-lingual - SA version - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 02-Sep-2007 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 09-Sep-2007 - added selective printing and translation for 'Chance of precipitation'
- Version 1.02 - 18-Sep-2007 - fixed typo on line 533 (to $PrintMode instead of $printMode)
- Version 1.03 - 31-Jan-2008 - modified to support new Wunderground page layout and icon set
- Version 1.04 - 21-Feb-2008 - modified to support minor WU website change and added support for Carterlake/AJAX/PHP template integration
- Version 1.05 - 30-Mar-2008 - added units selector C/F/both function for icon legend
- Version 1.06 - 01-Oct-2008 - added support for WU display of Tropical data when it appears
- Version 1.07 - 02-Dec-2008 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes
- Version 1.08 - 15-Dec-2008 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes (for icon temperature extraction)
- Version 1.09 - 19-Dec-2008 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes (added Units=both cookie to request)
- Version 1.10 - 22-Dec-2008 - added removal of '\r\n2000\r\n' from WU returned HTML page which was causing issues with parsing.
- Version 1.11 - 03-Feb-2011 - fixes for WeatherUnderground major website changes
- Version 1.12 - 07-Feb-2011 - more fixes for multilingual operation
- Version 1.13 - 07-Sep-2011 - fixes for major WU website changes
- Version 1.14 - 09-Sep-2011 - removed duplicated last-day forecast texts
- Version 1.15 - 16-Sep-2011 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes
- Version 1.15 - 31-Dec-2011 - version deprecated for ML version which now works standalone too
WeatherUnderground international forecast PHP - multi-lingual - ML version - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 02-Sep-2007 - initial release
- Version 1.01 - 09-Sep-2007 - added selective printing and translation for 'Chance of precipitation'
- Version 1.02 - 18-Sep-2007 - fixed typo on line 533 ($PrintMode instead of $printMode)
- Version 1.03 - 31-Jan-2008 - modified to support new Wunderground page layout and icon set
- Version 1.04 - 21-Feb-2008 - modified to support minor WU website change and added support for Carterlake/AJAX/PHP template integration
- Version 1.05 - 30-Mar-2008 - added units selector C/F/both function for icon legend
- Version 1.06 - 21-Apr-2008 - added $SITE['xlateCOP'] for World-Multi-lingual support
- Version 1.07 - 22-Apr-2008 - added iconv() to convert UTF-8 to targeted character set $SITE['charset']
- Version 1.08 - 01-Oct-2008 - added support for WU display of Tropical data when it appears
- Version 1.09 - 02-Dec-2008 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes
- Version 1.10 - 15-Dec-2008 - fixes for F/C temperature for WU website changes
- Version 1.11 - 19-Dec-2008 - fixes for WU website changes
- Version 1.12 - 22-Dec-2008 - fix to remove '\r\n2000\r\n' from WU website returned HTML
- Version 1.13 - 26-Jan-2011 - added support for global $cacheFileDir for cache files
- Version 1.14 - 03-Feb-2011 - fixes for WeatherUnderground major website changes
- Version 1.15 - 07-Feb-2011 - more fixes for multilingual usage
- Version 1.16 - 06-Mar-2011 - added foldIconRow option to display icons in two-rows of 5
- Version 1.17 - 30-May-2011 - added fix for premature halt if missing data from WU (heat index/wind chill)
- Version 1.18 - 07-Sep-2011 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes
- Version 1.19 - 09-Sep-2011 - added $maxForecasts to limit text forecasts to display (7 days worth)
- Version 1.20 - 13-Sep-2011 - added new method for short-forecast from icon if forecast text too long
- Version 1.21 - 14-Sep-2011 - added fix to correct invalid WU HTML in text forecast area
- Version 1.22 - 16-Sep-2011 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes
- Version 1.23 - 01-Oct-2011 - added support for alternative animated icon set from http://www.meteotreviglio.com/
