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Friday, 04-Mar-2016 5:18 PM
GRLevel3 Radar Image Display PHP/JavaScript animation
GRLevel3 is a Windows® viewer for live NEXRAD Level III data from the USA NOAA NWS Radar Product Central Collection Dissemination Service. It will upload a series of radar images to your weather website.
This script allows viewers to see all the current images published by your GRLevel3 software as either single images or as JavaScript animations.
The above image was produced by GRLevel3 software using NEXRAD Radar data from station KMUX.
Settings in the GR3-radar-inc.php script
// settings -----------------------------
# GRLevel3 Radar image settings
$GR3radar = 'kmux'; // set to lower-case full name of NEXRAD radar site (ICAO)
$GR3DIR = '/GR3'; // set to directory for GRLevel3 images (or '/' for root directory
$GR3type = 'cr'; // default radar image type 'cr','br','cr248','br1' etc.
$GR3img = 'jpg'; // GR3 image type 'jpg' or 'png'
$GR3cnt = 10; // number of images in series 10=(_0 ... _9 in name of file)
$GR3width = 512; // width of GR3 images
$GR3height = 512; // height of GR3 images
$GR3maxAge = 1200; // image_0 has to be less than 20 minutes old for consideration
$GR3notAvailMsg = 'GRLevel3 radar images are not available at this time.';
$GR3notCurrentMsg = 'GRLevel3 radar image is not current - more than %s seconds old.';
// end of settings
- $GR3radar
- This setting must be the lower-case full name (ICAO) of the NEXRAD radar site. It is used as the first parameter in the GRLevel3 file name [GR3radar]_[type]_[number].[GR3img]
- This specifies the location of your GRLevel3 image directory starting from the webserver's document root directory. If you have GRLevel3 upload to your document root directory, then set $GR3DIR = '/';
- $GR3type
- This specifies your prefered starting radar image type to display when the script is first launched. If a current image of this type is not found, then the first available image will be loaded instead.
- $GR3img
- This specifies the extension for the image file uploaded by GRLevel3. Valid settings are:
PNG: $GR3img = 'png';
JPG: $GR3img = 'jpg';
- $GR3cnt
- This specifies the number of image files in the sequence uploaded for each radar image type.
$GR3cnt = 10; means there are images from
[GR3radar]_[type]_0.[GR3img] (most recent) to
[GR3radar]_[type]_9.[GR3img] (oldest) available.
- $GR3width
- This specifies the width in pixels of the image files uploaded by GRLevel3.
- $GR3height
- This specifies the height in pixels of the image files uploaded by GRLevel3.
- $GR3maxAge
- This specifies the maximum 'age' of the most recent file for each radar image type. The default is 1200 seconds (20 minutes) -- files older than this value will not be offered for display.
- $GR3notAvailMsg
- This message will be presented if no current GRLevel3 images are found.
- $GR3notCurrentMsg
- This message will be displayed in HTML comments on the page when the image file is more than [GR3maxAge] seconds old.
Properly configured, the script will locate all the [GR3radar]_[*]_0.[GR3img] files in the [GR3DIR] and dynamically build a selection list based on availability of the radar type and on whether the file is current or older than [GR3maxAge] seconds. The radar types remaining are placed in the dropdown selection list, and if your [GR3type] default image is available, it will be displayed on the page.
The script is also JavaScript aware, and if the JavaScript is disabled on the browser, then the animation controls are replaced by a single "Display" button and a small note saying "[Enable JavaScript to display animation.]. The selection control still works without JavaScript, but the user will have to click on the Display button to make a change.
If no current images are found, then the message in [GR3notAvailMsg] is displayed on the browser.
Installation of GR3-radar-inc.php
Download GR3-radar-inc.php from the link below.
Change settings in GR3-radar-inc.php as instructed in the settings area above.
Make sure your GRLevel3 V1.x is publishing a sequence of images and including the radar site ID in the filename as shown in this screenshot of the File, Web Publishing, Start dialog box.

For GRLevel3 V2.x, the dialog is a bit different, but the Include Site Id and Create Sequence should both be ticked. The File, Publishing, Start dialog box looks like this:

The FTP upload is now specified as an URL of the format Replace "username", "password", "", and "path" with the specifics for your weather website. Be sure to tick the products you wish to publish to your website. The BR 0.5 and CR products would be uploaded in the example above.
Add the following code to a PHP page on your website where you'd like the GR3 Radar images and controls to appear:
<div align="center">
<?php include("GR3-radar-inc.php"); ?>
Download: GR3-radar-inc.php (Version 1.05 -12-Aug-2015)
For folks who prefer to not include the Radar ID (ICAO) in the images, you can use the optional
GR3-radar-floater-inc.php script to display the images with names like 'br1_0.jpg, cr_0.jpg, vil_0.jpg etc.). It uses the same setup (minus the $GR3radar variable), and in the figure above, untick the 'Include Site ID' to generate the 'floater radar' images.
Download: GR3-radar-floater-inc.php (Version 1.05 -12-Aug-2015)
Version History
- Version 1.04 - 04-Jun-2012 - added support for GRLevel3 V2.xx Dual Polarization product displays
- Version 1.03 - 23-Dec-2008 - added support for Digital Total Rain display
- Version 1.02 - 21-Jul-2008 - added fix for XHTML validation (via JavaScript insert)
- Version 1.01 - 15-Mar-2008 - added logic to find web document root on IIS servers
- Version 1.00 - 07-Mar-2008 - Initial Release
Acknowledgements and thanks
- Thanks to Tim Hanko at Walker, MI Weather for his sharing of his radar image selection code which forms the basis for this script.