Now date='$NOWdate'
\n"; $fp = fopen($RealCacheName,"w"); if ($fp) { $rc = fwrite($fp,$NOWdate); if ($rc <> strlen($NOWdate)) { echo "unable to write $RealCacheName: rc=$rc
\n"; } fclose($fp); } else { echo "Unable to open $RealCacheName for write.
\n"; } $contents = implode('',file($RealCacheName)); echo "File says='$contents'
\n"; if ($contents == $NOWdate) { echo "Write and read-back successful.. contents identical -- ec-lightning.php cache should work fine with \$lightningDir = '$lightningDir'; setting.
\n"; } else { echo "Read-back unsuccessful. contents different -- ec-lightning.php cache will not work correctly
\n"; } ?>MISSING file: Right-click on this image and Save Image filename legendLightning.png in the directory on your website.
After that is done, rerun this program to check again.
Your legendLightning.png is correctly placed in and shows like this:
Site is running PHP Version " . phpversion() .""; ?>To run the ec-lightning.php script, you also need GD enabled in PHP.
Make sure the following displays Yes for all items (except for 'WebP Support', 'T1Lib Support' and 'JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support' which are not needed).