- Version 1.24 - 25-Oct-2011 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes
- Version 1.25 - 05-Nov-2011 - fixes to remove Notice: errata
- Version 1.26 - 17-Nov-2011 - add lang=he support (UTF-8) and multi-forecast capability
- Version 1.27 - 31-Dec-2011 - remove 'Weather Forecast ' from $WUforecastcity
- Version 1.28 - 03-Feb-2012 - added diagnostics in case WU website blocks access
- Version 1.29 - 16-Feb-2012 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes (temperature display)
- Version 1.30 - 01-Jun-2012 - fixes for WeatherUnderground website changes (forecast title, temperatures display)
- Version 1.31 - 17-Dec-2013 - added fixes for WeatherUnderground website temperature forecasts
- Version 1.32 - 24-Feb-2014 - added fixes for WeatherUnderground website temperature forecasts
- Version 1.33 - 25-Feb-2014 - added fix for temperatures in some languages
- Version 1.34 - 06-Apr-2014 - fixes PoP parsing issue with some languages
- Version 2.00 - 14-Apr-2014 - added suport for JSON parsing for major WU website structure changes
- Version 2.01 - 15-Apr-2014 - add support for PHP 5 < 5.3 (missing json_last_error() function)
- Version 2.02 - 15-Apr-2014 - fixed JSON extract regex for PHP < 5.4.x
- Version 2.03 - 16-Apr-2014 - fixed JSON extract regex for final WU page design
- Version 2.04 - 16-Apr-2014 - fixed JSON extract for PHP < 5.4.x for final WU page design
- Version 2.05 - 07-Jun-2014 - fixed processing after WU website changes+remove old HTML parse code
- Version 2.06 - 13-Oct-2014 - fixed JSON extract for WU website changes
- Version 2.07 - 15-Oct-2014 - fixed JSON mixed ISO/UTF8 character sets issue for json_decode()
- Version 2.08 - 18-Oct-2014 - fixed issue with multilingual non-template use, added force to day name/night name in forecasts for selected language
- Version 3.00 - 31-Oct-2014 - rewrite of script to use WeatherUnderground API for forecast. NOTE: requires a WU API key for operation.
- Version 3.01 - 01-Nov-2014 - fixed issue with default language selection in standalone (non-template) use
- Version 3.02 - 01-Nov-2014 - added handling for additional WU URL types (locid:, US Cities, global pages)
- Version 3.03 - 22-Feb-2017 - use cURL for WU access, HTTPS access to WU
- Version 3.04 - 27-Feb-2018 - update to support new WU URL format /weather/country/city/lat,long/ queries
- Version 3.05 - 13-Jun-2018 - fix for partial JSON return from WU query/blank forecast
- Version 3.05 - 28-Feb-2019 - script deprecated as api.wunderground.com closed in March, 2019. Use WC-forecast.php script instead (uses new WU/TWC api.weather.com)
WeatherUnderground/TWC international forecast PHP - multi-lingual version
- Version 1.00 - 28-Feb-2019 - initial release
- Version 1.01 - 02-Mar-2019 - corrected some WU variable names to WC variable names (missed in initial release :( )
- Version 1.02 - 04-Mar-2019 - rewrote icon printing for clairity and Day-over-Night display option
- Version 1.03 - 10-Mar-2019 - added displays for all available icons in day-over-night mode
- Version 1.04 - 22-Mar-2019 - fix TWC/WU JSON degree sign \xc2\xba to correct UTF-8 \xc2\xb0
- Version 1.05 - 01-Jan-2021 - fix for PoP display on forecast icon (round PoP to nearest tens value)
PHP for current/high/low thermometer graphic (WD, VWS, Cumulus)
- Version 1.00 - 17-Sep-2007 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 18-Nov-2007 - added GD test, autoscale function, updated for sce=view on IIS systems
- Version 1.02 - 23-Nov-2007 - fixed Notice: errata on min/max calculations
- Version 1.03 - 28-Feb-2008 - added support for Carterlake/AJAX/PHP template integration
- Version 1.04 - 02-Feb-2009 - added support for display on black background
- Version 1.05 - 21-Oct-2009 - addes support for Cumulus realtime.txt display
- Version 1.06 - 12-Jan-2011 - added support for new universal templates.
- Version 1.07 - 02-Apr-2011 - fixed WLrealtime offsets for WeatherLink
- Version 1.08 - 29-Jul-2011 - added support for Meteohub clientraw.txt
- Version 1.09 - 14-Jan-2012 - added support for WeatherSnoop via WSNtags/WSN-defs
- Version 1.10 - 24-Mar-2012 - added support for WeatherCat via WCTtags/WCT-defs or WCT_realtime.txt
- Version 1.11 - 03-Jul-2012 - added support for WxSolution, wview and Cumulus via CUtags.php if no realtime file
- Version 1.12 - 08-Mar-2013 - added support for Meteobridge via MBtags.php
- Version 1.13 - 20-Jul-2014 - updated for WeatherSnoop V3 via WSNtags/WSN-defs
- Version 1.14 - 26-Jul-2014 - corrected Notice: error in script after WeatherSnoop addition
- Version 1.15 - 22-Apr-2017 - added support for WeatherLink.com (WLCOM) via WLCOMtags.php
- Version 1.16 - 26-Feb-2018 - added support for AmbientWeather.net (AWN) via AWNtags.php
- Version 1.17 - 14-May-2021 - added support for WeeWX plugin
- Version 1.18 - 18-Jan-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.1 errata
PHP for NWS Area Forecast Discussion
- Version 1.00 - 14-Dec-2007 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 14-Dec-2007 - added safety features per MChallis at http://www.carmosaic.com/weather/
- Version 1.02 - 31-Dec-2007 - changed fetchUrlWithoutHanging function to fetchUrlWithoutHangingFD
- Version 1.03 - 10-Jan-2008 - added "Forecast Discussion unavailable" feature per MChallis
- Version 1.04 - 31-Jul-2012 - changes to support NWS website redesign
- Version 1.05 - 31-Mar-2015 - fixes for NWS website access change
- Version 1.06 - 27-Feb-2018 - use curl for https to forecast.weather.gov
PHP for Carterlake style Weather Underground Radar/Maps - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 07-Jan-2008 - Initial beta release with settings customization features and XHTML 1.0-Transitional valid code.
- Version 1.01 - 08-Jan-2008 - Regional map fixed, color option on legend, zoom radar corrections
- Version 1.02 - 08-Jan-2008 - Fixed problem with Safari browser, new Regional Advisory map and $CityPos9
- Version 1.03 - 09-Jan-2008 - Initial release - tested config in IE7, FF2, Opera 9, Safari-Win
- Version 1.04 - 09-Jan-2008 - Fixed missing </a>, moved lower text inside overall table for better format
using <iframe> include and added support for Carterlake/AJAX/PHP template integration. - Version 1.05 - 24-Jul-2008 - Fixed legend for severe weather (thanks to Michael at http://www.relayweather.com/ )
- Version 1.06 - 15-Apr-2011 - Fixed wandering animation scale (changed 'type=N1R' to 'type=N0R' for 5 occurrences)
- Version 1.07 - 31-Aug-2012 - Added support for alternate WU radblast servers
- Version 1.08 - 02-Sep-2012 - Fixed display of maps number 10-20 display
- Version 1.09 - 06-Dec-2013 - autofix autofix radblast-aa to radblast in WU URL
- Version 1.10 - 14-Feb-2017 - added $CityPos10 for aux WU maps using different projections, https to WU, added complete Settings.php support for Saratoga templates.
- Version 1.11 - 15-Feb-2017 - fixed issues with Chrome, Edge, Opera browsers setting $CityPosN values with cross-hair cursor.
- Version 1.12 - 21-Feb-2017 - updated WU-radar-testpage.php and WU-radar-inc.php for better cross-hair positioning using Saratoga template sites
- Version 1.13 - 21-Feb-2017 - fixes for map positioning
- Version 1.14 - 22-May-2020 - removed some maps as they are no longer available on weatherunderground.com
- Version 1.14 - 07-Sep-2020 - This version is deprecated as wunderground.com site has discontinued the script-required features
- Version 1.15 - 16-Mar-2022 - removed dead map links, replace radar URLs with &type=NCR, added $WUradarRegion for regional radar display
- Version 1.15 - 16-Aug-2022 - WeatherUnderground stopped generating the radar images used by the script. Script is now not functional and deprecated.
Current NEXRAD Radar station status display script
- Version 1.00 - 21-Jan-2008 - Inital release
- Version 1.01 - 30-Jan-2008 - handle improperly terminated message
- Version 1.02 - 25-Feb-2008 - integrate with carterlake/WD/PHP template settings control
- Version 1.03 - 07-Apr-2008 - fixed $SITE['showradarstatus'] actions for true=show, false=suppress
- Version 1.04 - 04-Feb-2009 - fixed to handle change to NWS website
- Version 1.05 - 03-Jul-2009 - added support for PHP5 timezone setting
- Version 1.06 - 26-Jan-2011 - added support for $cacheFileDir global cache directory
- Version 1.07 - 31-Aug-2012 - removed excess \n characters in messages and handling for chunked response
- Version 1.08 - 22-Jan-2013 - fixed deprecated split() function call
- Version 1.09 - 09-May-2014 - fixes for NWS website changes
- Version 1.10 - 04-Jun-2015 - changed to new URL for radar status report
- Version 1.11 - 04-Jun-2015 - changes for new radar status report page and separate ftm.txt detailed status messages fetch
- Version 1.12 - 06-Jul-2015 - changes for updated radar status report page
- Version 1.13 - 03-Aug-2016 - fixes for NWS URL/page design changes
- Version 1.14 - 24-Sep-2016 - fixes for NWS page design changes
- Version 1.15 - 22-Feb-2017 - use cURL for URL fetch+improved debugging info
- Version 1.16 - 04-Feb-2018 - use https to radar3pub.ncep.noaa.gov site
- Version 1.17 - 22-May-2020 - update to support wxnwsradar*.php scripts in Base-USA template
- Version 1.18 - 18-Jan-2022 - fixes for Deprecated errata with PHP 8.1
- Version 1.19 - 06-Apr-2022 - more fixes for errata with PHP 8.1
- Version 1.20 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.2
- Version 1.21 - 08-Jul-2024 - fixes for bad data from https://radar3pub.ncep.noaa.gov/
Get UV Index forecast by latitude/longitude script
- Version 1.00 - 25-Feb-2008 - Initial Release
- Version 1.01 - 01-Mar-2008 - fixed logic to skip header row
- Version 1.02 - 03-Mar-2008 - added logic to adjust return arrays so [0] is always 'today's forecast based on timezone setting
- Version 1.03 - 03-Jul-2009 - PHP5 support for timezone set
- Version 1.04 - 26-Jan-2011 - added support for $cacheFileDir for cache file
- Version 1.05 - 15-Feb-2011 - fixed undefined index Notice: errata
- Version 1.06 - 18-Feb-2011 - added support for comma decimal point in returned UVfcstUVI array
- Version 1.07 - 30-Mar-2011 - added support for date formatting
- Version 1.08 - 11-Nov-2017 - switch to curl for fetch, fix notice errata
- Version 1.09 - 12-Feb-2021 - use https to access www.temis.nl site
GRLevel3 radar image display PHP/JavaScript
- Version 1.00 - 07-Mar-2008 - Initial Release
- Version 1.01 - 15-Mar-2008 - added logic to find web document root on IIS servers
- Version 1.02 - 21-Jul-2008 - added fix for XHTML validation (via JavaScript insert)
- Version 1.03 - 23-Dec-2008 - added support for Digital Total Rain display
- Version 1.04 - 04-Jun-2012 - added support for GRLevel3 V2.xx Dual Polarization product displays
METEOalarm warning script (EUMETNET member countries)
- Version 1.00 - 13-Sep-2008 - Initial Release
- Version 1.01 - 20-Sep-2008 - removed TZ setting (not used), added $EUAtarget option for links
- Version 1.02 - 06-Oct-2008 - fixed XHTML validation issues (<br />)
- Version 2.00 - 22-Apr-2010 - major changes to support major meteoalarm.eu website changes
- Version 2.01 - 23-Apr-2010 - changes for revised TOS of meteoalarm.eu website
- Version 2.02 - 26-Jan-2011 - added support for global $cacheFileDir for new templates
- Version 2.03 - 07-Feb-2011 - added color based on warning level
- Version 2.04 - 24-Feb-2011 - added UTF-8->charset for lang=LL conversion due to change in MeteoAlarm.eu website
- Version 2.05 - 02-Mar-2011 - added slovenian (lang=si) capability
- Version 2.06 - 05-Jun-2011 - changes for updated meteoalarm.eu website
- Version 2.07 - 22-Oct-2011 - added more UTF-8 character set conversions for 'more info' area
- Version 2.08 - 18-Jul-2012 - added fixes for changes to meteoalarm.eu website
- Version 2.09 - 17-Aug-2016 - added czech (lang=cs) capability+fix color decode
- Version 2.10 - 22-Jul-2018 - switched to cURL and https for access to www.meteoalarm.eu
- Version 2.10 - 28-Jan-2022 - script deprecated as meteoalarm.eu site is removed from internet
- Version 3.00 - 12-May-2022 - initial release using meteoalarm.org data (script rewrite)
- Version 3.01 - 14-May-2022 - fixed some Notice errata, XHTML formatting, added NUTSn-EMMA checking
- Version 3.10 - 18-May-2022 - added summary alerts for display, reformatted outputs
- Version 3.11 - 19-May-2022 - to allow $minAlertLevel / $SITE['EUAminLevel'] feature to control display of alerts, add meteoalarm-codenames.json V1.00 to display names of EMMA_ID regions, and use Green background with {name}(EMMA_ID) when no active alerts.
- Version 3.12 - 20-Jun-2022 - compact the meteoalarm-summary.html for better display
- Version 3.13 - 21-Jun-2022 - center and align alert summary to ajax-dashboard in wide/narrow aspect
- Version 3.14 - 01-Jul-2022 - fix for partial display of alert summary/detail boxes for alerts < $minAlertLevel
- Version 3.15 - 04-Nov-2022 - improved formatting for 'No Alerts' area
- Version 3.16 - 08-Mar-2023 - fix for changed API URL and increased timeout to 30 seconds (Thanks to Wim of pwsdashboard.com)
TweetWX - PHP scripts to post conditions/forecast to Twitter with OAuth - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 11-Jun-2010 - Initial Release
- Version 1.01 - 13-Jun-2013 - updated TweetWX-global.php for Twitter REST API V1.1 using HTTPS/SSL
- Version 1.02 - 18-Jan-2014 - updated TweetWX-global.php, TweetWX-setup1.php, TweetWX-setup2.php for OAuth setup using HTTPS/SSL only
- Version 1.03 - 27-May-2014 - fixed TweetWX-setup1.php Twitter link for $oauth_verifier to use https/SSL
- Version 1.03 - 13-Jun-2023 - scripts deprecated - app API access suspended by Twitter.
Leaflet/OSM Map display for Affiliated Regional Weather Networks
- Version 1.00 - 17-Jul-2010 - Initial Release
- Version 1.01 - 20-Jul-2010 - (html, php, template, template-ML) added ability to have links generated with target="_blank" and control for directory usage for cache files.
- Version 1.01 - 17-Nov-2013 - Google deprecated V2 of the Maps API so this script became non-operational. Replacement using V3 API underway.
- Version 2.00 - 27-Nov-2013 - Rewritten for Google Maps API V3 and added selectable units controls for display.
- Version 2.01 - 05-Jul-2016 - added support for required Google Map Browser JavaScript API key
- Version 2.02 - 16-Jan-2017 - added fix for https Station URLs
- Version 4.00 - 12-Aug-2018 - rewrite to use Leaflet/OpenStreetMaps instead of Google Maps so no API key required.
- Version 4.01 - 12-Aug-2018 - updated global-map-lang-inc.php to use base64 decode before unserialize for $L language array (changed global-map-settings.php, global-map-inc.php)
Fixed issue with station links in popup windows in global-map-genjs-inc.php - Version 4.02 - 11-Feb-2019 - updated global-links.php V4.02, global-conditions-json.php V4.02 for HTTP/2 support
Map display for Regional Weather Network
- Version 3.00 - 24-Jul-2016 - Initial Release
- Version 3.01 - 26-Jul-2016 - fixed mesonet-map-settings.php, mesonet-map-inc.php V3.01 to better allow override for map zoom,center for specified network, then use defaults for other networks
- Version 3.02 - 28-Jul-2016 - added mesonet-map-check-versions.php V3.02 to the distribution, and corrected version descriptions in several files.
- Version 3.03 - 31-Jul-2016 - added Chandler Burning Index (CBI) display to map rotating legends, popups and table (sortable) with new option to enable/disable $rmShowFireDanger/$SITE['rmShowFireDanger']
- Version 3.04 - 07-Aug-2016 - fixed mesonet-map.js V3.04 for window.onload interference problem in sorttable script
- Version 3.05 - 29-Nov-2016 - fixed mesonet-map-common.php V3.04 for intermittent -18C dewpt JSON under some conditions
- Version 3.06 - 14-Jan-2017 - corrected scripts for https:// station URL links
- Version 3.07 - 07-Apr-2017 - fixed click-on-cluster redisplay issue, use https for Google script access
- Version 3.08 - 12-Aug-2017 - fixed https for network hubs - use curl for fetching data from networks
- Version 3.09 - 14-Aug-2017 - minor fixes for PHP 7.1 compatibility for conditions data in mesonet-map-common.php
- Version 3.10 - 09-Oct-2017 - more minor fixes for PHP 7.1 compatibility in mesonet-map-common.php
- Version 3.11 - 15-Feb-2018 - force Google Map API to 3.31 to fix breakage with 3.32 (mesonet-map.php, wxmesomap.php)
- Version 4.00 - 23-May-2018 - replaced Google Map with Leaflet/OpenStreetMaps functionality - no map key needed!
- Version 4.01 - 25-May-2018 - fixed mesonet-map-genjs-inc.php V4.01 to honor $rmProvider default map selection
- Version 4.02 - 27-May-2018 - mesonet-map.css V4.02 adjusted z-index values in CSS to better work with Saratoga template flyout-menu set
- Version 4.03 - 29-May-2018 - updated several .php scripts for timezone processing, updated all mesonet-map-lang-*.txt files to replace a preg_match with 'e' modifier in one function
- Version 4.04 - 11-Jun-2018 - updated mesonet-map-common.php, mesonet-map-genhtml-inc.php, mesonet-map-json.php to fix deprecated each() calls, correct JSON output/processing and HTML generation
- Version 4.05 - 04-Feb-2019 - updated mesonet-map-common.php V4.05 to fix issue with HTTP/2 returns from regional networks.
- Version 4.06 - 23-Dec-2020 - update mesonet-map-inc.php V4.06 to hide tab contents during page load for better display appearance
- Version 4.07 - 21-Jan-2022 - replace strftime() calls with new_strftime() for PHP 8.1+
- Version 4.08 - 31-Aug-2022 - update mesonet-map-genhtml-inc.php V4.08 to fix errata messages when conditions updated date from station is missing
- Version 4.09 - 01-Sep-2022 - update mesonet-map-json.php with added fix to reject bad/missing station data
- Version 4.10 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.2
NWS CPC World/USA Daily Extremes
- Version 2.01 - 21-Sep-2012 - adapted for WeatherUnderground use - K. True
- Version 2.02 - 23-Aug-2016 - adapted for www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov - K. True
- Version 4.00 - 11-Sep-2016 - rewrite to use new URL at CPC for data
- Version 4.01 - 14-Sep-2016 - added fix for malformed data record
- Version 4.02 - 17-Sep-2016 - added more fixes for malformed data records
- Version 4.03 - 13-Sep-2016 - added IgnoreStations feature
- Version 4.03c - 06-Feb-2019 - use https for www.cpc.noaa.gov
- Version 4.03d - 07-Feb-2019 - add curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,0); for bad cert
- Version 4.03e - 09-Feb-2019 - corrected url to www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov
- Version 5.00 - 04-Apr-2020 - rewritten for new data source and expanded for world,country,usa,state data.
- Version 5.01 - 05-Apr-2020 - replace array_key_first() PHP7+ with array_keys()/array_pop for PHP 5x compatibility
- Version 5.02 - 25-Jun-2020 - update for station call entry in data
- Version 5.03 - 26-Jun-2020 - add $ignoreStations to remove stn_id with bogus data from list
- Version 5.04 - 28-Jul-2020 - add filter to remove reporting for stations with Tmax-Tmin < 2.0
NOAA/EC Weather Radio Stream Player
- Version 1.00 - 28-Jun-2017 - Initial release
- Version 1.01 - 29-Jun-2017 - added local bootstrap.3.3.7-mod.min.css to fix wxradio.php Black template issue (gwwilk) and autoplaystartup setting for page-load behavior
- Version 1.02 - 01-Jul-2017 - added ./ajax-images/NWR150MARQ.png for Marginal Quality feed indicator
- Version 1.03 - 02-Jul-2017 - added ./ajax-images/ for Inactive, Disabled and Marginal Quality stream indicators
- Version 1.04 - 05-Jul-2017 - corrected attribution (thanks Doug of Chappellweather.com !), added backgroundcolor setting, made all script settings available in Saratoga template Settings.php entries.
- Version 1.05 - 02-Aug-2017 - updated NWR-radios-data.php V1.01 to use header text/javascript to fix 'nosniff' issue with some websites
- Version 2.00 - 06-Aug-2018 - rewrite of script to use Leaflet/OpenStreetMaps instead of Google Map for display
Major thanks to Doug Chappelle for his help in the conversion! - Version 2.01 - 15-Sep-2018 - updates for HTTPS access to noaaweatherradio.org (NWR-radios-inc.php, NWR-radios-data.php)
- Version 2.02 - 11-Feb-2019 - updated NWR-radios.js V2.02 to use direct https image link to NWR coverage graphic instead of NWR-coverage.php image proxy
- Version 3.00 - 08-Dec-2019 - updates for new NWR website at weather.gov. Adds propagation/county SAME code displays on Leaflet map
- Version 3.01 - 25-May-2020 - added SSL/padlock indicator for SSL/https streams in selector and display
- Version 3.02 - 26-May-2020 - added shim for includes() function (JavaScript) in IE11, update to $mapProvider possible settings
- Version 3.03 - 28-May-2020 - fixed NWR-coverage.php to use correct JSON file location when run in a Saratoga template ($SITE['cacheFileDir'])
- Version 3.04 - 15-Sep-2020 - fixed display of SAME codes after NWS changed contents of the {radio}_same.zip shapefiles to remove SAME data
- Version 3.05 - 17-Nov-2020 - added two images to ./ajax-images/ for stream source display
- Version 3.06 - 07-Jul-2023 - update to display covered counties after NWR website changes
- Version 3.07 - 13-Jul-2023 - fixed SAME code display for same-named counties in adjacent states
- Version 3.08 - 12-Feb-2024 - update NWR-coverage.php V3.05 for improved diagnostics, NWR-radios-data.php V3.01 to fix a save-file issue
reCAPTCHA contact form script - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 28-May-2008 PHP script originally by Mike Challis, www.642weather.com/weather
- Version 1.01 - 29-May-2008 fixed session_start warning "headers already sent"
- Version 1.02 - 30-May-2008 added Lat/Lon fields, fixed "TRIM here" comment syntax
- Version 1.03 - 07-Jun-2008 added config setting for printing $thank_you message after form is sent
- Version 1.04 - 07-Jun-2008 added setting for captch library [path]/[folder]
- Version 2.00 - 07-Apr-2018 rewritten to use Google reCaptcha V2.0
- Version 2.01 - 09-Aug-2018 removed each() for PHP7 compatibility
- Version 3.00 - 14-Apr-2020 added scripts to allow use of hCaptcha instead of Google reCaptcha
Login Pad contact form script
- Version 1.00 - 28-May-2008 PHP script originally by Mike Challis, www.642weather.com/weather
- Version 1.01 - 29-May-2008 fixed session_start warning "headers already sent"
- Version 1.02 - 30-May-2008 added Lat/Lon fields, fixed "TRIM here" comment syntax
- Version 1.03 - 07-Jun-2008 added config setting for printing $thank_you message after form is sent
- Version 1.04 - 07-Jun-2008 added setting for captch library [path]/[folder]
- Version 2.00 - 07-Apr-2018 rewritten to use Google reCaptcha V2.0
- Version 2.01 - 09-Aug-2018 removed each() for PHP7 compatibility
- Version 3.00 - 14-Apr-2020 added scripts to allow use of hCaptcha instead of Google reCaptcha
- Version 4.00 - 24-Feb-2021 cloned reCaptcha package to use Login Pad script instead - initial release
- Version 4.01 - 01-Mar-2021 conditional define for not_null() function/fix whos-online script fatal error
- Version 4.02 - 13-Jan-2022 fixes for Notice errata and adjust CSS for better LoginPad display
- Version 4.03 - 17-Jan-2022 fixes for better email address validation
- Version 4.04 - 01-Jun-2024 fix for Warning error
DarkSky forecast script (multilingual) - Deprecated
- Version 1.00 - 16-Nov-2018 initial release
- Version 1.01 - 17-Nov-2018 added wind unit translations, fixed -0C display, added alerts display (only English alerts are available), added sources links display
- Version 1.02 - 19-Nov-2018 added Updated: and DarkSky forecast by: display/translations
- Version 1.03 - 29-Nov-2018 added fixes for summaries with embedded UTF symbols.
- Version 1.04 - 04-Dec-2018 added lang=sr (Serbian) translation
- Version 1.05 - 08-Dec-2018 added optional current conditions display box, cloud-cover now used for better icon choices
- Version 1.06 - 05-Jan-2019 fixed Hebrew language display when used in Saratoga template
- Version 1.07 - 07-Jan-2019 fixed minor formatting issue with Hebrew in Saratoga template
- Version 1.07 - 10-Jan-2019 DS-forecast-lang.php V1.05 updated with missing Danish translation for 'snow'
- Version 1.08 - 15-Jan-2019 added check for good JSON return before saving cache file
- Version 1.09 - 23-Jan-2019 added hourly forecast and tabbed display (DS-forecast-lang.php V1.06 required)
- Version 1.10 - 19-Jan-2022 fixes for PHP 8.1 Deprecated errata messagages
- Version 1.11 - 27-Dec-2022 fixes for PHP 8.2
- Version 1.11 - 03-Apr-2023 script deprecated. DarkSky API shutdown on 31-Mar-2023 so script is non-functional
Aerisweather forecast script (multilingual)
- Version 1.00 - 10-Apr-2020 initial release
- Version 1.01 - 13-Apr-2020 fix for day icon shown at night with some forecasts
- Version 1.02 - 19-Jan-2022 fixes for PHP 8.1 Deprecated errata messagages
- Version 1.03 - 27-Dec-2022 fixes for PHP 8.2
Pirateweather forecast script (multilingual)
- Version 2.00 - 14-Jan-2023 initial release
- Version 2.50 - 18-Jan-2023 updates for Saratoga Template and add merry-timeline for hourly display
- Version 2.51 - 19-Jan-2023 display ampm or 24h on timeline based on $timeFormat/$SITE['timeFormat']
- Version 2.52 - 24-Feb-2023 removed conditions display 'n miles/km from' message as always zero from API
VisualCrossing forecast script (multilingual)
- Version 2.00 - 07-Feb-2023 initial release
- Version 2.01 - 09-Feb-2023 fix Notice errata on PHP 8.2
- Version 2.02 - 23-Feb-2023 fix Conditions distance display for km or miles and time displays on hourly/conditions
OpenWeatherMap forecast script (multilingual)
- Version 2.00 - 04-Feb-2023 initial release
- Version 2.01 - 07-Feb-2023 added units conversions and si,ca,uk,us for ShowUnitsAs compatibility
- Version 2.02 - 06-Mar-2023 added diagnostics for 40x API failures